last authors note

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hey hey. so the last chapter was the last chapter and im so sorry its so short but i got stuck so yeah. but the sequal called Eternity should be out soon. 

i have had so much fun writing this book and i love all of you for reading it so thank you so much. i dont really know what to say but i really hope you read the sequal. i do have many suprises and it will not be like the sequal to my other book because this time i have written down the ideas. 

i hope to post another new book totally unrelated though. it's a youtuber/ non famous one direction. would you read it?

the concept is confuseing so i will post that another time. 

but yeah i really hope you go read Eternity. and i really hope you liked this book. 

so vote comment and share with your friends. love you all. 

eternity should be out soon hopeing i can upload it on march 6th my birthday so ya. dubaiiiii for now.

-hanna is sad because the book is done but happy about the sequal :)

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