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so im almost 9 months now and my due date is in about 3 weeks. i cant wait to get her out of me. dont let anyone tell you being pregenent is fun because its not the only good thing is having your child when its over.

maura flew in a couple days ago because apparently niall told her i've been having troubles with the fake contractions, pain, headaches everything. nightmares have gotten worse with niall gone but i havent told him that knowing he will only try and come back and i dont want him to dissappoint his fans.

she has been staying in the guest room. megan comes over somedays to usually when she isnt working. my sisters have come over to kepe me company when they arent in school. the girls all come over whenever they can also to keep me company.

juile and jacob have been over a few times also. geez that is alot of people. that isnt even my whole family. wow.

since a few minutes ago i had a major headache and back pains im restricted to my bed. "hey how ya feeling" maura asks. "okay i guess headaches gone and the pain in my back has subsided a little" i said. i threw the blanket off of me because it was to hot in here. "uhh brittany why are you sitting in a puddle of water" she asked. i gave her a puzzled look and moved my head down. sure enough sitting in a ton of water.

"hmm must have spilt it on myself" i said. "wait i dont have water up here that means uh oh" i said. she smiled. "we're going to the hospital" she said i nooded. i started feeling pain. "shit we have to hurry this freaking hurts" i said. i called niall quickly as she grabbed my bag and helped me downstairs.

he said he and the boys would get on their private jet since their were no more flights and would be here as soon as they could.

"maura can you take the girls to the hospital" megan asked as i attempted to put shoes on. we finally got out to the car as the pain only became worse.

i texted the girls telling them to come to the hospital and jacob and juile also. i told the girls i had already called niall and the boys are comeing as soon as they can.

---------------at hospital----------------------

"okay looks like you're only 2 centimeters dialtated so this could take a while" she said i groaned. "it hurts" i said. she gave me a small bit of medicine to keep some of the pain away.

"are you doing okay" maura asked. "not really lot of pain but have you heard from niall" i asked hopefully. "yes he called a few minutes ago to tell me they were leaving and should be here soon he also added to make sure you dont deliver before he got here even though he knows you have no say in when its time" she laughed.

"is it always this hard" i groaned. "yes and it doesnt get much better the contractions will get stronger and giving birth is not at all painless" she said. perfect. note sarcasm. (lol i again bring up like shoveing a watermelon through a cheerio such an awkward thing to learn)

-----------few hours later--------------------

"you're about 6 centimeters dialated now a few more hours and you should be ready" she said. "where is niall" i yet again groaned.

"he should be here soon dont worry" kayla said. they will only let a few people in at a time so they keep switching. "it hurts so fucking much" i said. (excuse my french lol)

"its okay he will be here soon" madi said. "dont you want us to call him" kayla asked i nooded. they left to go call him. ellie and kasey took their place in the room. we managed to have a small convorsation when i wasnt screaming in pain. maybe not completly screaming but close.

"okay their plane landed a few minutes ago they just have to get out of the airport and to here eleanor and perrie are down their waiting for them" madi said. "okay thank god" i said. maura and megan came back in trying to help me.

"okay about 8 centimeters dialated so maybe an hour and you should be ready" rachel said. i nooded.

---------------20 mins later----------------

the door bursted open and in came niall. the boy staying in the door way. "we'll leave you to alone see you in an hour or two" megan said. "you're hear" i smiled. "wouldnt miss it for the world how you feeling" he asked the same question i've been asked about 50 times today.

"not well so much pain" i said. " 'm sorry how much longer" he asked. "about an half hourish probably she should be in any minute" i said. the doctor came through the door.

"okay now you're about 9 so any minute now" she said. i nooded.

about 10 minutes later she said. "okay on the next contraction i need you to push"

here we go,

----------30 minutes later---------------

i heard crying and had the best feeling that it was over. i layed back exhausted. "congratulations mr. and mrs. horan on you baby girl do you have a name" she asked. "jessica ann horan" niall said smileing at me. "jessica ann horan 5 pounds 6 ounces born at 5:32" she said.

"get some sleep i'll wake you up when we can hold her" niall whisperd and i fell asleep.


Hey hey happy valentines day! so yay babys here. there are only a few updates left. about 3 i think. and then the sequal yay! okay ive gotta go but idk if i'll update again this weeked i'll be really busy.

So comment what your valentines day plans are.

Mine are to go to the mall with 2 of my best friends buy a big ass thing of choclate go to one of their houses and et it while watching chick flixs and crying because were forever alone and being crying because all the recent cheer dramas.

Yes we are getting basically bullied by the cheerleaders. why does there have to be so much drama blagh.

Comment vote harr with your friends. byeeeeeeeeee. luv u guys.

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