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The doctor had set the tardis to return from when he had left off, so it would be current day Earth.

Martha was freaking out about how the tardis moved and traveled. She was super excited with the new adventures posed to her. She couldn't wait to see what was out there. But she also needed to go and see her family; say goodbye before she just decides to just up and leave them. She would miss her parents but she also knew it wouldn't be permanent... She could come back and see them; she wouldn't be traveling with the doctor forever anyway. Rose certainly didn't, her fate wasn't that great. Martha truly hoped that her fate wouldn't be anything like that.

The tardis stopped moving, this meant that they had arrived at their destination.

The doctor opened the door, he was on bannerman road... But it looked a little different. He could see Sarah's large, spacious house but there were also a few other large buildings which couldn't of been built over night. The doctor frowned, he stepped back into the tardis and looked at the machine.

"Whats up doctor?" Martha asked him, sensing that something was wrong. The doctor just ignored her, he looked at the tardis to see the location was London, Ealing, 2026. The doctors eyes narrowed, he said present day... This was ten years in the future, how was that even possible?

He then remembered River Song mentioning something about a time difference... That must be it. While the doctor was gone, there was a rapid increase in time... Years. So what had been a week for him and been about ten years for Sarah... Ten years? Does that mean the doctors baby has been born?


"Doctor?" Martha frowned.

"We're ten years in the future." The doctor murmured.

"I thought you said present day!" Martha exclaimed.

"Well... I guess not. The time difference clearly is a lot more than we thought." The doctor explained.

"What? So my parents? What will they think? Will they still be here?" Martha asked the doctor a bunch of questions. The doctor wasn't very keen on newbies... Well that wasn't exactly true. It was more of the fact that they didn't know much and they asked him several questions. The doctor just didn't like to be questioned.

"You're probably missing or presumed dead? I don't know Martha. I haven't been to this place or time, I've experienced the same as you to do with this time. Look lets go and investigate. I'm sure you can go and catch up with your parents and I can attend to the few things that I need to attend to." The doctor responded, before exiting the tardis, Martha followed him and exited the tardis. The doctor locked the tardis once they had both exited.

"What do I tell my family?" Martha asked the doctor. The doctor really didn't know... He didn't have any family, hadn't had any in a long time due to the fact that his home planet was destroyed. Saying that, the doctor may potentially have some form of family; his and Sarah's baby.

He needed to investigate and find out what he could about Sarah's baby.

"I don't know Martha... I'm not good with that kind of stuff. Remember? I have no family. But I guess you'll just have to improvise; I'm sure you will be able to. Like why not say something along the lines of unit sending you on another operation?" The doctor responded, but for Martha it wasn't very helpful.

"Okay doctor... I'll go see my family. When shall I meet you back at the tardis?" Martha asked the doctor.

"Tomorrow morning; 7:30am. We can set off then." The doctor replied.

"Sounds great." Martha smiled before walking on ahead. She walked up Bannerman road in the complete opposite direction to the doctor. She clearly lived nearby.

The doctor had until tomorrow morning... Surely that would be more than enough time to find out about Sarah's and "his" daughter. To find out what Sarah's thoughts were on the doctor at the moment. The doctor didn't think they would be good; Sarah Jane would probably have a negatice attitudr towards the doctor and the doctor understood that. She had every right to have that. All the doctor truthfully wants to do now is to see his child. Everything else had been thrown out of the window. The doctor knew that his chance with Sarah Jane was defiantly out of the question.

Thats it, i have no more drafts left for this book so u guys will probably have to wait a ridiculous amount of time for me to update, sorry yes i suck. My exams start in two weeks so i MAY not be able to update as frequently so yeah i finish school june 17th though and it will be non stop writing :)

Thanks for reading


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Freya x

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