match maker services

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(brittanys pov)

so today me and kaylas other best friend that moved to wolverhampton when we were 10 is comeing to visit.

she dosnt talk about one directionso i dont know what her reaction wil be. oh well guss we'll find out. she just texted me a couple minutes ago saying she was almost to our house.

i kicked niall out so i could introduce him at the sametime as everyone else.

i was just finishing up my hair when someone knocked on the door. "kayla get the door" i scremed to kayla down the hall.

"you get it im doing something" she screamed back.

"fine"i gave up and walked downstairs to get the door.

i opend it and was attacked by alana. my gosh she looks diffrenet. she used to have short brown hair now she has long black hair. or well darker brown cant really tell. shes always been really pretty. shes skinny, tallish, and has brown eyes (looks like miranda cosgrove)

"lana its been so long" i said as i closed the front door.

"i know wheres kayla" she asked

"upstairs i tried to make her get the door but she said she was doing something" i told her

"okay i like your place its so pretty" she complemented

"thanks oh there she is" i said and pointed to the stairs.

"kayla"alana said and ran to the stairs. now it was kaylas turn to be attacked.

"hey ready to go meet the guys" i asked

"yea but what guys" she asked

"oh right your internet and cable have been out for the oast month or two you dont know whos next door well youre in for a suprise isnt she kayla" i said

"oh yes lets go" kayla said and we ran next door.

we basically live there so we just walked in. "honey im home" i screamed as i walked in like i do everytime.

"everyone in th living room we have a special guest" kayla screamed.

"okay close your eyes we will direct you to the living room" i said

"in one picece"she asked hopefully

"maybe" i said "now close them" i said and she put her hand over her eyes and closed them.

w directed her to the living room after various ows because we made her run into the wall 3 times a table 2 times and a fake plant that i dont remember being there.

"okay wait one minute" i told her.

"i walked over to were niall was sitting and sat next to him. as a reflex as he calls it he out his arm around my shoulder. kayla just kind of sat down on the couch. conveniatlly next to harry because that was basically the only free space.

"okay cue syncronised speaking and open" i told them

"hi were one direction" they all said at the same time.

"holy fudge im in the same room as one direction, perrie edwards and eleanor calder this is the best day ever"

we just laughed at her excitment.

"so since you know all of them you need no introduction" kayla said

"nope" she shoke her head.

"okay well anyways everyne except kayla and harry this is alana."i said

a chorus of hi. hey or nice to meet you erupted.

she sat down next to me after calming down. "so whos youre favorite' niall asked

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