christmas eve!

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hey just in case your wondering sarah has a private teacher right now she will go to an actual school soon though


the next morning i woke up and niall litterally wouldnt let go. i knew why. i had that freaking nightmare last night. it haunts me ever since it happend. its not the only thing thats happend and i have nightmares about those things but the other ones dont come as often for some reason.

anyways niall seems worried since i was so worked up last night. "niall let go i cant breath" i said well exagurated and he loosend his grip. i guess he is awake.

he sat up and i did to and leaned on him. "do you want to talk about the dream you had last night" he asked. i dreaded the subject but i guess he needs to know. he is my boyfriend and im not gonna keep something like this from him. plus i will feel better to get it off my chest.

"sure" i said quietly. i sat up and infront of him. "i dont want you to worry they have been caught and are in jail now" i said. probably not the best way to start the convorsation. oh well.

"what happend' he said also sitting up more. i could already feel tears ready to fall just thinking about it.

"i was 15 i was walking home from somewhere i dont remember where when this guy in all black stared to chase me" i started and i resisted the urge to cry it but they fell anyways.

"he chased for a while until he caught me and dragged me to an alley" this time i coudlnt help it the tears poured out and niall wipped them away with his thumb.

"he threw me on the ground and then another guy came out only he had a knife" i said. he pulled me into him rubbing soothing circles on my back and i probably ruined his shirt.

"the first guy he he r-raped me" i sobbed. "since i struggled the other guy stabbed me repededly i screamed for help when you could hear foot steps they ran and i managed one last scream before someone found me and called an ambulance" i finished.

"i felt so dirty i was 15 and no longer a virgin i felt usless" i said quietly but im pretty sure he heard.

"im so sorry that shouldnt have happend to you that shouldnt happen to anyone" he said probably at a loss for words. most people are not that i told that to many people. its to hard to relive.

"they were caught a few days later before i was released out of the hosptal but the scars are a constant remider" i said. "scars what" he said. i nooded and pulled my shirt up just enough to see the marks all along my stomach.

he had an apoligetic look filled with many other emotions i dont know how to describe. "breakfast is ready" marua called.

"go get cleaned up ill tell mum you'll be out in a minute" he said and kissed my forehead. he left so i could clean up.

i put on a red sweater with a green heart on it and a pair of skinny jeans. then i put on fuzzy christmas socks. i went in the bathroom quickly and washed my face.

i put on foundation so i didnt look like i had been crying and mascara with a touch of eyeliner. i brushed out my hair and left it down natural.

"good morning" everyone said when i walked into the kitchen. "good morning" i smiled. i sat down inbetween niall and greg and ate.

we migrated to the living room. niall laptop started ringing so he opend it to see a skype call from louis and el.

"ahppy birthday" we all yelled. he said thank you. we talked for a while. we gave eleanor the presents we got for him for his birthday and their christmas presents before we left.

we ended the call sooner than we expected beacuse they had to do something i dunno.

most of the day we ended up curled up on the couch and floor and chair watching christmas movies.

maura was in the chair. while greg and sarah were both sprawled out on the carpet while me and niall were snuggled up on the couch. we had a fuzzy blanket and pillows.

"hey maura do you have stuff for gingerbread" i asked smileing. no body knew what i was thinking. "no i dont but we could get some" she said. "okay great niall your comeing to the store" i yelled hoping off the couch and grabbing my coat and boots.

"are you planning what i think you're planning" sarah asked i nooded and she laughed. every year for christmas when the family came over we would have gingerbread me and women made and we would decorate them and make houses and every year we would epically fail.

atleast i would. most didnt turn out half bad then there was mine but i never cared i would eat it up instantly.

niall got up and put his shoes and coat on and we were out the door. "what are you planning" he asked grabbing my hand while keeping one hand on the wheel.

"oh you'll see just a family tadition that is so much fun but i always seem to make the worst one oh well" i said he seems genuinly confused.

when we made it to the store we ran in since its so cold. we bought kits and supplies and ingredients and everything. we payed and got back into the car.

we went to the bakery and got ginerbread men and women that werent decorated and sheets of ginerbread cookie for the houses.

we got back to the house and carried everything in. we have all the gingerbreads, frosting, candy,frosting clue sticky stuff thats edible, frosting spray paint also edddible, and extra stuff because we all know that we will be eating dureing this.

"okay everyone in the kitchen" i yelled. greg maura and sarah all came running in. i told them everything needed to know even though sarah has done this since we were little. you have like a time frame its 20 minutes.

and its freaking difficult to get them to stay together so its not a long time at all.

---------------------20 minutes later-------------------------

our 20 minutes is up and they all look good. excpet mine that is falling apart.

"how does everyone do this but me" i said. "i think it looks great" niall said. "youre only saying that cause your my boyfriend" i said and pouted. he shook his head and kissed me. nope not infront of his family. awkward.

i pushed him away and this time he pouted. "oh put that lip away" i said he obeyed. good niall.

