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All three humans ran up to the attic as fast as they could. To their revelation Mr. Smith was going crazy, he was sparking and stuff... This wasn't like his normal self... Never had Sarah Jane seen him act in this manner the whole time he had been in her attic.

"Mr Smith... What's going on?" Sarah Jane asked the computer. She had to ask him, she didn't know how else to approach the situation really. And clearly something wasn't right here.

"Sarah jane. I-i." Mr smith began.

"You what?" Sarah Jane asked the computer.

"I've been... I've been hacked.. Something i..is in my data banks." Mr Smith continued.

"What does that mean?" Sarah Jane frowned, she meant what was the consequences of that.

"They can get information which may b-be beneficial to them. And things i-important to us can be e-erased." Mr Smith explained.

"Why?!" Sarah Jane raised her voice. She was fed up of all of this, the whole situation was so frustrating. She wanted to kill this parasite and get her daughter back and then she could resume with her everyday life.

"I- i do not have the answer to that Sarah Jane." Mr. Smith responded, he was so un-useful at times... Times like this. Giving advice and explaining situations which aren't scientific or alien related certainly aren't strong points of his.

"Well what use are you then!?" Sarah Jane snapped. she then felt guilty in an instance. Mr. Smith had helped her so many times... In more ways than one. He had helped her with information and had helped her save the world... He was part of the world saving team, a vital member actually.

"I'm sorry Mr. Smith... I didn't mean that." Sarah Jane told him.

"I understand... I can sense that you're distressed right now." Mr Smith spoke in a low, quiet tone. "But I may have something of use to you, that my hacker would like me to show all of you." Mr smith exclaimed.

"Go on, show us." Sarah Jane told him. A video player then came up on Mr. Smith's screen... It was a live feed actually.. It was a slitheen with a young girl... A young girl who was Sarah Jane and the doctors daughter.

"So... Fellow hereos... Heres the deal. You make a move against me and your beloved daughter dies, just like that... Don't think I won't do it." The slitheen began... But she's part time-lord Sarah Jane thought... She may survive. But that wasn't worth mentioning, it would only create more Agro and it wasn't worth the risk either as she was unsure if her daughter could actually regenerate. She had never been in a situation where she needed to regenerate.

"So... If you want your daughter to live. I want the tardis, dropped to the location that I will fax through via to Mr. Smith. He's a useful thing isn't he? But once i have the tardis your daughter will be free and have safe passage, i've grown rather fond of the child so don't make me kill her. You have 12 hours. Don't try and wager more time with me either, 12 hours is generous considering you only have to drop off something you already have... If you try and wager with me
Or dispute this then it will be 6 hours and i will continue to decrease it and so on... Goodluck Sarah... And the doctor i hope you make the right decision for not only your daughters sake but all of your sake as i will get that tardis one way or another." The slitheen spoke leaving everyone stunned and unsure on what to do next. This was such a bad ultimatum.

Ehh this is kinda crap &a long wait for it too. Sorry. Im thinking of ending this in about 5 chapters as its dragging now.

Unedited, yeah i know i suck.

Thanks for reading, ill try and draft something up soon.

Freya xx

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