why me?

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this morning we are all at mine and kaylas place and i mean all of us. we are curently sitting in the living room watching tv and my phone scares the heck out of us when i starts playing same mistakes. they all looked at me weird. "what its my ringtone" i said and they all just shrugged and went back to the tv.

i didnt recegnise the number which is weird because seriously who calls me unless we are related or they are one of my close friends.

"hello" i said as i walked into the kitchen.

"hello is this brittany curtis" the man asked.

"umm yeah who is this" i asked he didnt seem like someone i would know at all.

"this is dr.pepper from the london bridge hospital (its real i looked it up)" he said ahahaha dr.pepper get it no okay.

"umm is this a prank call"i soad like seriosuly who has the name de.pepper.

"no its not this is serious." he said and i could tell he wasnt messing around.

"okay why are you calling me" i asked not trying to be rude when i said it.

"well we have a sarah curtis here saying she is your cousin" he said kinda unsure if she was lyeing i think.

"yea shes my cousin" i said while eating some grapes i have this habbit where when im on the phone i need to so something so ive been walking around messing with stuff and eating the whole time.

"okay wel her parents and i guess youre aunt and uncle were in a serious car accident and are seriously injured" he said and i stopped in my tracks they are my favorite aunt and uncle and sarah is the best cousin ever.

"what" i asked i knew what he said but it took me by suprsie.

"they are very injured and have a slim chance of makeing it" he said. my heart broke they are such nice, kind awsome people what ddi they do to deserve this.

"what what will happen to sara shes only 13" i asked.

"well thats why she had me call you" he told me.

"umm i dont get it" i said why would sarah make them call me.

"well since sarah is only 15 we need some where to stay because of the trama she has just been through we want her to go in the hands of someone she trust and loves we asked her who she wants us to call and she told us to call you and because you are 20 and not a minor we need to kno wif you could take her in for a little while" he asked hopeing i would so she didnt have to go through any more drama and is happy with who she is with.

i thought for a minute. i mean i can take care of her shes not out of control. i have tons of people around me to help and she would be over the moon with who i can introduce her to and she has always lived in a small town dosnt hear about much.so she has no clue what ive been up to lately and who im with. if she wants to be with someone she trusts and loves i would be happy to do it.

"i would be happy to take her in" i said back. yeah im young to take care of a child but shes 13 and dosnt need all the attention in the world and can do stuff for herself and she will feel really at home with so many people here.

"okay thats wonderful and she really needs someone right now would you mind comeing to comfort her we dont know how much time her parents have left" he asked

"yea i will be there soon i need to say good bye to my aunt and uncle to" i said

"ok we will see you soon and i will tell her" he said.

"um actually dont tell her i want to surise her there are some big people i want her to meet." i said

"oh okay we will see you soon" he said i said ok and we hung up.

i walked back into the living room and shut the tv off so they would actually listen to me.

"hey" they all said whining because they were watching that movie.

"we need to go to the hospital ill explain on the way" i said.

they all said ok and looked pretty confused. we all got into the car and they all asked me why we need to go to the hospital.

so i explained and they all got sad but i told them i am takeing in sarah for a while and they cheered up a little.

we go to the hospital and got the floor and room number.

"uh guys, perrie, and el stay out here she dosnt know i know you guys and is a huge fan so i want to suprise her even harry she knows you but also knows youre famous so stay here kayla and lana come with me" i said they all said ok and sat down as me, kayla and lana walked in to there room.

i started crying at what i saw. there was my aunt carol laying on one bed with tons of things hooked up to her, and my uncle steve laying there the same way. there breathing was terrible you could tell they werent gonna be here much longer. then there was sarah who looks like she hasnt stopped crying since the accident her chair was sitting inbetween the beds holding each of their hands looking helpless.

"sarah" i said quietly and she looked up and put a small fake smile on her face. "h-hey brittnay" she said. oh yeah she know lana.

"hey how ya doin" i asked walking over to her.

"not good" she said looseing the fake smile. i wrapped my arms around her to comfort her and she cried more.

"its ok sarah its ok" i said trying to calm her down a little.

"its not britt its not" she snapped "sorry" she said once she noticed she said it like that i didnt care though i was the same when it was my dad with them trying to save him which honestly wouldnt help because he wa slaready long gone. they werent to bright i guess.

"its ok i know how you feel" i said still trying to calm her down.

the doctor came in and asked if he could talk to me. i said sure and left kayla and lana with sarah to comfort her.

