america yay

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soo now we are in America yay.

we have been here for the past week and will be here for a few months still. the guys have a few days off so we can do whatever we want. today we decided to go swimming in the hotels pool.

i put on a strapless black and white stripped bikini the bottoms the same pattern. i threw on shorts and a tank top over top of it and found my towel. i walked into the living room of the hotel room and found niall sitting on the couch wearing a tshirt his swim trunks and had a towel next to him. i walked over to him and we met everbody down at the pool once sarah had come out all ready.

i took off the tank top and shorts and jumped into the pool. niall jumped in after me right next to me. and basically everyone else.

i turned around and started talking to lou when someone pulled me back. i screamed a little and every laughed. includeing the person who pulled me back. niall. i can tell just by the way he laughed. yea i know him that well. don't judge me you would to.

"what was that for" i asked turning around. "eh no reason" he said. his thick irish accent extremely clear in that sentence.

i swam back to lou and continued talking to him. zayn and liam joined our conversation. me and kayla got out of the pool to go get food from the vending machine. i wrapped my towel around me and kayla did the same.

Me and kayla got out and wrapped towels around our selves so we could get something to eat from the vending machine.

We walked out of the pool room and into the hall. we flund the vending machine and looked to see what was in here.

Sarah ame out a minute later. she walked over to us and lookeda round a little.

"Britt kayla theres someone watching us" she said pointing at some guy dressed all in black stareing at us.

"Just ignore him" i said and went back to getting my candy.

We got everything we wanted an went back into the pool room.

I sat on a beach chair and opend my skittles. (kayla taste the freaking rainbow im not afraid omg that was awsome lol)

I finished eating and waited a little bit then got back in the pool.

We swam for a while then decided to go back upstairs.

We got into the hotel room and i went to take a shower.

I did what i needed and hopped out. i wrapped a fuzzy towel around my body and one around my hair. m
I put on the bra underwear tshirt and yoga pants i brought in here.

O toke my hair out of the towel and brushed through it.

I went back into the living room. i sat on te couch a sprawled out over top of sarsh an niall.

"Sarah sarah sarah" i repeated. shes been looking at he phone for what seems like ever. i dint think that made sense. oh well.

"What" she said still stareing at the phone.

"Whatcha doin" i asked smieking for no apparent reason. "um nothing" she said without hesitation. hmm suspisious.

"Are you texting someone" i aske nudgeing her with my foot. "um no" more non hesitation.

"You are i know that trick much i well" i said pointing at her. hey i just had an ah ha moment. i dont get that very often.

"Okay fine i am" she said. judgeing by her bright red cheeks shes textin a boy.

"Is this person a boy or girl" i asked. "how many questions are you gonna ask me" she said straight face. red cheeks still though.

"I dont know now answer the question" i said. "a a b-boy?" She answerd it comeing out more as a question though.

"Yes i knew it whats his name"

"Um sean" she said she looks uncomfortable talking about it. "ohh how ling have you been talking to him" i aasked im not letting this go.

"Um i met him a month before you guys sai we were going in tour which was a few months ago so a while now" she said tryig to figure out how long.

"Cool are you datein or just friends" i asked. a if it was possible her cheeks grew more red.

"We are just friends" she said. judgeing by that she likes him diffrently.

"Ill kill him if he hurtsyiu and i know all the boys will two" i said niall nooded.

"Yep we will you can count on that" he said we just laughed.

We talked about that for a while longer and other random stuff.

All the boys and kayla came over. since we had the biggest hotel room. well we had to fit 3 people so of couse we do.

We orderd chinese food and ate and watched titanic and we all fell asleep on the couchs or the floor.

I am sorry for it being so short but its just a filler the next chapter will have some drama i promise lol. has anyone heard story of my life. its just perfection. i have it memrized already. thats how you know youre obbsessed. ohhhhhh the feels. who gave them permision to do that to us. NOBODY. lol im in that weird mood where everything is funny and im random and weird. so me and kayla where talking and getting the exact same ideas litteraly we r creeped out now lol. byeeeee thanks for reading ill update soon. 



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