Pancake [Karkat]

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I heard a ringing sound. It's monday, hell no. I heard groaning and shifting under me. The sound was turned off and I felt stroking on my back.

"Wake up cutie," I opened my eyes and rested my head on my chin looking into Karkat's red-ish eyes.

"I don't want to go to school," I said sleepishly and rested my head back on his chest.

"But you have to," he giggled and threw me down of his body making me fall on the floor with a 'thud'.

"The fuck was that for?!" I jerked my head in his way.

"Just for fun," he smirked down at me.

"Asshole," I murmured and got up heading to the closet.

"I steal your jeans for today," I said simply and took them out.

"What?! No! Why?" he sat up on the bed.

"Because I don't know what to wear," I giggled.

"What if you would wear those super skinny pants, whatever they're called, with some hoodie or shit.." he smirked and layed on his stomach. I felt him looking at my butt, it was only covered with panties and half of a shirt.

"That's.... Not a bad idea," I turned around and threw some cloth at him. Then I realized that those were my panties.

"Fuck no!" I screamed and jumped back on the bed to get my panties. But Karkat was a huge asshole this morning, so he didn't give them back. Yup, just my luck. 

"Give that back!" I screamed at him and pinned him to the bed.

"I never seen them on you." he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Maybe once you will," I smiled and kissed him. But after a while, it turned out to a make out session. I realized what time it was and pulled away.

"No, not now. I can feel that this will turn out into something more." I laughed, kissed his nose and get off of him, grabbing my panties. But right before I could get away from him he hugged me from behind and pulled me back up at him, but this time on his lap.

"I changed my mind. Stay home with me~" he smirked kissing my neck.

"YES!" I threw my fists into the air and relaxed myself into his chest.

"What do we gonna do though...?"

"First, call me pussy destroyer," he switched us, so he was on the top of me, "and then let's have a movie marathon with hot chocolate." he leaned down and our lips met. I giggled up a bit pushing into his chest making him pull away a bit.

"Pussy destroyer?"

"Hell I'm gonna kill that pussy!"


The sunlight hit my eyelids making me wring my nose. My eyes fluttered open, but then I shut them again since the light hit exactly my eyes. After a while my eyes adjusted I opened them once again. I groaned and looked around. I shifted a little bit. I realized I was naked and arms werw snaked around my waist. I smirked for myself remembering my prevoius actions with Karkat. Perv. I shifted again and got out of his grip. I stood up and put on some panties and his black hoodie with a cancer sign. Afterwards I walked out of the room carefully closing the door behind me trying not to wake him up. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge. My stomach growled in response.

"Damn you right, I should eat something before I start chewing on the table." I said to myself and though for a second. Pancakes! That was the best idea of the whole day, I swear.


I had a mountain of pancakes on the plate, Karkat was still asleep and there was a guy walking his snake outside. I want a snake. I decided that I'll surprise Karkat and bring him breakfast. Even though he didn't deserve it. Don't ask why, I like to be a jerk to him, no reason.

I walked back to our room with a tray that had some breakfast stuff on it. I entered the room and saw that he was awake. He noticed my presence and grinned.

"You awake and didn't come down to me?!" I pouted.

"I was too lazy to,"

"Asshole," I sat down on the bed with the tray on my knees.

"Oii~ Is that for me?"

"Yes, it is. Since I'm your lovely girlfriend and I love you with my whole heart, I made some pancakes, just for you." okay I lied back there, the pancakes I made only for myself, but don't tell him.

"Ohh~ Thank you~!" he kissed my cheek and took the tray.

"Bon apetite~" I giggled as he started stuffing his face. I took my phone and  checked the social networks. Ahh~ Would'ya look at that, thousand followers on Instagram. That's cute.

"Open your mouth," I heard. I looked up and saw a fork being stick in front of my face with a piece of pancake on it. I smirked and ate it. This gone on for a while, us changing on who ate the piece and having a good time. It was school time though, but fuck school morning sex and pancakes are better anyway.

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