"we need you to sign these because mrs. curtis and mr. curtis only have about 15 minutes. by now i was tearing up i refuse to start crying alot.

i said ok and signed them. i walked over to everyone waiting and told them to go home and set up her room we bought her stuff for her room but we would go back to her house and get her personal stuff well some of it we are going shopping.

they left and would have paul come and pick us up.

i walked back in the room and saw the worst sight ever.

apparently i was gone longer than i thought. i walked in and the heart beat things were signalling they are gone. sarah was on the floor crying her eyes out. with kayla and alana trying to calm her down which clearly isnt gonna work.

after a while of us trying to get her to stop and me just crying more they took there bodies away to i have no clue where.

"hey lets go home we have a huge suprise that im hopeing will cheer you up a bit or alot depends" i said trying to calm myslef. i cant stay here anylonger. i hate hospitals so much and being in here i cant take it anymore.

"okay i get the hint you still hate hospitals and right now i dont wanna be in this room either" she sayed.

whe got up and walked to the lobby. since i signed the papers we can just leave thank god.

we met paul and tild him she has no clue about the boys yet. he sayed ok and satyed quiet.

we pulled up and her mouth dropped.

"britt how do you offored this: sarah asked still shocked. her house is rather small because her parents couldnt offord a nicer house. although me and kayla had some help *cough harry*cough.

"well you could say we have some help" i said. im not ruining the suprise.

we walkedc in and alana walked upstairs to see if they were ready. she came back down and said they needed a few more minutes. we said ok and showed her the downstairs of the house. she needs to know her way around she will be here for a while.

"babe were ready" i heard niall yell i hope she cant recegnise his voice or accent.

"babe?" sarah questioned. "boyfriend" i clued her in. she just sayed ok. we told her to close her eyes once we got to the top of the steps.

she questioned why and we just told her to again and she obeyed.

we walked into her room and told her to open her eyes. her mouth dropped to the floor.

"holy cow" was all she said. "do you like" i asked.

"no i love" she said.

"i cannot belive you hired one direction to cheer me up" she said. "oh we didnt hire them" kayla said smileing.

"what do you mean" she asked and looked like why do we have one direction here if we didnt hire them.

"well you remember harry well he had us move here right next to him and the rest of the band and their girlfriends, that would be why we can offord this house with harrys help" i said again clueing her in.

"omg you personaly know on directionand eleanor calder and perrie edwards" she said probably fangirling.

"yep" i said like it was no big deal because honestly we got so used to it like they arent even famous.

"but wheres your boyfriend" she asked remebering what i told her downstairs.

"well get you arse over here" i said not looking at niall so she didnt know yet.

he came over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "no way" she said still fangirling half because shes gonna basically live with one direction and right now shes standing a foot away from niall horan.

"way" i said mocking her tone.

"so what do you think of your room i didnt want it anything like your room at your house because i dont want you to think of it all the time" i asked.

"i love it thank you so much" she said.

"and tomarrow it gets better we are going shopping and haveing a girls day" eleanor said walking over to us with perrie.

"you dont have to do that" she said she never took advantage of anyone.

"yes we do your with us now and we go shopping all the time and we all will spoil you" perrie said.

"how can i ever repay you" sarah asked.

"you cant this is all because we want to not because we have to i could have made you stay with one of our other relatives but i wanted you to enjoy the rest of your life and i have the exact thing to do that and youre looking at them" i said sincerly.

"youre the best cousin ever even though i wish with all my heart my parents were still here im glad i have you to take care of me" she said and hugged me.

rather hard because niall still had his arm around me oh well.

"group hug" louis yelled and everyone joined our hug.

"cant breath" me and sarah said because we were in the middle of everyone.

they all said sorry and let go.

"im hungry" niall whined. "when arent you" i said looking at him. "when arent you" he said looking at me. i stuck my tounge out at him and he did the same to me.

"fine what should we do for dinner" liam asked.

"NANDOS" me and niall yelled and ran downstairs. "are you comeing" we yelled at everyone who sill wasnt here.

"yes we are comeing geez" zayn yelled back.

everyone came downstairs and we got in the car. we all fit better in the car we took to doncaster so we got one like it so we all fit.

liam drove, alana was in the passengers side. then it was me, niall, and sarah in the first row, harry, zayn and perrie in the second, and louis, eleanor, and kayla satin the very very back.

i sat in the middle of niall, and sarah.

"so sarah whats been up lately" i asked as i turrned to sarah as i felt niall grab my hand like he always does.

"umm not much schools fine social life is normal i guess" she said and shrugged.

"cool i think any boys" i said doing that thing were you eh i dont know how to descibe it never mind.

"umm not really" she said shying away like she always has i know her to well.

"youre lyeing we will talk later" i said with a straight face at first.

