last day

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its been 2 days since new years eve and paul called a few minutes ago to tell the boys the flight schedule.

they are all still on the phone while me, sarah, kayla, eleanor, and perrie are all in the living room. the boys finally came in and sat down.

"what did he say" i asked.

"bad news" harry said. "and what is that" kayla asked. "you girls cant come back on tour with us" liam said. this was probably one of the most heart shattering things ever.

"what" i said hoeping they were kidding.

"paul told us that uncle simon said you girls couldnt come back im not sure why though" zayn said.

"so we only have...." i said trailing off and looking at niall. "a day" he looked extremly sad.

"we only have until tomarrow" i whisperd. he nooded. then we'll make the best of it.

"its better than nothing" he said trying the leats bit to cheer me up. "wanna go out for a bit talk a walk or something" he tryed to get my mind off of it. "sure"i smiled.

we walked out of the house hand in hand and told them we would be back later. we walked around the streets until we came across a park.

we then walked along a trail that there werent many people on. the only people actually there were olderish people so we didnt have to worry about being noticed.

i leaned my head on nialls shoulder and he rubbed his tumb on my hand makeing circles. "i dont want you to leave" i sighed.

"i dont want to leave you here" he said quietly. "how long will you guys be gone"

"3 months" he said sounding really sad. "3 months" i repeated and he nooded. "but we can text call and skype or face time everyday" he said.

"and we will but ill miss you and it wont be the same" i sighed again. "i know but we still have a day so lets enjoy it" he smiled and i did to.

we walked for a while then we came to a big pretty tree. i wanted to sit since we were walking for so long. we walked over to it and sat against it.

he pulled me up and onto him lap so i was leaning on him now instead. "you know what you havent done today" he asked. i turned around so i was more so stradleing him. well no ones around.

"what would that be" i asked im quiet confused. "i think you know" he grinned what the hell is he thinking about im so freaking confused.

"i dont im confused" i said tilting my head. "well lets clear that confusion up" he grinned i was about to ask what he was talking about when he kissed me.

ohh how did i forget to do that. oops. i smiled so did he. i threw my arms around his neck and played with his hair. his arms snaked around my waist. he did the unexpectted. he tickled me.

oh he's gonna get it. i pulled back and said 'you have 10 seconds to run" he set me back on the ground and got up and ran.

i got up and ran after him. after a few minutes i coudlnt find him. something wrapped around me and picked me up so naturally i screamed. thrashing for them to put me down. then i heard the all to familiar laugh. "niall horan that wasnt funny put me down" i said he continued laughing but put me down.

i smacked him playfully in the chest. "was that supposed to hurt" he said still laugheing. "maybe" i said pouting.

"oh im sorry forgive me" he said and pulled me closer to him. i ignored him so he pulled the puppy dog face. "thats not fair you know i cant say no to that face" i said he smiled.

"i know" he smirked. i stood on my tip toes and kissed him before standing flat on the ground again.

"want to get something to eat" he asked. "dont have to ask me twice" he laughed. we walked back the way we came and to a small cafe sorta close to the flat.

"what time does your plan leave tomarrow" i asked. "9:00"

"Pm" i said suprised. "no am" he said laughing. "ohhh that makes more sence"

we orderd and talked about what we should do today.

"want to go see a movie" he suggested.

"sure how about 'about time'" i said. "sure" i didnt actually think he would go for it because its more so a chick flick but im not complaining.

our food came and we ate then payed and walked to the movie theater.

we got the tickets and food and drinks even though we just ate and walked into the theater. we got seats at the very top in the back where nobody was.

When the lights dimmed down he put his arm around my shoulder and i snuggled into his side.

Soon enough the credits started and the lights came back on.

"That was better than i thought it would be" he said. i nooded.

"Wanna head home" i asked. "ya i still have to finish packing" he said and i looked down.

"Dont worry about that though we will spend our last night together wisley i dont hsve much to pack" he siad. i nooded.

We walked back to the house. we walked to the boys house and upstairs into his room.

I jumped on the bed as he threw random stuff into his suitcase.

"When are you gonna be done" i asked. "Gimme a sec wait ocme here" he said waving his hand by him.

"Help me get this damn thing closed" he said and sat on the suitcase. i tryed to get it zipped but it wouldnt.

"You try" i saod and switche places so i was sitting on the suitcase and he tryed to zip it.

Once he it he helped me up since it was sat on the floor. "well that makese feel fat" i said brushing the imaginary dust off of my pants.

"You are not fat im just stronger than you" he siad pulling me closer to him.

"Yes i am look at this" i sia pointing to my stomach. "Im not sure what im looking at because your stomach is flat" he said. oh i give up.

I pulled away from him and sat on his bed. he came up and sat behind me pulling me into his lap...again. he pressed his lips to mine quickly and pulled back.

"i was thinking" he said looking away. "about what" i asked playing with the collar of his shirt.

"about when i get back" he said what is he freaking thinking about.

"what about when you get back" i asked. "what if when i come back we rent a flat together" he said.

"i would love to" i said without even thinking. i mean we have been together for a year and a halfish (just saying they have been i kept forgetting to do the 1 month later things oops) plus the 3 months when we were 16. we already are together like 24/7 anyways. sarah would obviously come with us im not just gonna leave her here.

"When i come back we will go looking for our flat" he promised. "pinky promise" i said being childish.

"Pinky promise" he smiled. I love his smile its just amazing. even when he had crocked teeth.

he wrapped pinky around mine. his hands are freaking huge at least compared to mine.

"You know your hnads are freaking huge right" i said. "so ive been told" he grinned. who has told him that. i mean really its such a random thing.

"By who" i asled sitting next to him.

"Fans some botice the most random things" he said its true though.

I nooded. "what time is it" i looked around the room trying to find the clock but i couldnt find it.

"Its 9:00 pm" he looked at his phone. how is that late already.

"Want to watch a movie" he asked probably not knowing what to do.

"Sure what movie" i asked. "doesnt matter to me" he said. i looked at the movies he had by the tv.

"Oh can we watch the notebook" i pleaded. "Okay" he said. he acts like he hates thos movie but i know he loves it.

"Dot deny you dont love this movie" i said after i sat back down.

Niall put his arm around me and i snuggled into his side.

"I love you" i whisperd before i fell asleep.


hey so i thought i would update because its december 1st omg lol. theres a spider in my room and im scared theres i hate nothing more than spiders except maybe feet. eh oh well lol. midnight memories omg. i have the ultimate album and have all 18 songs memorized lol i have to much freeom. okay and 1 questin?

if i wrote another book would you read it?

thanks vote, comment about the book and your answer, and share with your friends, luv ya byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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