New years eve

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Yesterday me, niall and sarah got back from mullingar. everyone else is gettin back today.

Anyways nial stayed last over last night but when i woke up no body was beside me.

I got up and put my hair into a loose messy bun and walked down stairs.

I heard noise in the kitchen so obviously i walked in and there was niall.

"Whatcha doing there" i asked as i leaned against the counter. "he smiled and said "tryin to make pancakes"

"Yay" i half yelled. he walked over to me once he poured the batter in the skillet.

He pushed me against the counter and kissed me. his hands reatsed against the counter on either side of me so he wasnt leaning on top of me.

I smelled something burning so i pushed him off of me.

"Niall you burned the pancakes" i yelled.

"Shit" he mumbled. he took th skillet off of the burner and shut it off. he put the skillet in the sink sonce it was extrenly hot an put the cold water on.

"Lets go out" i said he nooded.

"Ill be back im goijg to get ready and see i sarah is up" i said and ran back up stairs.

I went to sarahs room and opend the door. She was up.

"Hey were going to get something to eat in a bit so get ready niall burned the pancakes" i told her she laughed.

"Were you to snogging again" she smirked. "um no" i said and ran way i heard her laugh.

I ran into my room and walked in the closet.

I pulled out a pink fitted sweater that says ti amo on it and white washed skinny jeans. i threw that stuff on my bed. i grabbed a clena bra and underwear and went into the bathroom.

I hoped into the shower and washed my hair and body. once i was done i hoped out and put on the new bra and underwear.

I dryed my hair and straighten it. then i put on my normal make up and wlaked i to my bedroom.

"Holy shit niall youre like a freaking ninja" i had about a heart attack when i saw him sitting on my bed. right next to my clothes damn it.

"Nice bra you got there" he smirked. "oh shut it" i said and smiled. well i guess its not like he hasnt seen me in my bikini not showing anymore skin in this than i was in that.

I pulled my jeans on with sturggle. the usual one leg wiggle other leg wiggle jump jump look like a fish out of water thing. he was laying there laying.

"Youre injoying this arent you" i said. he nooded. i threw on the sweater and i was ready.

I pulled on my grey ugg boots and we walked down stairs. "sarah" i yelled. niall coverd his ears sonce i basically yelled right in his ear.

"What" she yelled walkin down the stairs. "ready to go" i asked. she nooded.

We got into nialls car and he drov eus to a little cafe type place. thats quiet and not many people go to so we shouldnt get mobbed.

We placed our orders and the waiter left.

"When is everyone getting back for new years" i asked niall. "um a few hours i think" he said lookin at his phone.

Our food quickly came and we ate.

There were 3 girls at a table whispering to each other and pointing at us while stareing at us to.

They looked about 18. they were actually kinda pretty except for 2 of them whos faces looked like a clown raped them. the other girl actually looked rather pretty.

They got up from their table and walked over to our table.

"Are you niall horan" the pretty girl said lookin almost nervous. "yeah" he smiled at her.

"Can i get a picture and an autograph please" she asked. "sure" he smiled again. she had one of her friends take the picture and she moved aside.

The other two girls who looked like their faces were raped by a clown stepped upto hik next.

They started flirtin with him and twirling their hai around their fingers and batting their eyelashes and puffing out their abnormaly flat chests while sticking out their asses like they actually had one no not really. but niall didnt look fazed.

The girl who was pretty came over to me and sarah.

"Hi are you brittany and sarah" she asked. "yeah" sarah answerd.

"Youre both so pretty" she said. "thank you so are you" i said. she shoke he head. "no im not" she argued. "yes you are whats your name" i asked.

"Thank you and im linda" she said. we talked for a few minutes while the clowns still etmpted to flirt with niall as he still seemed ufazed.

"Can we get a picture and an autograph" one girl asked in a high pitched squeaky voice.

"Sure" he said reluctedly. he took a picture and signed their phone cases and they elft but not before they droppe a note by me. Linda left to but i got her number because she seemed really nice. i also figured out hes my age but she lookd younger.

I stuck the note in my pocket an figured i would read it later. we finished eating and then went back to the house.

I ran up to my bathroom to pee and check out the note.

I did my buisness and washe dmy hands with cookie smelling soap. yum.

I pulled the note out of my pocket.

To bitch im mean brittany

You dont deserve niall you slut youre only useing him for his money if you knew what was goo for him you would leave him and let me have him you dont love him i do back off wore!

Love mari

I try not to let hate get to me but this i broke down.

Sure ive been called a bitch a slut and a whore but never st the same time.

I grabbe my phone out if my pocket and went on twitter. i scrolled theough my timeline. some nice some bad.

@theoneandonlybrittany you and niall are so cute togeter love you guys ou need to get married #briall

@theoneandonlybrittany go die in a hole slut niall doesnt love you no one does hope you die #nobriall

@theoneandonlybrittany when is briall gonna get married hope soon you two are the cutest couple ever #teambriall

@theoneandonlybrittany leave niall and never come back he doesnt love you no one does youre a whore #splitbriall





'Gold digger'

Where some things i was called. i was called pretty and nice and all kinds of nice thing but all the hate really got to me.

