please read

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heyy so this is about my updateing. so if ya want to know please read.

1. school started today soooo i cant update through the middle of the day anymore. wish i could but sadly i cant. plus cheerleading after school till 5. and its 8th grade so idk how much homeowrk or projects i will end up with. soo i will update when i can atleast 2 times a week if not more if i can manage to do that.

2. my phone is broken. i can still use it but barely. its still acting up and it fell off a chair so it cracked like the whole screen which is strange because it landed on the case. soo i cant update on my phone sadly so you can only count on ma computer. sorry bough dat.

3. i cant update this weekend if you want to know i have a lot of stuff going on. friday 2 of ma bestis are comeing over to go see this is us at midnight aaannndd the same day my moms friend amy her 5 year old daughter mia, 12 year old son gabe, 14 year old son isac (haha idk how to spell it) and 16 year old son jacob are comeing to stay with us for the weekend. and we are all gonna go out and do stuff so i wont be able to update this weekend unless its a chappie that i already wrote and is ready to publish

sooooooooo bare with me dont delete this or my crazy messed up life if ya r readin it. this is going on my crazy messed up life also maybe depends if im not lazy.

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bye -hanna is cray cray (lol like loro i had to)

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