Baby Sitting [Horuss] P.2

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"HERE I AM!" I jumped a bit as I heard someone burst the front door open. Sophie started giggling and jumped off the couch to see who was this unexpected visitor.

Me, being the aggressive female I am, I stomped after her in my pink apron and a wooden spoon in my hand. I put my hands on my hips and gave the male troll an angry look.

"A-ah! (Y/N)! You look angry, what happened?" he fidgeted a bit. He already knew the answer, I suppose.

"You almost gave me a heart attack you dingus!" I hit him a few times in his shoulder with the spoon while he was crying in agony. I believe Sophie had a great show, hence I saw her laughing and clutching her stomach.

"I'm so sorry!" Horuss covered his face as he turned into a ball in the corner.

"Now stay there 'till you realize the damage you've caused me!" I pointed at him with my weapon. I walked back to the kitchen and mixed the pasta I was preparing for the meal.
Today, I decided to make some special meal, and I was so proud of myself that I was actually doing it the good way. I heard Sophie trying to take Horuss from his corner, but judging by her looong frustrated sigh, she didn't succeed. Don't get me wrong, I love Horuss with all of my heart, but he knows I hate being startled.
I turned off the stove and let the pasta get softer. I walked back after my captive and stood behind him.

"Now, have you realized what have you done?" I asked with a deep voice. He nodded his head frankly.

"Good. Now, I'll ask you to do me one favor, " I stated and he turned his head around to look at me, "I made this pasta-sauce meal, and I'm not sure if it's good enough. Would you please try it for me?" I smiled at him.

"U-uh! Yes!" he stood up and took off his goggles. Even though he's here on planet Earth for God knows how long, he still wear this weird outfit of his.

"Also, our cousin has some clothes here that he didn't want. They were barely worn, don't you want to try them? Maybe you'd look good in them?" I smirked at him and a light blush made it's way to his cheeks. He lowered his head and nodded again.

"Nice! Now come, taste my food!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the kitchen.


"Mmhh! It tastes so good!" Horuss munched on the meal with a big smile. I giggled and hugged him from behind.

"You should cook more often!" he exclaimed and shove some more into his mouth. I hugged him stronger.
Sophie came bursting into the kitchen, clapping her hands while T-rex was following her.

"Listen up everyone, enough chattering, it's time!"

"I think you should eat first, you haven't been eating anything except for breakfast."

"Not now big sis! It's time for the fashion show!" I gave her a look of confusion with one of my eyebrows high up in the sky.


"Say, Horuss," she climbed up the chair and sat down on it, "you don't have a problem being the model, right?"

"Uuhh I-"

"Good! Now let's go! Also I have a few new more ponies to show you!"

"Cool! Let's go!" he jumped up from his seat and followed my sister to her room.

These kids, I swear to God.


After cleaning the kitchen and the dining table, I took off my apron and after hanging it back to it's place, I made my way to Sophie's room. There, I found Horuss sitting with my sister behind a small pink table, surrounded by small pink chairs occupied by different horse plushies.

"What an awesome fashion show!" I giggled and leaned back on the door frame.

As they noticed me, Sophie said: "Well, I couldn't find any of the clothes you talked about, so we had to delay the show for later." she crossed her arms.

"Ah, what a shame! And I was so excited!" I made another comment.

"Keep your sarcasm for later sis! We have to finish our tea party first!"

"Aren't you a little too rude lately?"

"No?" she said it more in a questioning way. I rolled my eyes.

"Come Horuss, let's make this fashion show for ourselves." I smirked and walked away. Soon I heard footsteps behind me. When I opened the door to my room and turned to Horuss to gesture him to come in, he blushed deeply.

"Don't worry, I'm not planing anything." I laughed at his expression.
I closed the door and we both sat down on my bed.

"What are we-..?"

"I just want her to realize that if she's rude to me, it's no fun. She'll come here soon and apologize." I smiled and made myself comfortable on my bed. He nodded. He was acting weird ever since he came here...

"Is there something going on?" I asked and he turned to me. Only then I say the the blush that covered his nose and cheeks. I see then.

"N-no! Nothing!" he suttered. I smiled and opened my arms for him.

"Come here," he hugged me around my waist and put his head on my chest, " I'm sorry for hitting you." I giggled as I called back the memories.

"It's fine," he chuckled, "it didn't hurt anyway."

"Yeah, sorry I forgot that you are STRONG." I put a stronger tone on the word 'strong' which made him shoot up and look into my eyes with a serious look.

"But I am!"

"And where did I say that you're not?" I grinned at him. He was speechless, got him.

"But I'd love you even if you wouldn't be strong." I smiled and hugged him. He nuzzled his head into my chest and purred. I blushed a bit at this action.

"Mhh~! I love your breasts..."


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