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brittanys pov

i heard a knock on the front door but i was locked in my room. im hopeing its help someone to get me out of here. or else i think i'll go crazy. 

"police open up" i think i heard thator i have gone crazy. i have my ear pressed against my bedroom door. i heard the squeaking of the front door opening. "drop the gun and put your hands where i can see them" shit he's had a gun the whole time. well that just makes me feel much better doesnt it. not really. 

i heard a bang of something dropping so i think he dropped the gun. and didnt shot it. thank the lord. 

"where is she" who im guessing is the police officer asked. "what girl" derek tried to play dumb. "where is she" he asked again his voice very stern. "i killed her she's gone" he said i can imagine a plump smirk planted on his face right now. "no you didnt"the much to familiar irish accent said. 

niall he's here. he came. he found me. 

"where is she" niall said again. "i told you i killed her" he said. i started banging on the door and yelling "let me out" and "help me please someone help me"

i heard footsteps walk closer to the door and the knob started to turn. i moved away from the door slightly. it opend and a tall man who looked like a police officer stood there. "is this her" he looked at niall. niall looked up he looked close to tears. 

he nooded frantically and i tried to stand up. i failed and sat back down. niall ran and landed next to me and pulled me into his arms. "i found you" he kept repeating. i want to cry so much but im not gonna. 

"i love you so much" he said kissed me. what i've been waiting for for a month. a kiss with passion and love and other feeling. not rough and disgustingly. i felt my stomch do about a thousand summer salts. 

he picked me up bridal style and carried me outside. 

they put derek in handcuffs. and kept him there waiting for me to say what he did so they can figure out his punishment for it. 

niall set me down on the amulance that was outside and the doctor came to talk to me. i told him and a physcologist everything he did and niall looked pained to hear it. 'derek heal youre under arrest for rape kidnapping and attempted murder" the officer said. 

yep he tried to kill me already a few times actually. they toke me to the hospital and niall stayed with me the whole time. except for when they made him wait in the waiting room so they could do a check up to make sure im not pregnent or anything. which thank the lord im not.

right now im in my hospital room the doctor just left to do something. he let niall come back in so as soon as he left niall ran in the door. 

"how are you" he asked. "better now that he's back in jail and im with you again" i said. not a total lie. i still feel like total shit. but im not gonna lie and say im just perfet. cause thta is no wheres near the truth.

"im just glad you're okay and not seriously injured or pregent with his child" he said. "me to that would be terrible not the having a child part just having a child with him never in a million years" i said he smiled more so to himself. 

honestly im suprised i havent cried yet. usually i would have broken down by now but i havent. just wait as soon as im aloud to go home i'll probably break down crying. 

"where are the others" i asked. "their flats they didnt want to all hound you at once and they wanted me to see you for a while before they came" he explained. "oh alright" 

we talked for a bit longer until the doctor came in. "okay take these pills once a day when you wake up for about a month to get you back to normal and since you were so food deprived you may not be able to get right back into your old food habits so just slowly eat more and more and pretty soon you should be back to normal" he said. "okay thanks and when can i leave" i asked. "in a few hours you passed all the check ups we just want to keep you here a bit longer before you go off on your normal days again" he said and smiled. i nooded and he left. 

"im so happy i can leave soon" i said. "still hate hospitals" he asked. "always have always will" i said. 

"not unless you're here when we have children" he said. "oh no even then i have to give birth which is painful in a hospital only after when we get to hold the kids will it be alright" i said and he laughed at my answer. 

i smiled. this is how things should be. me and niall. him not hurting me. i feel safe again. and i sure do like feeling safe. 

the few hours passed by quickly as the doctor came in and gave me the discharge papers. "sign these and you can go" he handed me the papers which i signed and gave them back to him. 

"here go change the girls gave me some clothes for you to change into" he handed me a small duffle bag. "thank you" i toke it and scurried into the bathroom. 

i put on the yoga pants and sweatshirt that says 'dude i really dont care' on it i slpped the fuzzy boots on i brushed through some of the tangles in my hair. i gave up and put it in a messy bun. 

"im ready" i said and grabbed his hand. we walked outside where there was tons of papps and fans. "shit" niall mumbled and helped me through everyone. 

"brittany where have you been all month"

"brittany are you pregenent with nialls child"

"is it true you're cheating on niall" 

"are you two really breaking up" where some of the questions thrown at us. we kept our heads down and didnt say anything though. 

we finally got through everyone and into the car. "sorry 'bout that" niall said. "not you're fault but where do they get those questions from their so random and everywhere" i said. "i have no clue"

he drove us to the house. "everyones coming over tomarrow they said to let you rest for tonight and they would see you early tomarrow" he said. "okay"

we walked inside and i imidiatly went upstairs. i just want to sleep on a comfortable bed for once. 

"come lay with me" i said. he layed next to me and we layed in complete silence. "sing to me please" i asked. he started to softly sing the words to little things and i fell asleep. 

----------------------------half way through the night---------------

"please dont" i begged. 

"dont deny you want to" he said. i nooded my head no many times. 

he pinned me to the wall and kissed me roughly. "stop please stop" i cryed. 

"struggle and you'll only get it worse*

i was shoken awake. i was sweating and i think crying. 

"what happend" i asked. "shh you're okay it was just a bad dream" niall said. i cryed no i sobbed. i couldnt hold it in any longer. 

he rocked us back and forth as he held me as if his life depended on it. 

i sobbed into his chest for atleast a half hour until i was able to fall back asleep. 


hey hey sorry again really bad but yeah 2 updates so yay. so i have written a bunch of chapters ahead and have finished the book. so yeah im starting on the sequal but there are still a bunch of chapters left. on another note very busy weekend. tomarrow i have a game at 11:30 but have to be there by 10:30 blagh then after i have to go shopping for cupcake stuff then madi is sleeping over then sunday me, beth and amanda have to make 3 dozen cupcakes. so many cupcakes then monday we have to make another dozen at school. so many freaking cupcakes blagh. 

idk if i will update again this weekend thats why you get 2 but i will try so yeah. comment, vote share with people. 

love you all. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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