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<video attached has to be my favourite 2 minutes of doctor who  EVER tbh!❤️❤️❤️❤️>


Sarah Jane had stopped hoping on the fact  that she would hear from the doctor again, she knew that she more than likely wouldn't and she would have to be okay with that. She had been alone for most of her life anyway, so what difference does this make?

Sarah Jane walked downstairs to the kitchen. She was feeling hungry, so hungry. But she hadn't been able to eat much lately.... She had been throwing up quite a lot. More than usual, if it continues she would have to book a doctor appointment as it's not normal for her to be throwing up at least three times a day, for a whole week.

She sighed, now she wasn't going to make any food. She didn't see the point if she was only going to throw it up, it would be a waste of food and money. Instead she grabbed a glass of water, something simple.

She then headed back up to her attic with her glass of water. She needed to work, she needed to write a story. She needed something to occupy her, but there was just hardly any stories about at the moment. But her agent kept bugging her to write a story, so Sarah Jane would have to cram that in over the next week.

She opened the door to her attic, Mr. Smith was out, him and K9 were interacting. Sarah Jane didn't mind this at least they got along.

Sarah Jane sighed as she went and sat down at her desk. She loaded up her computer to look for a story. She saw something about wildlife numbers decreasing.

"K9 do you wildlife numbers decreasing do you think it could be alien related?" Sarah Jane asked her robot dog.

"It could be mistress." Her robot dog replied.

"Do you think it's worth investigating?" Sarah Jane asked her Robot dogs opinion.

"Affirmative mistress." K9 responded. Sarah Jane nodded, maybe she had found a story to run after-all.

Sarah Jane got up from her desk and she felt dizzy... Her vision became blurry. She could hardly walk, she almost fell into her desk.

"Mistress, are you ill?" K9 asked her.

"I don't know... Can you do a medical scan?" She asked her robot dog. She wasn't sure if it was possible, but her robot dog did have many capabilities.

"Affirmative Mistress." K9 responded. Then thin metal pole with the red device then came out of the robot dogs nose. Sarah Jane stood about and waited while the robot dog scanned her.

"Medical scan complete Mistress. I detect that you have a life form living inside you." K9 told Sarah Jane.

"What? Lifeform? How is that possible?" Sarah Jane asked K9 a load of questions.

"It is possible if you engage in sexual intercourse with a male-" K9 began, but Sarah Jane interrupted the Robot dog.

"-Ok K9 that's quite enough!" Sarah Jane exclaimed, she felt her cheeks heat up. It was quite humiliating actually. "What species is the lifeform inside me?" Sarah Jane asked K9.

"Human," Her robot dog responded.

"No K9, that must be inconclusive. Scan again." Sarah Jane told her robot dog.

K9 done as she said.

"Scan completed, you are carrying a human foetus inside of you." K9 told Sarah Jane.

"What so you're telling me I'm pregnant?" Sarah Jane asked her Robot dog.

"Affirmative Mistress. The human foetus has been developing inside you for 4 weeks and 1 day" K9 told Sarah Jane and with that Sarah janes glass of water dropped to the floor.... she was in shock, it wasn't possible. She couldn't be pregnant.

Even worse that was around the time she hooked up with the doctor! But she hadn't even been with anyone else lately. So this child was the doctors... The man who walked out on Sarah when he said he wouldn't...


It was a new day for the doctor. His past night hadn't been too good, he had to sleep uncomfortably in a cheap flimsy tent that he often thought would blow away. But that was done with for now.

The doctor changed his suit and exited his tent. He saw everyone outside, they appeared to be discussing something.

Was he late for something? He had only just woke up... Why didn't rose wake him up? The doctor would expect that from her and clearly this is important or not everyone would be here.

"Doctor, how very nice of you to join us." River Song sarcastically said.

The doctor just rolled his eyes. "So what did I miss?" He asked her.

"So why you were asleep, we were planning going out into the forrest." River song told him. Was she stupid? Was she out of her mind? The doctor thought.

She would loose men doing this, it would be a massacre. But he had little authority here so he couldn't really even dispute it. His opinion hasn't even been asked for.



Like this chapter tbh! Will update in 2-3 days time :)

Unedited, beware for typos

Thanks for reading <3

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Freya x

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