I sat there on the bathroom floor sobbing. i had my knees to my chest with my arms clasped tightly around me and my head burried in my knees. while leaning against the cubords.

"Britt are you okay" the all to familiar irish voice said from outside the door.

I guess i forot to lock it because it bursted open.

"Are you okay what happend" he freaked out and dropped to the floor throwig his arms around me tightly.

"T-the note t-twitter" i mumbled still crying. "did you read the hate and what note" he asked. i nooded and pointed at the counter.

He grabbed it and quickly read it. he threw it in the waistbin and tryed to callkm me down.

"Dont let it get to you please dont none of its true whatever they say there just jelous because i picked you i wont leave you and im sure as hell not etting you leave me" he said.

"I love you no matter what you arent any of the things they say besides nice, kind, careing, sweet and beatiful" he said.

I starte to calm down a little.

"I love you" he said. "I love you to" i said. he kissed me passionatly and helped me up.

We walke into the bedroom and layed down on the bed. we just layed thei for a while not speaking just ocassionally looking up or down in his case an each other. His arms around my waist mine around his. just perfect moment. i wanted to stay like this forever but unfortunatly we couldnt.

Mostly because we were interupted by the loud noise that came from downstairs. guess their back.

"Get cleaned up ill tell everyone youll be down in a minute" niall whisperd and kissed my forehead before going downstairs.

I got up and trudged into the bathroom. i washed my face although you could tell i was still crying i coverd that up with makeup. i fixed my hair and put it in a side braid.

I walked down stairs to see everyone in the living room.

Kayla, eleanor and perrie all ran uo and hugged me like its been forever since they last saw me.

The boys came up nect and each hugged me.

They put their stuff at their house and kaylas in her room and came back to the living room.

We are haveing a mini new years party so we all went to get ready since its 7:00 now. geez tome flew by way ti fast i guess we went to eat alot later than i thought.

I went int eh closet and picked out. A white peplum top and black skinny leather jeans. i put those on and grabbed black stillihets. i put on a gold heart necklace and matching braclet.

I curled my ahir which was already wavey which gave it a cool effect. i fixed my eye makeup and put on lip gloss. we were all getting dressed up for not much of a reason.

I walked into the hallway were kayla and sarah already were.

"You look hot" kayla said. "so do you" i said back. "nialls gonna get soem tonight" she said turning around. "nialls not gettig anything" i said. "sure hes not" sarah said. "oh not my innocent 13 year old" i said sarcastically. when have i known her to be innocent. uh never.

We walke down stairs and into the living room. i kicked my shoes off for now. we got all the food and drinks and set them in the living room. i put the shoes back on beacuse they are just that awosme but not to fun to walk in.

"You look hot" niall said comeing over to me. he isnt one to say hot or sexy but in this case i dont really care how he says i look because lets face it i look pretty damn awosme right now.

"Thanks you dont look to bad yourself" i said. he leaned in and kissed me before louis pushed through us.

"No pda" he yelled. "Hypocrite" i yelled makeing sure he heard me from in the kitchen. he came out with a carrot. weirdo.

"No im not" he said and pecked el quickly. "ah ha" i yelled. El laughed. while lou kept munching on his carrot.


Now its 10 and we are all a bit tipsy. except sarah clearly.

What did you think was gonna happen no one would be drunk. No not really.

I dont plan on getting completly drunk because i turn into a complete freak. an i seem like im on my period. its happend dont plan on doing that tonight though.

sarah is the only one whos acting completly normal tonight.

we entertained ourselves for an hour and a half which was intresting considering the boys are drunk and the girls and i besides sarah are tipsy.

"10" everyone yelled.

"9" we yelled again







"2" we counted down.

"1" we yelled loudly. niall pulled me into him and kissed me. when we pulled back i smiled and screamed "happy new year 2014 oh yeah" i scream random things when im even the slightest bit intoxicated.

"well this was fun but im going to bed good night" i said and trudgeing up the stairs. i changed into a t shirt i stole from niall so its huge and a pair of my old cheer no show shorts. you couldnt even see them under the t shirt though.

i hoped into bed and closed my eyes. i felt the bed dip beside me and strong arms wrap around me.

"i love you" he mumbled. "i love you to" i said back and fell asleep.

----------------------------------------------hey guys so i felt bad that i havent updated for a while and since its thanksgiving one of my fav holidays (FOOD) i figured i would update. hope you all have a happy thanksgiving because so far im not all my mom has done today is yell at me for absolutly no reasok i did nothing to piss her off. i was hopeing for one day for one of my fav holidays she wouldnt activate bitch mode (kayla u know what i mean by that) but yep i was wrong as usual. okay enough of my rant

Merry thanksgiving
Damn it i put merry again oh well

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