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It had been two weeks. Sarah Jane had not heard anything from the doctor... Nothing.

She felt betrayed. The doctor specifically told Sarah that he would never leave her and he had done exactly that.

Sarah Jane felt used, she felt rubbish. She was confused, the doctor usually kept to his word. That's what was so bizarre about it.

She told the doctor that she didn't want to give up his tardis and traveling... He didn't need to; Sarah Jane would of been happy with the whole long distance type thing. But the doctor insisted and Sarah Jane was so confused about it because why would he pursue the matter if he was just going to leave anyway?

It was just like before when he left her and somehow she would have to get over the doctor once again. But this time things would be a lot harder because they were romantically involved.


The doctor continued to try and stop the tardis, but there was no success. The tardis then landed, it was stationary. This was it; they weren't traveling through time and space anymore, they had reached their destination.

The doctor rolled his eyes. River Song could wait, The doctor needed to go back for Sarah Jane.

The doctor pulled the leaver and tried to get the tardis to go back to its previous location. But his small LCD screen lit up, it was River Song.

"No way are you getting out of this that easy doctor now that you're here and all. You know... I'm sorry to burst your bubble and just bring you here unannounced but it really is important... I've programmed your tardis to not let you leave here until the threat here is neutralised and the problem is solved. I really do need your help, i wouldn't just do this for the sake of it. You will be able to leave here when this severe problem is resolved." The video played, it had now reached its end. The LCD screen turned itself off. The doctor sighed, the word "severe" meant that this was something bad, really bad... It was serious.

"Doctor whats going on? What is all of this about? And most importantly what is up with you? Why are you so keen to get back to Earth?" Rose asked the doctor a lot of questions, she was getting suspicious. This wasn't good. The doctor couldn't answer three of the four questions that Rose had asked him. But the one he could answer (why are you so keen to get back) it was to get back to Sarah Jane. He didn't want to be gone for too long, he felt really guilty leaving like this, but it wasn't willingly so that should count for something.

"I don't know what's going on or what this is about Rose. I've seen the exact same as you, so I apologise that I can't inform you on the specifics. Only River Song can do that, and that is who I'm going to see about this." The doctor responded before heading out of the tardis. He paused when he realised that Rose was following him. He didn't think it was very wise.

"Rose I think you should stay at the tardis." The doctor began.

"No way Doctor!" Rose told him.

"Look, I don't know if I'll be able to protect you Rose... I'm not sure of the situation myself but I do know it involves weeping angels. And believe me, their deadly... Very deadly, one of the worst villains i've come across. I don't want anything bad to happen to you Rose." The doctor explained.

"I can look after myself Doctor. I'll stick by you and follow your instructions. You want to leave here soon as possible right? Then what better way of doing so than letting me come and help you. Two people is better than one; you will get more stuff done." Rose pointed out. What Rose had said made sense, the doctor just sighed in defeat.

"Fine cmon on then." The doctor agreed. They both then headed out of the tardis, the doctor locked it behind him... It was just precaution. The doctor knew that the weeping Angels fed off time energy so he defiantly wasn't going to leave his tardis unlocked with them about.

The doctor and Rose then headed of in darkness to find River Song. But little did they know about what they were really getting themselves into.

Hey guys ive started to draft upcoming chapters of this book because i'm excited to write it and I'll also be able to update more frequently. 

- I've decided that there's going to be a time difference between the doctor and Sarah in this book. So why he's doing stuff; helping River song. Time is passing tremendously with Sarah Jane.

Unedited, yeah i did draft this one at 3am. I'll probably proof read it before i actually post this though.

I need to end this book soon sorry guys, there will be between 5-10 parts left cause im not sure i have quite a few ideas though.

Thanks to all my fans, I love you guys!💙

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Please vote/comment <I really do appreciate it.


Freya xx

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