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brittanys pov

the next morning i woke up with a pouding head ache. and on a cold cement floor and in a pitch black room. i couldnt even see my hand a few inchs from my face. 

i could tell i was barely clothed by how cold i am. my hair is a total and complete mess. i feel disgusting. 

"ah good your up" a voice said. a door opend and an extremly bright light shone in. i coverd my eyes. "get up bitch" the voice made me remember everything from the previous night. 

going outside for fresh air at the concert. derek grabbing me. thrashing around kicking him punching him but to no avail he took me. he brought me to his house while unconcious. he misused me. i feel dirt and disgusted. he did things to me i never even want to repeat let alone relive. 

i stood up knowing if i didnt do what he wanted i would get hurt. "come here" he grabbed my wrist harshly and dragged me to a diffrent room. he threw me in the room and shut the door. i looked around the room. well lite but not much in it. a worn out bed, and a small closet. 

i sighed and sat on the bed. i remember something. i putmy phone in the pocket of my skirt. maybe its still there. i searched around the room for my clothes luckily finding them. i searched the pockets in the skirt and luckily finding my phone right where i left it. i grabbed it and quickly his in the closet. i pulled up the text box. 

i texted hi to everyone and immediatly got responses back. 

"where are you" from harry. 

"are you okay" fron niall. 

"where did you go" from kayla, zayn, eleanor, perrie. 

"i miss you" also from niall. 

"do you know where you are" from liam and louis. 

i answerd them back. "i miss you to niall and i think im okay but i have no clue where i am" i sent the text and immeditaly got responses again. 

i peerd out the closet door and no derek yet. "is anyone with you" kayla asked. "yes derek" i responded. 

"okay dont worry we will find you as soon as we can i love you princess" niall sent and i sen tback 'love you to' i shut my phone off and hid it so it wouldnt die and he wouldnt find it. 

'come here bitch" derek yelled. 

i hope they find me soon.


nialls pov

so that derek guy does have her and where gonna find her. 

"paul is there anything else we can do" i asked. "i'm not sure but if you have someone at a sciene lab check to see who the hat belongs to and find his adress you may find her" he said. 

"great thanks" i hung up the phone. "guys we have to get someone to find the exact name of who the hat belongs to then we can figure out where he lives to find her" i said. 

"okay lets go" we piled into the car and louis drove us to where we needed to go. 

we gave the guy the hat and told him our situation. he said he would look at it as soon as possible. 

god i hope that means soon. i cant live with out her.

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