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Its been another week. niall and the boys went back on tour. they had no choice.

The selfish part of me wants him here with me. just us. but the careing side of me doesnt want him here. i wnat him to be doing te concerts to make all the people happy that bought tickets. im just glad only 1 more week till he's back for along time again.

I've been miserable though. im back in london in mine an the girls flat. i have barely left. kayla and sarah brin me food because they dont want me to starve.

Im so miserable for 2 reasons. 1 im still upset about my mum. and 2 i miss my boyfriend. he has to work when i need him most.

"Britt" kayla knocked on my door. "ya" i yelled back. "can i come in"she asked. "yep" she walked in and sat in my desk chair right by the bed.

"How ya doing" she asked. "fine i guess" i lied im a mess.

"I mean for having no parents and my boyfriend working when i need him most i could be better" i shrugged.

"If it makes you feel any better i just got off the phone with harry and he said niall hasnt been upto par either" she said.

"Why would that make me feel better" i sat up all the way instead of lenaing on the head board and paused my movie. i put my hair in a messy bun and pulle my sweatshirt sleeves over my hands.

"Its because of you" where the hell is she going with this. "oh well that changes everything the one i love is a mess because of me yes that makes me feel great" i said not in a snappy tone though just sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes at me. "he's a mess because he's worried about you and he misses you he cryed dureing little things because he thought of you doesnt that make you feel a little better that hes thinking about you constantly and hes worried for you" she said. "i guess it does a little" i shrugged.

"Its just hard" i said. she sat next to me on the bed. "i know but they'll all d home soon" she said. i sighed.

"Hey uh i really dont want to make you any more depressed than you are but we have bad news" sarah came into the room. she looks like she's been crying to. "what happend" i asked. she st next to me. "some one from child services called"

"What did they say" i already know thsi is gonna turn out bad.

"Alex is back from the military training" she said. alex is her older brother. "he is really" why is this bad news. "they said since he's my brother and also of legal age i have to move in with him" (ya i know they dont actually do that in real life but its ma story so just go with it)

"There takeing you away from me" i said. she nooded. "why"

"Because they somehow found out aunt laura died and didnt think you woukd be stabke to take care of me because of you medical past and since alex has had military training and is my brother they think i would be better off living with him they dont know we have other people besides you taking care of me britt there making me leave" she explained.

"They thy cant do that" i said. "tey can though i dont know how or why but they can" she looked ready to cry. "when is he takeing you" i asked.

"Next week"she said. "thats when te boys come back"kayla said. "i know i think im leaving the day ir two before they come back" she said.

There was a knock on the door downstairs. kayla went to answer it since she didnt look like a mess like sarah and ecspecially me.

I Washed my face and he put my hair up in a messy bun.

I went downsairs and saw kayla at the door. "come in" she said and in came


I love alex i death he is like a brother to me. hes the same age as me and when jacob went missing he stepped up and acted like my brother alot.

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