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The doctor didn't want to comply with what River song had said; going out into the forrest. But he couldn't object either. It was just so dangerous, he knew it was suicide. There was no way out of this for all of them... The weeping angels would get some, if not all of us.

The doctor just abided and headed out of the compound as that was what everyone else was doing. He couldn't see Rose though. Looking at the men, they were heavily armed... That would be good a good thing if those bullets actually worked on those weeping angels.

Rose then appeared next to the doctor.

"Hey doctor!! Another adventure!" Rose exclaimed. She seemed awfully happy considering it was a death adventure.

"I need you stay here Rose... I'm not sure if i'll be able to protect you." The doctor told Rose, hoping she would just head back into the unit base. But he knew she wouldn't.

"Doctor, I can look after myself!" She exclaimed.

"Rose... Please. I can't lose you. I don't want you to be posed with such a big risk." The doctor explained.

"No doctor! Look I'll be good! I'll do whatever you say... I promise i won't get in the way and I'll do whatever you to tell me too." Rose assured him. There was no discussing this... Rose had decided that she was coming and the doctor couldn't change his mind no matter what he done. So he would just have to let her come along... She should be fine, the doctor was hoping she would be.

They began to walk with the fellow troops. It was light, but the doctor wouldn't put it past the weeping angels to attack in pure daylight.

River Song and Martha approached the doctor; they begun to walk with him too.

"Doctor I feel like i need to clear this up with you. I only moved your tardis locations... I didn't change the time. But there is a time a much larger time  difference here compared to somewhere like where Sarah lives... So time will of gone by when you return. But your tardis is on camp now; waiting for you as soon as you finish here." River song told him.

"Its fine. I get why you brought me here now... But bringing most of the troops out here... What is that going achieve? High death tolls?" The doctor asked her.

"Its better than doing nothing whatsoever." River song exclaimed, that was true.

They got closer to where to angels tend to lurk.

"We're almost here... A few more metres." Martha informed us.

A few moments later we were in a field. There were loads of statues, loads of angels.

"Just don't take your eyes off them." River song informed us. "Maybe you will be able to think better under pressure doctor. How are we going to stop this?" River song asked him.

"I don't know!" The doctor exclaimed.

"Their weakness is us looking at them... Think about that doctor." Rose told him.

"I still don't know!" The doctor repeated himself.

"Doctor look... You're our only hope." Martha told him. The doctor opened his mouth to respond, he was going to tell them how he needed more time to think and that he advises them to bring back the troops now... While they still can. But he got interrupted.

There was then a bash. A weeping Angel appeared right in front of Rose. It was pointing at her.

"What does that mean?" The doctor asked River song.

"The weeping angel was going to send her to another parallel universe. Rose just don't blink... Keep your eyes out the angel." Martha told Rose before holding her hand. She wanted Rose to believe that it would all be okay, she would make it ok. She wasn't going to lose anyone else to these angels, even if it was someone she didn't know too well.

Martha fumbled about in her pocket for her teleport watch. She would put it on and it would take her out of danger... Take her back to camp. Everyone had one. Except from Rose and Doctor, the thing is it only carries one.

"Take this Rose... It will transport you back to your base." Martha went to pass the teleport watch to Rose. But River Song stopped her.

"No Martha! Don't be so ruthless! There's another way out of this." River song told her. Martha knew that wasn't true. There wasn't a way out for all of them. There was screams and people shouting in the forrest; this cause all of them to look in the opposite direction towards the forrest. Now that was ruthless, but its just natural instinct to look when you hear a sound.

There was then a zap. They quickly all turned back round, realising how stupid they were taking their eyes off the weeping angels.

"She's gone..." The doctor began, he was getting emotional.

"Not now doctor, we haven't go time for this! We need to leave!" River song exclaimed.

"Where is Rose? Where is she?" The doctor began to tear up, he was practically shouting.

"We don't know doctor... There's no way of finding out either. Sorry, i tried to save her!" Martha pointed out.

"If i blink that angel can take me to where Rose is... I can find her, i can retrieve her. I can bring her back; i'll find my way." The doctor explained.

"No doctor, you can't!" River song exclaimed.

"Give me one good reason not to?" The doctor shouted at her.

"Because Sarah Jane is pregnant with your baby!" River song blurted. She really wasn't meant to tell him, it could mess up the timeline severely.

The doctor was in shock... Sarah's pregnant? She can't be! It didn't feel real to him.

"Here take my travel watch you need to get back." River song told the doctor before passing him his travel watch.

"What about you?" He asked her.

"I will find a way back...don't worry about me. Just go. You can't leave your
Child completely fatherless." River song told him. The doctor put on the watch and teleported, he was gone within moments.

"Now you Martha." River song ordered.

"I can't." Martha exclaimed, so River Song pressed the teleport button on Martha's teleport watch herself. It had to be done... And now she would somehow have to find a way out of this.


Umm unedited and i dunno when ill next update because I have school and exams coming up etc so yeah probably won't be as frequent.

Thanks for reading

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Freya xx

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