Dorkbert [John]

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The bell rang. Finally, I thought and literally run out of the class. The next period was the last, that thought made me smile. But then I remembered, I had to meet with John, Dave, Jade and Rose near the court. When I arrived to the back exit of the school I saw them already sitting under the tree. I smiled and run over to them and jumped on Dave's back.

"Hey there!" I screamed and hugged him.

"Hi," John said and smiled at me. Rose just waved.

"What period you guys have got now?" I asked and climbed off of Dave.

"Biology," Jade.

"Art," John.

"History," Rose.

"P.E.," Dave.

"Art," I said as the last one.

"We have period together!" John smiled and hugged me from side.

"You guys act like a couple," Jade giggled.


"Whatever," we both blushed and pulled away from each other.

"I'm sure you two have something with each other," Dave said and looked back to his iPhone.

"We don't," I said giving him a death glare. But he ignored my movement.

"It's Friday, so guys, wanna come over? And we can do something," John said awkwardly after a while of silence.

"Sure," Rose said with a smile.

"What we will do?" Jade asked.

"Maybe watch some movie, and... I don't know."

"Oh, now I get it! You just want (Y/N) to be with you! Don't you?" Dave raised his head from his phone with a smirk.

"N-No! Hell, I mean... W-well... Duh!!!" he got up and run away.

"You're such a jerk Dave!" I punched him in his arm and run after John. Dave just laughed but he instantly shut up when he saw the death glare Rose and Jade gave him.

"Oh John, where did you hid?" I asked myself and looked around myself hoping that I'll see that dork. Nothing just another kids and some Trolls like... Wait! Isn't that Karkat?

"KARKAAAAAT!!!" I screamed at him while running after him. He looked up and when he saw me, he made a face like 'Are You Fucking Kidding Me?'.

"What do you want this time?" he rolled his eyes and sighed when I reached him.

"Have seen John somewhere?"

"Well, Yeah. He run in the old Music Class. What happened to him?"

"I have no time to say you everything, I'll write you on Pesterchum, see ya. And thanks!" and I run to the place where the old Music Class was. I opened the door, trying not to make any sound. Nobody was around here so it was good.

"John?" I called.

"He's not here," I heard him.

"Riiiiight, then I think I'll just walk back to Dave and don't give a fuck about Dorkbert." I said with a smirk plastered on my face.

"No, (Y/N)! Wait!" he called and apeared in front of me.

"I have to ask you, why did you run away?" I asked and walked near him.

"Because, I felt awkward in front of you. Dave said the truth, I just wanted to be with you. I know that you maybe find me strange now, but I just wanted you to know that my feelings towards are really strong and I-"

"It's okay John, I don't find you strange. I still like you as before!" I interrupted him and hugged him, "Maybe even more," I mumbled thinking that he wouldn't hear it. But I know he did and that made me blush. He hugged me back and burried his face in my hair.

"I love you (Y/N)," he said and hugged me tighter.

"I love you too John," I said and pulled away giving him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled.

"And yes, I'll come over today!" I said and hugged him again. The bell rang.

"Let's go," he pulled away and we interwinded our fingers and walked to our next period. By the walk, we met Rose, Jade and Dave.

"See! I said it!" Dave pointed at us making Jade palmface and Rose roll her eyes.

"And? They're cute together!" Nepeta said from Equius's back whike they walked near us.

"Nepeta! I said it's unmanerly to join people's conversation without asking them!" Equius said to Nepeta.

"Whatever Equihiss," she turned around to us and blinked. I smiled.

"I think that Nepeta have another ship to her wall." Jade giggled and walked away.

"Okay guys, we gotta go, right? Dave?" Rose gave Dave a death glare and he nodded and they both walked away.

"What if we just dropped our last period?" I asked John and gave him a devious smirk.

"What? Really? But we shouldn't," he looked at me with a bit of rebellion in his eyes.

"So what? It's art, we can drop it!" I laughed pulling him with me to our lockers.

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