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Hey hey so this is the last chapter of this book but their will be a sequal. the sequal is called etiernity.

So anyways i wont say anoymore but to read the authors note at the end of the book and i hope you like it.

---------------1 year later------------------

"Jessie do you want something to eat" i asked and she crawled i to the kitchen.

I picked her up and sat her in her seat. she made a weird noise and i smiled.

I put the bowl of cheerios infront of her and she grabbed them sticking them one by one in her mouth.

"Hii my two cuties" niall said coming into the kitchen. "hey how was work" i smiled. "good" he said and sat next to me. "hows my little baby doing" he said. he piked her side making her smile an again making a weird noise.

He smiled at her to. still adorable. "do you want to go out for dinner tonight" he asked. "with jessie" i asked. "no just us we havnt had a night out by ourselves barely since she was born" he said.

"I would love to but we dont have a babysitter" i said picking up a few cheerios she had thrown. "already handled megan and your dad said they would come over a watch her" he said. "okay then i would love to and where are we going" i asked moving my chair out to out the empty bowl in the sink.

"That is a suprise" he winked. i rolled my eyes. "must it always be a suprise" i leaned against the sink. "yes yes it must" he smirked.

"Fine what do i wear" i asked pushin off the sink and heading towards the doorway as he pulled her out of the high chair.

"Anything nice but not to nice" he held her and went somewhere as i ran upstairs to get ready.

I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair.

I went into the closet and put on white skinny jeans an looked for a shirt. i finally found a niceish shirt i have. is a peach colored loose tank top with a white flowers design going from the bottom up.

I put on peachish pinkish colored wedges. i out my hair half up half down with a white bow. i did my makup normal and found my purse.

I put on a few braclets and was done. "are you ready" niall asked coming in without jessie" "yel where is she" i asked. "downstairs megan an your dad just got here and have her" he explained. "okay lets go" we walked downstairs.

"Hey thanks for watching her tonight" i said. "no problem you two have fun but not to much fun" megan said. "we will thanks love you" i hugged them and hugged jessie. "love you to we'll be back" i said and we left.

We finally pulled in the parking lot and got out. we walked inside and got a table. "this place is new im guessing" i asked. he nooded.

"Im marisa and i'll be your waitress today what can i get you to drink" she said in a perky voice. we got our drinks and orderd our food since we knew what we wanted.

We talked for a while until the food came. We both ate and then he payed for the food. i wanted to pay for mine but he again wouldnt let me. as always.

"Hm its still earlyish want to go to the park" he asked. "sure" we pulled up at ghe park and got out.

He grabbed my hand swinging them back and forth. we walked around for a while until no one was really around. just the occasional couples. i leand my head on his arm ejoying the peace and quiet something i thought i would never say. 

we finally came across the spot we've gone to a thousand times. we sat in the grass and just talked about the strangest things and laughed for about an hour. "we should head back it's starting to get dark" he said. "yeah" we walked back to the car and drove back to the house. 

when we walked inside nothing was heard. except the faint sound of the telly. i walked into the living room where megan and dad were sitting and watching the telly. "wheres jessie" i asked. "she fell asleep about 10 minutes ago" dad said. "okay was she any trouble" i asked again. 

"nah we feed her right before she fell asleep because she got a bit fussey but that wasnt trouble" megan said. "okay great thank you for babysitting" i said. "anytime were gonna get going night" they said standing up. i hugged them both before they left and we collapsed on the couch. 

"i'm so tierd i'm going to bed goodnight i love you" i said kissing him quickly before running up the steps. i changed into a t-shirt and shorts. i let my hair down and wiped off most of the makeup. i heard a faint cry noise so i ran into jessicas room. 

"it's okay mummys here" i cooed picking her up and rocking back and forth. she stopped crying and eventually fell asleep so i layed her back down. i went back to the room and layed in bed. 

i couldnt help but stay awake and think of everything thats happend in the past few years. and alot is still yet to come. let's hope all is good.


hiiiiiiiiiiii all my lovely readers. im sad to end this book but happy for the new sequal to come out soon yay. this book has gotten so long and i wanted to end it on a happy note. so yeah read the next authors note for the final bit of this book before the sequal! 

sooooooo dubaiii for now. read the authors note that will be published in a few minutes.

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