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No ones pov,

Sarah Jane felt different, weird, strange.. just in general she didn't feel like her normal self. She was going to get her metal dog K9 to scan her, to see if anything had changed.. but when she looked to her side her robot dog was gone.

"Gone where?" Sarah Jane muttered to herself, it wasn't like anyone could see K9, it's not normal to see a robot, her robot dog walking down the street, imagine all the attention... it would make the six o clock news.

"K9?" Sarah Jane called, hoping her little robot dog, would come at her call.. but nothing, nothing at all happened. Then at that very moment, Sarah Jane felt a slight sudden of dizziness, and her vision had gone all blury..

What''s happening to me? she thought to herself.

All her memories were fading away, Sarah Jane was confused about why she's here,  she can't even remember her own name... Then she looked at her hand, it had gone green and gooey, it looked pretty disgusting. Sarah Jane looked at her other hand, it was normal, her normal skin colour... So what's going on?

Sarah Jane continued to change, and change.. change into this green gooey stuff, it was something that nobody would want to become.


back to the doctor and rose.

The doctor was currently worried about Sarah Jane, but before doing anything else he decided to lock his tardis.. After he had locked the tardis, he began to look for clues relating to why the tardis had brought Rose and him to Sarah Jane's house. The doctor began to test the soil, carry  out all of these weird tests, but everything seemed normal.

"Why are we here Doctor? Where's Sarah Jane? What's happened?" Rose asked the doctor a load of questions, because she was worried, worried about Sarah Jane.

"Look Rose, i know you have quite a lot of questions. Questions which need answering, so you can understand. But right now Rose, i don't know myself why the tardis brought us to Sarah Janes house." The doctor explained to Rose.

The doctor sorta lied to Rose, but not entierly. There's something the doctor knows; Sarah Jane traveled with him for quite a while, and then she returned quite a few times, but what she also did was bond with the tardis when she traveled with The doctor. So the Tardis brought the doctor here, to show that there's something wrong with Sarah Jane, or something along the lines of that...

The doctor's theory was supported by his instinct, every time something bad is/could happen to one of his companions he can feel it somewhere amongst his heart. And he can feel it right now...

The doctor has had enough of the silly tests he was trying to carry out, because they weren't doing anything to help find Sarah Jane, or find any abnormalities

"What are we going to do Doctor?" Rose asked him, she was still worried about this whole situation, and the fact that she didn't understand any of it made it ten times worse.

The doctor ignores Rose for a moment, and tries to remember anything about Sarah Jane that could help him in anyway..

Sarah jane keeps a key underneath her plantpot, well at least she used to.. The doctor began to search underneath every single plant pot, until he found the key..

"Rose, we're going to go into Sarah Jane's house, and look for clues." The doctor told Rose

"But Doctor, isn't that breaking in?" Rose frowned, she didn't really want to commit a crime.

"No Rose it isn't. Because Sarah jane would understand, in fact Sarah Jane would do the same if she was in my situation." The doctor claimed.

"But you don't have a home, just a tardis. and-" Rose began,

"Okay Rose, i get your point! She would never be in my situation. But are you coming in with me to find out what's wrong here? Or are you going to stay out here alone? Either way, it doesn't bother me." The doctor shrugged.

"I'll come in with you." Rose replied, The the doctor unlocked Sarah Janes front door, and they entered her house... it's massive, the doctor always thought that everytime he came to Sarah's house.

"Where abouts are we going to start Doctor?" Rose asked him,

"The attic. If anythings happened, the more than likely place to find out what's happened is in there." The doctor muttered,

"Why would you be able to find clues in an attic?" Rose raised an eyebrow,

"Just wait and see." The doctor told her, and they began to  walk up the stairs.

The doctor enters the attic, there were two figures stood facing Mr. Smith. One figure turned to face The doctor and rose whilst the other was more observant or Mr. Smith...

Neither or these figures where Sarah Jane...



okay i tried to make this chapter better! But i suck at cliff hangers in science fiction books, it's not my type of genre... But i planned this out yesterday so i knew what to write rather than imporvising. This chapter isn't very long, i know.. i also know that it's quite boring, but i couldn't put much action in to it, because i suck at writting action stories and it's only the beggining of this book.

So who's in Sarah Jane's house with the doctor and Rose?

unedited sorry if there's any mistakes, my grammars really bad :/ so is my proof reading...

Next update, um should be within a weeks time, i'll try to make it longer to.


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freya xx


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