Black Mind [Dave]

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This chapter may contain self-harm, blood or swearing. If you're sensitive to this content, skip this chapter or read it with caution.

I was crying and screaming hoping that I would wake up. That this was just a nightmare. I was sitting in my bathroom in a not-that- big puddle of blood.

"Go away!" I yelled looking up at the door.

"(Y/N)! Come on! Let me in! Please..." I heard him sit down on the floor in front of the door. What had happened, I came from school totally destroyed. My bullies strated picking up at me again, and they even walloped me. I got it right to my stomach. But back to the reality. I was done with this and decided to end all of it. Yeah, I've got Dave, my amazing best friend that cared a lot about me. He was the only thing that kept me alive. I had a huge crush on my best friend and I know if I would kill myself, he would kill himself too. We're somehow linked together.

"(Y/N), please..." he begged with an almost unnoticible sob. But I heard it.

"Dave, don't cry about it. It's nothing, really..." I said trying to hide all the sobs. I didn't like when I was sad so was he. I didn't like the sight of the cool Dave Strider being sad.

"Come on, (Y/N) please," he sobbed. This was the first time I heard him cry, "Let me help you, comfort you... Be by your side." those words made me cry even harder. I looked at my bloody wrists, those were still bleeding. I needed someone hug me. I needed Dave. I stood up and opened the door revealing Dave, without his shades and with tears streaming down his perfect face. Almost instantly he hugged my shaking, weak body and started crying. I bit my lip to hold back tears and sobs.

"Don't scare me like this. Never again," he pulled away and wiped off the tears, those escaped my eyes already. Then he saw the blood on the floor with few razors in the small puddle. He looked wide-eyed at me, then he lifted up my arm and when he saw all the cuts his eyes filled with tears and few of them escaped.

"Why... Why did you do that?!" he yelled at me making me jump away from him with fear.

"I'm already done with this world! And don't you yell at me!"

"I will! Because you're only one that makes me smile! Fuck! I love you (Y/N)! I do care fucking badly about you because I don't want to lose a person like you are!" his scarlet red eyes were filled with anger and fear.

"Why do you lie to me! I thought at least you'll be honest to me! Nobody likes me, that's why I wanted to end this. I'm here just of the reason to see what is life. How big bitch life is, I'm here for take the suffer away from everyone." I sat down on the cold floor and sobbed.

"If I wouldn't love you I wouldn't care about you." he kneeled down in front of me, "(Y/N), you're the best thing that came into my life after Bro's death. You made me want to live again. I wanted you to my life, so we could live this shitty life together, to get trough every suffer together. If you wouldn't came, I would end my life. I know how it feels when you lose someone, please don't make me feel that again. It hurts so much, it hurts like hell. You can even feel your heart die. But, you saved me. You can't kill me again." as he was talking he was crying harder and harder. I felt broken, I felt like I'm going trough hell. The tought of Dave being dead made my heart sink. We were looking at each other speechless. Then he came closer and embraced me. I felt good now, safe from everything.

"I'm so sorry," I said. I wanted to hug him back, but I couldn't 'cause of the blood on my wrists. It almost stopped bleeding, but it still hurt like hell and it was still covered in blood.

"I know you want to hug me, so hug me. Fuck this shirt it's already bloody." I giggled a little but hugged him back. I inhaled his perfect scent.

"I wouldn't be able to live without you. I love you, I know that you maybe don't love me back as I do. But I just wanted you to know. And I beg you, if you don't feel the same. Let's just forget about my feels and be friends again, but I don't want to lose you. Please, (Y/N)..." he hugged me tighter.

"I love you too Dave, since the day we met." I buried my face into the crook of his neck and pulled him as close as possible.

"Will you be mine?" he asked hoarsely.

"I will," I nodded and pulled away from him.

"Don't even think about things like suicide. Never, ever." he kissed my cheek. I felt a smile creep up on my tearful face. I felt... happy? Being loved by the person that you love back is the best thing you can feel in your life.

"Now, let's get everything clean." he made a smile and I smiled back, "I'll be right back," he then said then walked away. He came back with a bandage. So this is how it feels when somebody cares about you in the good way.


"It's almost done," Dave said after a while as he was bandaging my left thigh.

"Thanks," I smiled at him. I sure felt pain while he was bandaging it but it wasn't anything bad. It wasn't that painful.

"Whatever for my darling," he looked up at me and smiled back. His words made me blush a bit and I turned my head away so he can't see my red face, but with that I earned a giggle.

"Done," he said finally. I looked at my bandaged legs and arms.

"What do you think? Is that cool enough?" he smirked. I laughed a bit and looked up at his standing figure.

"Too cool for me," I giggled. Suddenly he lifted me up in his arms and walked the both of us into my room.

"It was a really long day today, you should rest." he put me down on my bed.

"Maybe you're right." I layed down and he covered me. I snuggled into the covers and closed my eyes. Then I remembered.

"Dave?" I said and opened my eyes.

"Yeah?" he turned around to me.

"Stay with me," as I said it he smiled.

"I thought you never ask," he then jumped in the bed and hugged me from behind.

"Sleep well," he kissed my cheek and that was the last thing what I heard before I fell asleep.

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