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So today we are all takeing sarah shopping. Well not all of us just me, kayla, alana, perrie and eleanor.

This morning when i woke up on on the concert. No no bad brittnay stop quoteing katy perry. (I had to)

Okay this morning when i woke up sarah wasnt in here. I turened over a niall wasnt either. Hmmm where did they go.

I got up and checked the guest rooms, both empty i checked the living room empty. I walked into the kitchen and saw sarah and niall trying to make breakfast. Hense the word trying.

"What are you two doing" i asked scareing the heck out of them.

"Good lord brittnay stop doing that" niall said putting his hand over his heart.

"Hahahaha i scared you woohoo go brittany"i said doing my happy dance.

" is she always like this" i heard sarah whisper to niall and niall nooded. I dont care though because its true.

"Now lets clean this up and make something easyer because you two epically failed at makeing whatever you were trying to make" i said pointing at the pan with burnt food on it.

"K" sarah said.

We cleaned up there mess and made bacon.

We all ate then niall said he had to go. I said ok and he told me he would tell perrie and eleanor to come over.

Once he left i told sarah to come with me and we would go wake up kayla.

We walked into her room and i saw the cutest sight ever. Her and harry were all cuddled up probably because it is freezeing in here geez why is it so cold in here.

"Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" i screamed and they woke up.

Kayla turned her head and started blushing and harrys smirked.

They got up and harry just has to be wonly in his boxers. Being me immediay i coverd sarahs eyes and screamed. "Nope to much for your 13 year old eyes harry put on your freakijg pants" that caused perrie and el to fall on the floor and start laughig. Huh didnt know they were there and cause kayla to start laughing to.

"Kayla were going shopping so get ready and harry niall said you have to go record something the guys are waiting for you" i said while walking away.

Harry left and we all went to get ready.

I toke a quick shower and walked into my closet. I put on a beige v-neck crop top loose layerd tank top with black polka dots. With white high waisted shorts with 4 buttons. I curled my hair and put it half up half down. I put on my makeup and grabbed the black sandles sitting by my door.

I grabbed my purse, wallet, phone, keys and money. once i knew i had everything i walked into the living room where everybody was sitting. "finally britt you take forever" alana said when i walked into the room.

"hey it takes time to look this good" i said pointing at myslef they just rolled their eyes at me.

we got in the car and drove to the mall. we walked inside and i got out my phone. i took a picture of all of us to put on twitter.

at the mall with the bestis and the bestest cousin @real_kayla_abram @perrieedwardsofficial @eleanorjcalder @alanarayn and sarsh will soon be tagged.

i posted and everyone pulled out there phones.

@brittbaycurtisofficial love the picture @eleanorjcalder @perrieedwards @alanarayn

we all put our phones away and started shopping.

we bought sarah tons and tons of clothes and clothes for our selves. we bought stuff for her room, bathroom, hair stuff, body stuff blah blah blah.

"hey sarah do you wear makeup" eleanor asked when we were right by the sephora store.

"um no my mum wouldnt let me" she told us. "do you want to" i asked. i dont care if she wears makeup shes 13 her skin isnt perfect but whos is if she wants to i will let her.

"sure" she said. we walked into the store and bought some stuff for her. not much though because shes onlky 13 we dont want her to wear a ton that would look weird.

then we came upto the phone store. me and kayla, and el took sarah to a diffrent store while perrie and alana got her phone. then we would go get a case.

perrie and alana came in the store and quickly found us.

they handed me the phone still in the box.

"hey sarah we have another present for you" i said holding the box behind my back. "seriosuly" she said i think she thinks weve given her to much. tobad she will continue to get more.

"here ya go" i said and handed her the box. her mouth dropped to the floor. "are you serious" she said while stareing at the box.

"yep now lets go get a case for it" kayla said draging her to the stand the sell cases at.

she looked for a while and found one she wanted. hehe its on display next to the one i have. mine is hot pink and says 'hakauna matata bitches' hehe i love my case. hers is hot pink like mine and says 'dont put me down for cardio' (get it from pitch perfect)

once we were done shopping for the day we decided to go to her old house and get some of the stuff she wants from her old room.

i drove because im the only one that knows the way becuase sarah cant drive obviosuly.

we pulled up and from the outside the house looked trashed for some reason. which is really weird because my aunt carol had terrible ocd.

we walked inside and the door was unlocked. they always lock the door. we walked inside and it was trashed. this wasnt because it was emoty for a while no. this has to be someone did this them slef. but who would do this.

the house is completly empty though nothing in sight. we walked carefully to sarahs room and quickly grabbed everything she wanted. we ran out of the house as fast as possible. we got into the car but noticed on the windshelled there was a piece if paper.

i quickly grabbed it and hopped inside the car.

everyone asked what it was so i opend it.

it said. 'watch your back' what does that mean. "i think we should call the police" alana said.

"y-yeah we should' i said. perrie called the police and told them what happend and i told them the address.

i dont get it is everything some how conncted. my brothers disapearence, my fathers death, that text, my aunt and uncles deatj, the robbery, that note that suddonly appeard. ims so confused why is this all happenign to me. why do i have to go through so much drama. ive always been good what did i do to deserve it.

same with sarah for being 1 year old she loved my brother and he was gone and she was to little to understand what happend to him. she always loved my father and when she was 9 he died. and now her parents both died. seriosuly shes only 13 and dosnt deserve this alothough no one does. '

im just so confused and now more than ever.

Hey so sorry i havent updated in a while ive been busy and annoyed with school. im failin math its to freaking hard and my teacher is terrible and gay lol had to say it haha. cheer is annoying because she wont let us do anything good. and chorus a class i liked last year is terrible now because we have a bew teacher and she is annoying se cant sing and picks the worst songs ever we sing a song that litterally no joke all we say is allilueia and sing thats it thats all.

Also i lost m phone some stranger has it now and my 40 fraking dollar phone case is with it ugh fml. so i have to get a new phone. im on my old phone that is still somewhat usable. and i may be switching so i can have this iphone as my phone so i still can update on my phone but its really slow and ugh. soooo fml right now like seriosuly ugh.

Thank u if u ead my little rant. if u didnt llease read it so u can understand why i may not update for a little more than 3 days.

Luv ya yay gettin more readers everyday.

~hanna is peed off because of school cheer and my phoen siteation ugh lol

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