Close call

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It had now been a month; Sarah Jane hadn't heard anything at all from the doctor. This wasn't like him... He wouldn't just up and leave, right? Sarah Jane was sure he wouldn't, she knew the doctor very well.

It was quite concerning really... What if something bad happened to the Doctor?

The truth is Sarah Jane didn't know what to think anymore; her judgement was clouded which is why she doesn't usually get romantically involved with people. It affects her judgement which can affect her job (journalist).

She hadn't being doing much work lately... She was too preoccupied with other things. The reason for not doing any work today was that she felt sick. She genuinely felt as if she was going to throw up. Maybe its just food poisoning, Sarah Jane thought. She wasn't exactly the best of cooks, so it wouldn't surprise her if she did have food poisoning.

Sarah Jane just sighed before going up to her attic and sitting on her red soft sofa. It was another day of doing nothing... She felt so worthless too.

Mr. Smith then started up, Sarah Jane hadn't called him or told him that she needed him so what was the reason for this?

"Sarah Jane." Mr. Smith began.

"I didn't call you." Sarah Jane murmured.

"I know, I am sensing a load of distressed feelings from you." Mr Smith told her.

"And? Just close back up, please... I don't need you right now, I'll call you when or if I need you." Sarah Jane sighed.

"Very well then." Mr. Smith murmured before closing back up. Sarah Jane did feel guilty, Mr. Smith may of been concerned and Sarah Jane should be grateful considering someone actually cares... Saying that Sarah Jane just couldn't be bothered for anyone today, it wasn't really personal.

All she could do is hope that things get better soon, real soon.


The doctor and Rose were walking through the darkness. After five minutes of walking, both heard movement.

This made the doctor paranoid... What if it was the weeping angels?

A woman then appeared out of the middle from nowhere, literally. She had  dark skin, dark hair and dark eyes.

"Your the doctor I presume?" She asked the doctor.

"Yes I am... But who are you?" The doctor asked her, confused.

"My names Martha, Martha Jones. I'm part of unit, I have been asked to transport you back to headquarters." She responded.

"What is unit?" Rose frowned. She didn't know who they were or what they done.

"United Nations Intelligence Task force." Martha responded.

"Right, so why is unit here?" The doctor asked Martha. Martha rolled her eyes, she was getting annoyed with all of the questions. There were weeping angels lurking about everywhere, it wasn't good.

"Because the risk in this forrest is so great. River Song is helping us all she can but we fear that its not enough, thats why we brought you-" Martha began to explain. Something heavy then landed next to them, Martha shun her torch to reveal that it was a weeping angel. It had its hands out, its hands were so close to Martha.

"We need to go. NOW!" Martha shouted before running off. The doctor and Rose ran, following Martha in the darkness.

They soon approached a base. It was quite well guarded actually, there were electric shock gates, men with guns guarding the compound.

They entered the base compound.

"River Song wants to see you at once Doctor." Martha informed him.

"Right." The doctor murmured.

"She's in there." Martha pointed at a shabby caravan. The doctor then nodded before heading towards the caravan. Rose began to follow him.

"He has to go alone i'm afraid." Martha told Rose. Rose just sighed before sitting down on the bare floor. She wasn't looking forwards to this already; being told what to do; being bossed about by these people... It just wasn't good.

The doctor headed in the caravan. He saw River song; her blonde ringlets stood out the most.

"Hello doctor, it's great to see you!" River song exclaimed before pulling the doctor into a deep hug. But the doctor wasn't in the mood for a hug from her... Especially after the stunt she pulled.

"Don't you dare programme my tardis to leave a place again." The doctor warned her, it sounded like a threat. If anything River Song found it attractive.

"And what will you do about it if I do?" River Song challenged him before closing the distance between the two of them. Their lips were centimetres away from touching, the doctor even reverted his gaze to River's soft-looking lips but he sure as hell wasn't going to kiss her. He had something going on with Sarah; that was more than enough for the doctor.

"Whats going on River? You called me here; an angel nearly attacked your unit agent. Not to mention my tardis is left out there in the darkness... What is this all about?" The doctor raised his voice at her.

"I can transport your tardis here to the compound... Don't worry about that; as you know i have a lot of power over your tardis." River teased him.

"Tell me what this is about." The doctor repeated himself.

"As much as I love seeing you again... The threat here is real. We must destroy the weeping angels that is if you wanted to see your beloved Sarah again, right? If we don't destroy the angels; Earth will be destroyed, Sarah along with it." River told the doctor. He was so powerless! He couldn't even go and get Sarah Jane out of this mess because he couldn't leave until this is all resolved.

Saying that, how did River know and him and Sarah?!

"How do you know about me and Sarah?" The doctor asked her.

"I know a lot of things. Including that you will have a massive shock concerning Sarah in the near future." River paused. "Now you can save Earth, we can save Earth. So are we going to do this or not?" River song asked the doctor.

What choice did he have?

"Yes." The doctor bluntly replied.

"Well we better get to work then." River song smiled.


This is a longer chapter yaaay (: im happy with it tbh. I have to go into school tomorrow and its 3am now so im spending my sleep time writing an update cause im nice like that :)


Thanks for reading <3

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Freya x

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