You Silly [Karkat]

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I was too lazy to go to school today, so I decided to stay home. However I send Karkat to school. Just for fun, I loved seeing him angry for something stupid. I giggled at my thoughts and got up from my bed. It was almost 12:00 pm, so Karkat will be here soon. I went downstairs and sat down at the couch in the living room, turning the tv on. I turned on Cartoon Network and Gumball came on. I jumped in fear when someone slammed the front door. Then there was cursing heard and I already knew who was it.

"Fuck gog dammit, that little piece of shit!" he growled and I got up heading to the hall where Karkat was. He was wiping something from his face. Then I saw what was it. His nose and neck was bleeding, his lip was cut and he had a briuse on his cheek.

"What have you done? Are you okay?" I asked, walked to him and traveled throught the bruise with my thumb. He hissed.

"One nooksniffer just got into a fight with me. It's nothing," he pushed my hand away and walked inside heading to the bathroom.

"Karkat, you're bleeding. Let me treat you," I sighed and went after him. I saw him looking in the mirror and he's gone across the bleeding wound at his neck with his finger.

"I can't give you hickeys now," I whined and hugged him from behind, "but please tell me, that it didn't end worse than you."

"Don't worry baby, Gamzee stormed in it. He smiled down at that dude, and the fucker run away. I don't get why's everyone scared of Gamzee when he smiles."

"Because of his sharp teeth genius," I rolled my eyes and made him sit down at the bathtub.

"What are you doing?"

"Treating you," I smiled and took out a disifectant and a handful of cotton. I walked back to him applieing that shit on a piece cotton.

"It will tweak a bit now." I sat down at his legs and put the cotton slowly to the wound. He clenched his teeth and growled. I shushed him, putting my finger to his lips.

"You'll get your prize after this." I said. He smirked.

"I can't wait," he grinned and pulled away from me looking in my eyes with a bit of lust. I smiled and gave him a fast kiss continueing to disinfect the wound on his neck.

"By the way where's your backpack," I raised my eyebrow.

"I didn't even take it with myself. Why would I?" I giggled.

"So you just gone to school without everything you needed? Good..." I laughed a bit.

"I always sleep in school though." he was right. The wound on his neck wasn't bleeding that much, it was a bit better now.

"Is it still tweaking?" I asked looking at it.

"So fucking much," he hissed.

"Don't worry, tomorrow you'll be fine." I said giving him a kiss on his bruised cheek and starting to wipe off the blood from under his nose.

"By the way.... Where's your piercing?" I asked. At the place where his lip was cut, was a piercing before.

"Wait... What? It's not there and I didn't notice?" I mentaly face palmed.

"Is it possible that the motherfucker ripped it out and I didn't notice?" he asked himself almost starting to cry, " my beautiful piercing," he whined.

"Don't worry honey, we can get you another one. It's not that hard." I giggled and put everything down.

"Done!" I cheered, "Do you want me to sew up your lip or something?" 

"Is it still bleeding?" 

"Nope," I popped the 'p'. 

"Then leave it like that." he said and I shrugged putting everything at it's own place. Suddenly I felt arms snake around me. 

"I love you," he purred like a little kitten. 

"I love you too my Silly Kitten." I smirked.

"Oh please, don't call me like that." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, sorry Karkitty," I smiled kissing him making him smile too.

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