"ok" was all she said. she isnt one to talk up a storm like me she goes with the shortest answer she can most of the time.

we pulled into the parking lot. and me and niall ran out and into the building. we got a table all the way in the back.

a few minutes later everyone came and sat down.

we orderd drinks and talked. they came and we orderd our food. we ate and payed. we walked outside and there was many many fans and papparzzi. oh crap i knew we would have to expose her to this but i forgot it would happen soon and that is now.

"why are there so many people and people with cameras here" sarah asked.

"well we are all famous the boys have fame same with perrie and eleanor, and me, alana, and kayla are dateing or hang with the boys alot so they follow us it will happen tomarrow just not as bad you have to egt used to it and that will take a while im sorry you have to deal with it but its the pric eyou pay to be with the ones you love ill tel you about everything later for now keep youre head down dont answer any questions me and niall will keep you coverd as much as we can lets go." i told her me and niall put her inbtween us so it would be harder to get pictures of her.

i heard questins about her like "niall brittany is that youre child." "brittany i didnt know you had a child" "brittany and niall how old is youre daughter" those were only a few of the many. like seriously im 20 so is niall how the heck would we have a 13 year old daughter we would have been 7. dear lord i hope there are no 7 year olds with children or that are pregent. hey that would make a good show but i hpe there would be nobody on it.

gosh my mind wanderd off again. "brittany britany" niall said snapping his fingers infront of my face. "w-what" i said comeing back to reality. "where home" niall said. "ohh ok" i said and got out of the car.

we walked inside and i toke sarah to show her the upsatirs of the house.

"so this is my room with the name brittany on it" i said pointing at my door with the name brittany thats in pink with white polka dots on it. "thats kaylas room with the name kayla on it" i said pointing at kaylas room. "bathroom is down there guest room is down there, other guest room is down there" i said pointing at those rooms. then we went into her. "your bathroom is right there we will get you stuff to decorate it, and stuff you will need for it tomarrow, your closet is right there we will buy you more clothes than you will ever need and continuesly buy you more we love clothes and we are also gonna go back to your old house and get some of your personal stuff that you cant really replace and anything from your room you want" i said

"okay again thank you so much for all of this" she said hugging me again. "no problem youre the best cousin ever and now dont think of us them as friends they are youre family now to" i told her "except niall hes not considerd my family that would be creepy" i said my mind wondering off.

"thank you" was all she could say. "stop saying thank you" i said she put her hands up in defence.

"can i take a shower i fell gross" she said.

"ya ill get some of my stuff you can use for tonight and tomarrow morning if ya want and ill get you some of my older cloths that should fit you" i told her. "oh yeah and you can use my shower if you want because there isnt one of those sticky mat things in yours yet and they are dangerosly slippy if you dont have one" i told her its true ive slipped many times thats why i have one.

"okay great th-" i cut her off. "dont say it" i said pointing at her and she put her hands up in defense again.

i led her into my room and showed her what she can use because some stuff is useless to her. i got a towel and put it on the thing and told her i would set clothes down on my bed for her.

she nooded and i closed the door. i grabbed a t-shirt and shorts that i grew out of a while ago but kept because i liked them.

i walked back downstairs and joined everyone on the couch.

we decided to watch a movie once sarah comes back down. we watched some tv show and about an hour later sarah came down and sat with us.

"what movie do ya wana watch" harry asked her.

"umm what do you guys have" she asked

"everything" i said seriously.

"grown ups?" she asked we all said yes and kayla put it in the dvd player.

2 movies later sarah said she was going to bed.

"im going up to everyone can stay here if you want" i said they all said sure and i walked upstairs. igot into my room and changed and niall came in.

we fell asleep after a while

---------------------------------------------------------half way through the night-------------------------------------------

"britt britt" i heard some one whisper. i looked around till my eyes landed on the door cracked open.

"sarah is that you" i whisperd back. "yeah" she said "i had a bad dream" she whisperd comeing closer.

"so you wanna stay in here" i asked. "yeah" she said clearly embarressed. "come here" i told her and she layed next to me. i just moved to the middle of the bed and ran into niall atleast i didnt wake him up.

then we both fell back asleep.


hey so i wrote this cause i have no clue where i wanted to go. soo i out sarah in and there will be a suprise i guess you could call it i dont want to say it will happen soon so eventually. has anyone else heard the song diana yet. its freaking amazing. i luv it so much. i hate listening to leaked songs i want to wait till they realse it. but i cant help it. i just cant. sooo thanks for the 150 reads i luv u all soooooo much thank you luv u oh and i luv that people are voteing and please pleas eplease keep it up but can someone please comment i would luv u foreves thanks bye. (kayla u dot count u already comment and i will love u as ma besti foreves lol)

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