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The doctor was eager to talk to Sarah Jane, he was quite excited really. He headed up Sarah Janes driveway. She had left the front door open for him, just a little. The doctor paused and smiled... He really did feel something for Sarah... It wasn't something that just happened recently. He just didn't realise it as much before, he couldn't. He couldn't give Sarah Jane what he wanted... Especially not then. But now, things are a little different. He could sacrifice everything and be with Sarah. And for the doctor that would be a worthy sacrifice.

The doctor stopped thinking and snapped back into reality. He pushed open Sarah Jane's door and headed in. The doctor stood about in the hallway, he wasn't quite sure where Sarah currently was and he didn't really want to intrude.

He then heard a machine sounding object head towards him. A grey object moving closet towards him; it was K9. It had been a while since the doctor had seen the robot dog; but he kept Sarah company.

"Master." K9 spoke before stopping directly in front of the Doctor.

"K9! Did you miss me?" The doctor asked him, smiling. He was happy to finally reunite with K9.

"Affirmative master." K9 responded. "Alternatively I have had mistress in your place." K9 added.

The doctor heard footsteps, he turned around to see Sarah Jane. She looked fantastic.

"Luke has gone back to university... We practically have the house to ourselves. Now is the perfect time to talk." Sarah Jane told the doctor, she was intrigued in to what he wanted to discuss.

Sarah Jane then headed into her living room, the doctor followed a few moments later. They both ended up sitting on Sarah Jane's comfy, fabric couch.

Sarah Jane looked down at the floor as she awaited for the doctor to continue what they had previously spoken about outside the tardis.

"Sarah I want to have more than a friendship with you." The doctor began. Sarah Janes feelings were mutual; she always had felt something for the doctor but she wasn't going to let him throw away his life for her.

"Doctor... You travel a lot. You love traveling and I'm not going to take that away from you." Sarah Jane explained.

"Sarah. I am telling you what I want... I want you. You're so much more important that traveling and I'm not going to choose traveling over you again." The timelord assured her before holding her hands. Sarah Jane just nodded, she was very overwhelmed and shocked by this. That didn't mean that she didn't want this...

"Sarah." The doctor murmured, Sarah Jane looked up. As she done that the doctor pulled her into a long passionate kiss, this was so unexpected for Sarah Jane. But she also liked where things were going.

Rose had visited her mum and Micky, she was now waiting back at the tardis. The doctor was running late... Since when was he ever late for anything? I mean he has a time machine!

However she wasn't complaining, due to this trip she had a great time catching up with her mum and Micky and she didn't quite realise how much she missed them up until now. Micky was her boyfriend and she was lucky if she saw him once a month. This is what traveling does to you, it isolates you and takes you away from your old life. Perhaps thats why the doctor doesn't look back and travels alone (kinda), but has a companion keep him company.

The doctor was a lonely man, Rose knew this. The first time she met him, he was alone. He also saved her life, that was his main talent of all. But lately the doctor had seemed happier; more positive than his usual ordinary self. And Rose couldn't help but feel that Sarah Jane had something to do with this? Rose sensed that there was more going on than she was told about. 

It was nothing to hide. She would be happy for her friends in they were actually together which Rose doubted, she was sure that there would be some sort of logical explanation for this.

But what she wouldn't be happy with is being lied to.


So sorry this is late from me, I know it is. I had writers block thats why its so bad and short. Ill try and update thjs again at the weekend.

I had a lightbulb moment for this book, so i have a plot now. I know what is going to happen roughly but i need to structure it.

Sarah jane is in her 30's in this book... I made her younger because it would be awks if she was dating the doctor (david tennant) and was in her 50's. And something else can't happen, soo.

Unedited, probably some typos literally just wrote this up.

646 words, I know sorry. Its not good.

Thanks for reading <3

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Freya xx

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