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As the slitheen went to kill Sarah Jane, the tardis arrived. The slitheen stopped in an instant and looked at the tardis, stunned that the doctor was actually here.

"You made the wrong choice Doctor." The Slitheen laughed. "But your companions were always your weaknesss." The slitheen continued. The slitheen then grabbed Sarah jane and held her so she was restrained. At least then she couldn't try anything.

"You really think he made the wrong choice? Well think again!" Rose shouted as she launched out of the tardis. She had a water gun; a water gun that was filled with vinegar. She pushed the trigger back and vinegar began to pour out, soaking the slitheen.

"Oh." The slitheen murmured before exploding. There was green goo everywhere... Great this was just what they needed.

The doctor rushed up to Sarah Jane. "Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yeah." She smiled, she was more than okay. She had her hero here with her. The doctor pulled her into a deep hug, it lasted quite a while and was only cut off by Rose.

"I know you guys are happy to see each other; but this device is still going!" Rose exclaimed.

"I'm on it." The doctor murmured before getting out his sonic screwdriver. He aimed it at the device and pressed the button; the device began to spark. It was no longer functional. The doctor had succeeded. He had saved this planet once again. And more importantly he had saved Sarah.

"We done it." Rose smiled. They had saved the planet once again and Rose was happy that she had a role in that; even if it was a small role. But the doctor and Sarah weren't paying attention to Rose. They were both stood closely to one another; facing one another.

"I'll leave you guys to it." Rose awkwardly spoke before heading into the tardis. She had noticed a change in the doctors mood recently. He had been more happier, Rose was unsure why but now she had an idea. Maybe it concerned Sarah Jane.

"I will give up everything to live on Earth with you." The doctor blurted. Little did he know that the CCTV was still on in the tardis and Rose was watching.

"Doctor you're not talking sense..." Sarah Jane began. She didn't know how to respond to this she honestly wasn't expecting it at all.

"I don't think I've spoken any more sense in my life." The doctor murmured. Sarah Jane felt her heart explode, but she also felt like they should discuss this someone more appropriate.

"I think we should discuss this somewhere more appropriate doctor." Sarah Jane murmured.

"Sure! I have time. Rose was going to go and see her mum and Micky anyway!"  The doctor explained. Him and Sarah then headed towards the tardis. Rose quickly shut the CCTV down so the doctor didn't know that she had been tuning in. She didn't actually have plans to visit her family; she thought that the doctor was returning Sarah Jane home and that they were going to go on another trip. But clearly things had changed, she didn't mind visiting her family. She missed them quite a lot actually.

The doctor pulled several leavers and the tardis landed on bannerman road; outside Sarah Jane's house.

"I'll be off." Rose smiled before heading towards the tardis exit.

"Yes I will contact you soon." Sarah Jane smiled.

"Rose I will be meeting you back here real soon." The doctor added. Rose just nodded in response and then exited the tardis. This left Sarah and the doctor alone...

"Shall we head to yours?" The doctor asked Sarah Jane with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah." Sarah Jane replied, returning the smile. They both exited the tardis, Sarah Jane walked on ahead while the doctor locked it and made it hide out of plain sight.

Whilst walking on ahead Sarah Jane began to think... Regardless to how she felt and how the doctor felt. She couldn't have him sacrifice everything to stay here with her. Traveling was his thing; it was in his nature. And she wasn't going to take that away from him; it would be extremely selfish. Sarah Jane was a lot of things, but she certainly wasn't that.


Drafting this book have a little twist so it will last until chapter 20. Its not the best of plans or book but Im quite happy with it :)

Unedited i just wanted to update, I drafted this late instead of revising for my chemistry exam which im apparently now flunking;great.

Thanks for reading

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Freya x

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