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So its been about a week and a half i think and im still in chesire with my mum. ive barely left the hospital because im afraid something will happen when im gone.

I still talk to niall every night and hes worried about me. everyone is. Ive met jacobs girlfriend shes really nice. perrie and el have stayed.

Mum hast gotten any better. the doctors are trying everything they can but nothing is working.

Shes actually getting worse. they arent sure how much time she has left now but it isnt much.

"Brittany go to the hotel and get some rest please" mum begged for the milionth time. "no mum i cant what if something happens and im not here i dont want to leave mum i cant leave you know when you could be leaving me for good soon" i said. she sighed and gave up for now.

"Can you go get the doctor i need some more pain killers" she said. i nooded and got up.

I walked out and found he doctor and told her that. we walked back into the room and mums hert monitar started going crazy. "mum mum no" i said rushing over to her.

I was now balling my eyes out. "dont go stay with me please mum dont go" i sai even though its not gonna help.

"Its my time darling its my time youll be fine i will always be with you" she whisperd.

I was pushed out o the way by the doctors.

They made me go out i te waiting room and i sat in the chair balling my eyes out.

Everyone walked in and rushed over to me.

"What happend" they all asked. "mum her heart monitor went crazy dont know whats happeing" i managed to say.

They all looked shooked and sad. they started crying to.

Then i saw it they automatic doors opend and 5 boys ran in. the 5 boys ive been waiting to see for almost 2 months.

They ran over to us and saw us crying. i had my head in my hands and my elbows resting on my knees balling y eyes out.

"What happend princess" nialls gentel voice spoke. he was kneeling infront of me and since i was on a chair i was his height.

"Mum....heart monitor.....crazy" was mostly all i managed but he understood and sat in the chair. Next to me and pulling me onto his lap and huged me as tightly as he could.

I cryed into his chest until the docotr came out and stood infront of us.

"I need any of ms.curtis direct family" he said sadly. what is happeing.

I stood up so did jacob and sarah.

"What is happing to my mum" i asked.

"Im very sorry but she was rushed into surgery and dureing the surgery she flatlined and we couldnt save her im so sorry but you mother and your aunt is dead" he said with sympathy in his voice.

Thats all it took for me to break down. Shes gone. i never even got to say goodbye. my mum who waa always there for me he was there for everything in my life. cared for me loved me helped me. who gave me the gift of life. is gone just like that.

The doctor left and niall came back over to me and pulled me into his chest.

"Its okay" he sushed me rubbing circles on my back and i sobbed into his chest.

"But its not shes gone forever i never got to say goodbye" i chocked out.

He sat down on a chair and pulled me with him rocking us back and forth.

"Wait niall why are you guys here i thought you were in america" i asked as i was able to stop crying.

"Kayla called harry and she told us about your mums condition and that she was worried about you since you wouldnt leave or do anything we were able to get some time off when we explained to managment what happend so we got on the next plane here we got in a few hours ago i was gonna come right away but jet leg made me flal asleep i came as soon as i got up though and i got here at a bad but goodime because kayla called that she was in ba condition as we pulled in" he explained. i nooded and we sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel you havent slept well for a week" perrie asked me.

I nooded. i stood up and so did niall and he pulled me closer by putting his arm around my waist.

We walked out to the car the boys remted for the little time their here.

Luckily no fans or paps had found them yet.

The driver took us to the hotel and thankfully still no fans or paps were here.

We went upto the floor we were on.

"Go get some rest ill be in in a few" niall said. i nooded and walked into my room. as soon as i fell on the bed i fell asleep.

Hey guy so sorry its been a while. ive been super busy and its forceing me to not update as much as i would like to be.

Butttttttt on a good note 4 more days until winter break for 2 weeks so that means lots of update for the holidays. i know for christmas eve u may be with family but since its louis birthday i will try and update that day and whenever i can. i have about 5 prewriten chapters so it will be easyer for a bit.

Sooo we with that i have to go shoppin for food for my f and c project so bye bye. i will update very soon promise.

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