2 months

25 0 0

The camping trip went great. the girls were extremly happy that i was having a baby.

Megan, dad and the kids have been also extremly happy and have been cailling to see whats going on. so has maura, julie, and jacob they are all super excited.

Right now i'm 2 months and slightly starting to show but not to much.

I have to go for an sonogram today and niall is super happy. he is enjoying this more than i am. I mean im super happy because we will have a child in 7 months but he isnt the pregnent one.

He doesnt get all these freaking symptoms.

"Babe you ready" niall yelled upstairs. "yeah i'm comeing" i ran down the stairs and fixed my shirt.

We walked outside and into the car.

He drove us to the doctors office. when we walked in i checked in and we waited for a bit until they called my name.

"Hello" i smiled. "hi come with me" te nurse said. We followed her to the same room we were in last time.

"Doctor should be in in just a few minutes" she said. "you seem nervous" niall said grabbing my hand. "no im just a but anxious" i said. "how are you two today" she said in an extremly perky mood.

"Great what has you in suck a good mood" i asked. "im not supposed to share my personal life with my patients" she said. "aww come on you can tell me" i begged.

"Alright me and my boyfriend got engaged a few days ago" she said. "Oh thts so exciting im so happy for you" i smile hugging her. "how did he do it" i asked.

"Over dinner at my favorite resteraunt" she said. "aww thats so sweet" i said. "how did you to get engaged" she asked. "he took me to a concert and proposed at the end of it" i said. "aww how sweet" she said. "alright lets get this started.

She spread the jelly stuff on my stomach an moved the wand around. "there is your baby i hear and healthy heart beat he or she is well and healthy" she said. i smiled.

She cleaned up the jelly stuff and gave us 2 copys of the picture. "okay so i just want to talk a bit more about things that will happen dureing your pregnancy " she said. i sat up with niall still holding my hand.

"So you will be having the symptoms of nausiea, cramps, headaches, swealing, cravings, mood swings things like that" she said. "in a few months it isnt the same for all women so there is no specific time you will feel like your becoming more clingy" she said. "you will want to be with your partner more and more and niall dont be annoyed its only the hormones she can't help but be clingy" she said.

"When you are gone because of your job she will need to have someone with her to help her because if she becomes more needy she will not be happy being alone become stressed and that isnt healthy for her or the baby" she said.

"The baby should start kicking around 4-5 months about 4 months you will be able to find out the sex when your in your 3rd trimester you can not fly anywhere also at any random times you will have nightmares" she said. "okay"

She said a few more things nefore we were aloud to go.

We left and got into the car. "oh dad wants us to go over their for dinner" i said. "okay do you want to go home and change first" he asked. im wearing sweat pants and a random t-shirt.

"Yeah" i said. we got to the house and i went upstairs. i took a quick shower and put on jeans and a pink jumper. i put on my black converse. i put my damn hair in a side fishtail.

"Im ready" i said and we got back in the car. we finally made it to the house since niall kept makeinv wrong turns.

"Remind me to not let you drive us here next time" i joked getting out of the car. "hey im not that bad" he said. "yes you are" i said and rang the doorbell.

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