Friendship Is Magic [Dirk]

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I groaned and turned my alarm clock off. It's Friday today and it means another 7 hours in school. At least it's the end of the week. I sighed and got up from my comfy, warm bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth, made my hair, applied some mascara, make-up and eyeliner and went back to my room to choose something to wear. I decided that I'll wear my grey jeans, Hollywood Undead shirt with my scarf. I put on the clothes and looked in the mirror. I was satisfied with my look so I smiled at my reflexion in the mirror and the giggling went down to the kitchen. I made myself some hot chocolate and turned the TV on, because I got few minutes for good. I pulled out my phone and checked all my social profiles. I've got only one like on my Instagram and just few new updates on Wattpad. Then, suddenly I got a message. It was (Y/BFF), one of my best friends.

'Good morning (Y/N)! :D!'

I smiled at her message.

'Hold on, ima write you on Messenger :DD'

I sended it back to her and when I was ready to send the message on Messenger, then she wrote back.

'About that, our Wi-Fi was bitching a bit and it just went bad ._. I hate it so much now... I'll lose all my money on my credit! :'000'

'Noooo!!!! x'( fuck all the Wi-Fi's! They're shits! -,- btw, will you come to school today? I'm askin' you because, you know... You felt sick yesterday on P.E. so you went home then :D'

'Yoyo! xD I'll come today :3 just because of you! :3 because I know that you won't handle that school by yourself :'D'

'You little! xD nah,... Whatever... xD okie dokie, gotta go :'( see ya at school xD!!!'

'Don't you leave me! ._. :'D nevermind xD see ya :3'

And with those last words our conversation ended. I turned the TV off and put the empty cup on the counter in the kitchen. I grabbed my backpack and while looking for my hoodie, I was jumping and putting on my Converse shoes. When I found my black Bring Me The Horizon hoodie, I literally run out of the house, locking it behind me. I pulled out my phone and sticked my earphones in it, turning the music on shuffle. I put the plugs in my ears and Hey Mrs. Dramaqueen by Eskimo Callboy came on, what made me smile.


When I arrived at school I saw my group made of (Y/BFF), Jake the Emo gurl how we call him, his brother Jack and Fox, my other girl best friend.

"Let's see who's lazy ass just arrived." said Jake with a smirk.

"Oh shut your mouth you girly girl!" I punched him in his arm playfully and smiled.

"By the way (Y/N), Dirk was here and he was asking for you." Fox said.

"What? What did he want?"

"We don't know, he said that, when you'll come we should tell you that he wants to talk to you about something." Jack said in one breath.

"Jesus fuck Jack, try to talk in few breaths not only one! I don't have any credit to call an ambulance. It's for free though but whatever!" we laughed at (Y/BFF). She's the funny one.

"Isn't that Karkat?" Jake pointed somewhere behind me. I turned around and saw Karkat with tears streaming down his cheeks. Suddenly the bell rang.

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