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||third person||

The tardis continued to travel through space and time to find the doctors lost companion, Rose. Sarah Jane is really excited about traveling with the doctor again, and having the oppurtunity to re-live the whole adventures which her and the doctor previously shared. Oh course this time it would be different, as the doctor has a new companion, Rose.. Sarah Jane remembered her faintly, from a few years back, but she hadn't seen her in a while. This was like a dream come true for Sarah Jane, the amount of dreams that she had about traveling with the doctor again.

The tardis stopped.

Right there and then, this means that they've landed.. The doctor and Sarah had landed at there destination. The doctor put a visual on via the tardis, so that him and Sarah Jane could see where they've landed, whether it's safe and the main reason to see if there's any sight of Rose.

Sarah Jane looked at the date, and destination on the tardis, it said Earth, 2008.. So it was dating back six years, why six years? Sarah Jane had missed the excitement of not knowing your whereabouts and where you land.

It all seemed to be okay, it was just a causual warehouse, so the doctor decided to step out of the tardis and sarah jane followed along beside him.

The doctor walked straight on, and checked around every corner and in every space to see if Rose was there, but she wasn't there was no sign of her.. The doctor looked at Sarah Jane, he was unsure of what to do next, Sarah Jane was unsure too.

They both decided to continue and walk, as there's not much else that they can do.. What alternatives do they have? Go back to the tardis and leave Rose, or find Rose and go back to the tardis, the doctor had never left/betrayed a companion and he wasn't about to...

There was a banging sound, thuding... The doctor instantly thought rose.

It must be Rose, there's nothing else here.. It's empty and Rose is locared here.. But why here of all places around the universe?

"Rose." The doctor called, as he rushed over towards where he had heard the banging from, Sarah Jane followed him

"Doctor." A faint voice called, it sounded like Rose, it really did.

The doctor saw Rose, she was tied up.. Who tied her up? There's no one here right? How can this be? This is really bad.. The doctor and Sarah untied Rose as fast as they could, before rushing back towards the tardis.

They were about 5 meters away from the tardis entrance but the banging started again.. That's when the thought came to the doctor, the banging, it was never Rose it was something else, there's something else here.

A huge creature appeared, in front of the doctor, Sarah Jane and Rose.. The doctor was stunned, Sarah Jane gasped, and Rose did nothing... She was probably taken hostage by this creature.. But now, they were really in trouble.



short i know, but i've decided this book is going to be short chapters and it's official cause i can't write long chaps for this book. Unedited bare with me and any mistakes, this is like one of my lowest books so please promote it. I spend time writting it and never get anything on it.

Next update sunday, my writers block isn't too bad for this book, but i need to think about what to include for the next chapter and plan it out.

Thanks for reading <3<3




and most importantly



freya x

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