I should tell him

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"Britt can we go on the swings please" jacob asked

"Sure lets go" i told him and we ran for the swings

"Push me push me britt
Please push me" he asked

I gave in and pushed him on the swings.

"Jacob who who who is that and why is he comeing near us" i asked him.

"I dont know britt i-i-i dont know but he dosnt look friendly"

The man came over and pulled a knife out of his pocket.

"Okay come with me and you wont get hurt" the guy said

"No" me being the little confident kid i was said

"What was that" he asked

"I said no"

"Nobody says no to me" he said

With that he picked up jacob and ran away

"JACOB NO NO JACOB COME BACK OLEASE NO" i screamed while running after them.


With that they were gone.

*end dream*

(Brittanys pov)

I woke up in a white room. I was sweating and breathing heavily from the dream well nightmare i just had.

I looked over to the side and saw niall, kayla, and harry sleeping on the chairs.

"Aww miss.curtis i see you have woken up." A lady in scrubs in the cornor of the room said.

"Y-yeah but where am i" i asked


"Call me brittany" i interupted

"Brittany you are in the hospital your friends brought you here" the apparently nurse told me.

"Why did they bring you here"

"Well the blonde one who was carrying you said that you fell asleep but stopped breathing" she told me (idk if its possible just go with it)

"What" i asked

"He said you were watching a movie and you fell asleep you were breathing fine till all of the sudden you just completly flatlined so they brought you here and we were able to get you to breath and stay alive your very lucky to have friends as careing" she said

"Yeah but are there more people here then just them" i said pointing to the three sleeping.

"Yes you were only aloud 3 people at a time and they all agreed they would be the one to come in" she told me

"How long have i been here" i asked

"Um about 2 days and i need to ask a few questions to make sure you have no brain damage or memory lose" she told me

"Okay" i said

"First how old are you"


"Yes what year is it"


"Yep and were are you from"

"Im from chesire holmes chaple but now i live here in london"

"Yes and do you live with anyone"

"Yes i live with kayla which is her" i said pointing to the sleeping kayla.

"Okay you will be free to go later today"she told me smileing

"Thank you" i said

"No problem just hit the red button eight there if you need anything" she told

"Okay thanks again"

"Yep" and with that she left.

"Kayla, harry, niall wake up" i said loud but not to loud im crazy but i dont want to disturb any other patiense. ( i cant spell to save ma life)

"What who said that" kayla said while wakeing up.

"Me" i said

"Oh my gosh youre awake" she said happily while hugging me.

"Yeah how long have you guys been here" i aksed

"Well everyone has been here since the inccident but everyone has gone home to shower, change, and get food except niall we keep bringing him food and he will eat but he wont leave the room" she told me

"Really why" i asked

"We dont know but he has really been likeing you whats a going on there"
She asked

"Well you know how i told you about that guy when we were 16 from the beach house" i asked

"Um yeah i do" she said

"Well we figured out that niall is the guy from california" i said excidedly

"Omg really and are you guys together or..." She asked

"I honestly have no clue" i said

"Oh that sucks and how are you feeling" she asked changeing the subject probably so i wont say anything about her and harry hehehe
She thinks she can get away that easily shes wrong.

"Good but uh i had a dream well nightmare about..." I said

Kayla and harry are the only ones to know about jacob besides family.

Jacob is my brother we were super super close we are actually twins. So my birthday isnt always my favorite day ever.

That day at the park from my dream was the worste day ever. Jacob was abducted and we never found him. We were 8 and it was at a park across the street from my house. My parents had gone to get us icecream and we coudlnt see them but we didnt care. The park was safe i guess not so much. Anyways he was abducted at age 8 we did everything we coudl to find him and we never did. I dont even know if hes alive anymore.

"Who was it britt youre scareing me" she said nervously.

"It was a flashback of the day and time jacob was abducted" before i could finish the sentence i was crying

Kayla hugged me really tight because she knew this was a touchy subject and even hearing the name i will start crying. Which was bad in school because there were so many people named jacob. I litterally had to go to therapy to get rid of that habbit but now i think its back.

My crying woke up harry and niall and they came and hugged me to.

They pulled away and looked at me.

"Whats tha matter are you okay" harry asked concerned.

I saw kayla whisper something to him and his jaw fell to the floor. He came and hugged me again.

"Im so sorry" he said to me

"Its okay i just wish i could have had a diffrent flashback a happyer one" i told him.

"Wait what in confused" niall said

"Do you want to fill him in or do you want me to" kayla asked

"Can you guys do it i-i cant talk about this right now" i said still crying.

"Sure"she told me. And with that they tild niall the whole story failing to mention one thing.

"Oh my god i had no idea im so sorry brittnay but at least your birthday is in a couple days" niall said trying to get me to perk up.

I just cried more at the mention of my brithday.

"Oh gosh what did i say" niall said worrying

"Well they forgot the part about us being twins so my birthday is his birthday after the inccident all me and my mom and dad did was mope aroudn crying over it on our birthday" i tild him proceding to somehow cry more.

"Oh brittnay im so sorry" niall said while hugging me. On the bright side horan hug.

"Its ok now can one of you go ask when i can get out of here i absolutly hate hospitals" i asked.

"Sure ill be back" harry said leaving.

"Im gonna go with him" kayla said leaving while winking at me.

"Oh heres some cloths kayla brought you to change into" niall said handing me a bag.

"Thanks ill be right back" i told him and walked into the bathroom.

I changed into the yoga pants and my favorite white hoodie that say "this is my too tierd to function hoodie". Ya see this is 1 of the reasons shes my best friend. She knows what my favorite dressy, casual, formal, and lazy outfits are.

Then i pulled the moccasins and socks out of the bag and slipped them on.

I put my hair in a messy bun on the top of my head and washed my tear stained face.

When i was done and looked half decent but i dont really care i walked back into the room.

Kayla, niall, and harry were all in there and told me we could leave now.

We walked into the waiting room where the others were.

Perrie and el looked like kayla did probably from crying. Harry, louis, liam and zayn all looked the same normal just with lack of sleep. And niall looked the worst like he got no sleep was crying and didnt want to eat much. Which is what kayla told me.

We went home and me and kayla went to our house and el, perrie came with while all the guys went to their place to sleep.

We have a guest room and offerd it to them and they said sure because they didnt want to bother the guys for a ride back. Oh yeah they must have left their cars at the movies or dropped them off at their houses. I was out for 2 days.

We all went to bed after that. But i couldnt sleep that well because i was affraid i would get another one of those flashback nightmares again.
Heyy so sad so sas didnt see it comeing did ya i think not BOOM!!!!

Okay im weird hope you liked it.

So i had an amaZAYNSTAGRAM (boom double kayla lol) day with kayla. We talked like werdos watched funny videos and made weird videos.

If u want to know who i am go follow my

Instagram: @hannascrazy

Twitter: @hanna_hkmg

And vine: username is just hanna im blonde same profile pic as my pic on here so yeah.

I hope you liked comment, vote, share with ya friends bye.

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