Another suprise

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Its been a few days since i met my realy dad and he asked me to come over to meet his family today.

Niall was going to come but he has to work so he cant go. Which is alright.

I threw on white skinny jeans and a pink sweater. I slipped on my uggs. I put my hair into a fishtail on the side and did my little makeup.

"Im leaving see you later" i said. "Okay have fun" i walked outside and into my car.

I looked at the adress and mew exactly where that was somehow.

I drove with the radio up rather loud. Story of my life came on and i sang along to it.

I pulled into the driveway and walked upto the door. Dad said he has a wife and a few kids in not sure how old or what sex or anything but he has kids.

He answerd the door and led me inside. "This is megan my wife" he said. "Hi you must be brittany" she said i smiled at her and nooded. "Nice to meet you" i said.

"The kids are in their rooms upstairs" she said. "You're welcome to go say hi to them" she said. "Okay thank you i'll be back" i walked upstairs and to the door at the end of the hall first. I knocked on the door and heard a 'come in' i opend the door and all i saw was one direction posters.

I smiled knowing she wa for sure a directioner. "Hi do i know you" she asked politly. "No but im your step sister" i said. "Oh i didnt know i had a step sister"

"I didnt either until about 2 days ago" i said. "Oh"

"Are you a directioner" i asked. "Yes i love them" she said. "Whos your favorite" i asked.

"Um probably niall but i also really like louis" she said. "Intresting"

"Why do you ask" she asked. "Hold on" i pulled my phone out and dialed nialls number.

"Hey love" he answerd. "Hey i have someone you need to say hi to"

"Okay who is she" he asked. "She's my step sister and i do not know her name" i said. I move the phone and coverd the speaker with my hand.

"What your name" i asked. "Ellie" she said.

I moved the phone back to my ear. "Her names ellie" i said. "Okay let me talk to her we have a break for a few minutes" he said.

I handed ellie the phone.

"Hi" she said for sure not knowing who was on the phone.

"A-are you n-niall horan" she asked. "Oh my gosh give me one second" she said and coverd the speaker.

"You know niall horan" she said. "Were alot closer than you think" i said. She talked to him for a few more minutes before handing the phone back to me. "Hey have to go back to recording i love you" he said. "I love you to see you later bye" i said and hung up.

"Wait did you just say i love you to niall horan" she aske looking ready ti faint. "Yep always do" i decided to tell her the news later. "Im gonna go meet the others real quick by the way how many others are there" i asked.

"There are 4 others" she said. "Geez dad has 6 kids total damn he's a busy man" i said. She nooded. I figured out she was 15 and wasnt fazed by my swearing which was good because i do it alot.

"Okay see ya" i said. I stood up from her bed and walked to a diffrent door. I knocked on it and a male voice said come in.

I walked in and a boy who looked about 17 looked over at me. "Who are you" he looked me up and down. Ew.

"Im your step sister" i said. His eyes snapped ti my face. "Damn my sisters hot" he said. I rolled my eyes.

"She's also getting married so eyes up here" i said. "Okay so whats your name" he asked. "Im brittany" i smiled. I sat by him on his bed.

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