"okay mr.ginerbread time to die" i said bitting its head off. "that wasnt very nice" sarah said. i shrugged. "but hes just so good" i said takeing another bite out of him. (sounds so werid lol)

we sat down for dinner once it was ready and yet again ate while talking and laughing and haveing an over all good time. we watched more movies then it was time to decorate the tree.

maura told me and sarah to help so me niall sarah and greg all decorated the tree.

"aww niall look how cute you were" i said once i found an orniment with niall on it from when he was little. "yes ye si was adorible" he said cocky much. (ehehe cocky lol its funny every time lol)

we finished decorating and stepped back to admire our work. greg plugged it in and it lite up nicely.

"wait were missing the star" maura said. "{oh its right here" i said looking through the buckets and succesfully finding it. i handed it to sarah and greg lifted her up since its a tall tree shes short and greg is tall.

she placed at the top of the tree and he set her down. the tree looked really pretty. niall came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and set his head on my shoulder.

"merry christmas eve" i said way to excitedly. "thats not a thing" he said. yes it is. "it is if i say it" i sassed. "you've been around louis to much" he said. "that is probably true" i said giving up.

we all got our presents and set them underneeath the tree. we sat around and drank hot choclate. with christmas music playing quietly. and talked about random things. things we hope we get. mostly stuff christmas related. around 11:00 we were all asleep.


the next morning i woke up at 9:00 which is to early for me. but its christmas theres no going back to sleep.

"niall wake up" i yelled in his face. in a really weird voice. "1 that was really weird 2 im up and 3 merrye christmas" he mumbled the first 2 and popped up for the 3rd one. we really are alot alike. strange actually.

"merry christmas" i said and pecked him on the lips. "now lets go" i said. i grabbe dhis hand and we ran down the stairs. we had on our matchy christmas pjs. my idea. of course.

we sat down on the couch with greg who i guess is an early rise. maura was just getting up and sarah who knows when she will be down.

we made everyone hot chocolate with a ton of mini marshmellows and candy canes sticking out of the cups.

soon enough maura and sarah came down the stairs.

"its present time" sarah yelled.

we all sat around the tree looking for what we wanted to open first. i found a box from sarah first. i opend present after present. all the guys and girls gave us their presents for us to open today before we left we did the same for them.

i got plenty of clothes. a few pair of shoes. a few things of nail polish. a few new sweaters. a pair of jeans. a few new things of eye shadow. a new stuffed carrot clearly from louis. a new small mirror. obviously from zayn. and a stuffed kitty. clearly from harry.

niall handed me a small box and i handed him one that was rather big. i got him the snap back that he has wanted but coudlnt find i found the last one somehoe the other day and a new pair of supras the boys hinted around so i could figure out exactly what to get him.

i opend the small box to see and another box. its a long velvet box that looks like its from a jewlery store.

i opend it and inside was a locket with a few charms surounding it. the locket its self was a silver heart with a flowery design on it with a 'B'. then there was a heart an 'N' and another 'B' and a music note. inside the heart locket was a picture of the two of us i think at the beach or something like that. the other side had 'i will always love you -niall' on it. i smiled. "i love it this must have cost a fourtane" i said looking up and seeing him smile.

"it wasnt cheap but anything for you" he said pulling me onto his lap and putting the necklace on me. "thank you i love you to" i said holding it in my hand. "no problem and thank you were did you get the hat i looked for liek 2 months" he said way to ruin the moment there niall.

"i actually cant remember the name of the store because i dont usually go there" i said truthfully. "oh well" he shrugged and kissed me sweetly.

"breakfast time there are cinnimonrolls all ready" marua announced.

we all made our way to the kitchen and sat and ate.

The door opend and closed and nialls dad bobby came in. he stopped by for a little bit yesterday.

"Oh yeah one last suprise" maura said. i gave a confused look.

"Brittany" my mum said quickly comeing over to me. "mum what are you doing here" i said excitedly. she said she was going to see her parents.

Shit im so stupid they are freaking dead. well dont i feel blonde. that was her cover story.

"Niall called me" she said. he has got to stop being so sweet.

"Niall stop doun that" i said smaking him playfully in the chest. "stop what" he laughed. "being nice" i said. he came over and hugged me. "you know you love it" he whisperd in my ear makein gme shiver.

"Stop it there are people" i yelled at him and everyone laughed.

We all talked and had an over all good time.

We skyped everyone else for a little bit.

we ate and played with stuff we got and many other things until it was about 6:00 pm then we sat down for dinner.

Around 10:00 we all fell asleep. we ha to catch our plane at like 8:00 am. ugh blah.


hey guys so i would have updated sooner but its my moms birthday so i couldnt finish this right away. but i hope you like it. i didnt get a strike but my coach is putting me in the back for the line up and since im short YOU CANT FREAKING SEE ME agh so cheer isnt going to well this year. but im not grounded because i got an A on my math test go hanna lol. okay bye. vote comment share with your friends. luv ya byeeeeeee. 


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