The Cold Shoulder

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Hello my favorite people! :) I hope you are still enjoying the story as its coming together!

Days went by and I hadn't spoken to Vincent. Whenever he saw me he would pretend like I wasn't in the room. He ignored me at every chance that he got. I wasn't necessarily in a rush to talk to him because after the incident in his office and the gym things were really awkward. I wasn't sure what to expect or what to say.

How can you kiss someone and then pretend that it didn't happen or ignore that they even exist? I don't know. Was he ashamed that he kissed me? Was it because my dad stole from him? So kissing me is like kissing the enemy?Only I hadn't done anything wrong. I was brought here against my will. I would be at home hanging out with Natalie if I had things my way.

I wondered about Nat all the time. We've never been apart this long before. The longest we ever went apart was last summer when her family went on a seven day cruise to Mexico. Other than that we literally spend everyday together. She's like the sister I never had. I missed her more than any thing. I missed my mom and how she would make me my favorite brownies after I had a rough day and her giving me exactly the right advice at the right time. I missed my dad just hanging out with me and us picking on one another. I couldn't help but miss my old life and wonder if after everything was said and done here if everything would go back to normal.

I was in such deep thought that I didn't hear someone open the door to my room. I was laid up in bed all day depressed because I missed my bestfriend and my family.

"Hey are you okay?" Rachel asked me concerned. I probably looked like a mess but I didn't care. I wiped a few tears that had slipped.

"Yes I'm okay just thinking about home." I gave her a sad smile and she nodded her head in understanding.

"I can't imagine how hard this all must be for you. Even though I don't know what's going on exactly I'm sure it will get better." She wrapped her tiny arms around my chest and gave me a comforting hug.

"Thank you Rach." I hugged her back and squeezed her a little tighter to show her that I really was thankful for her kind words.

"I just came down to see if you wanted me to help you shower." She smiled and I quickly nodded.

"Okay let's go to my room because I have a detachable shower head so it will be easier to keep your hand dry." She suggested and I agreed.

"Okay let me grab some clothes." I fumbled through my drawers trying to find something comfortable. I settled for some black yoga Capri pants and a lime green tank top. I grabbed a white panty and bra set and followed Rachel out of my room. The bedroom door right beside mine opened and Melissa came out wrapped just in a towel. She smiled her typical bitch smirk and strutted passed us.

"Seriously? His room is right next to mine? Great." I groaned and threw my head back. I looked down the hall were my room was and that's when I noticed there were only two rooms in the entire hallway. His and mine. Perfect. He probably moved me closer to him so he could keep his eyes on me at all times. I know I should be grateful about the room he had set up for me but honestly it was overwhelming being so close to him.

I choose to not let it bother me. I knew that he wasn't into me. I was just the forbidden fruit. That's why he kissed me. That's why he was nicer to me some days than he was others because underneath it all I'm only here because my dad owes him a shit load of money.

Vincent came out of his room wearing only black basketball shorts and running shoes.
He made direct eye contact with me but as quickly as he looked into my eyes he turned his face away slightly. Awkward. Yep. That's exactly what things were like here now. Awkward.

"Good morning Rachel." Vincent gave her a genuine smile and nodded his head.

"Good morning Sir." She smiled sweetly back and bowed her head as a sign of respect. Not in a million years would I bow before this mother fucker. Vincent didn't say anything to me and I didn't say anything to him.

"Let's get going Rach I would like to shower sometime today." I joked and gave her body a slight push and she quickly nodded her head and led me upstairs towards her room.

"Sorry about the mess. Adriano is kind of messy sometimes. I really do need to clean this damn room." She kept apologizing. She thought her room was dirty I thought it was cozy. There was a king sized bed against the back wall. There were two tall dressers, one was hers the other was Adrianos.  I could tell based on how the tops of the dressers were decorated. Her dresser had bottles of perfumes and lotions and even a few pictures of her and Adriano framed. His dresser had cologne and a few framed pictures of them. His drawers we're halfway open with articles of clothing hanging out of them.

"Oh it's okay! It's cozy in here. Like people actually live in here." I smiled at her and she just stared at me like she was thinking about something for a second and then smiled back at me.

"You are crazy! Let's get you cleaned up so we can cook lunch! I'm starving!" She groaned and drug me even deeper into her room until we reached the built in bathroom.

"Wow your bathroom is so much nicer than mine!" I fake pouted which earned me a playful glare from my new friend.

"Get your ass undressed and into the shower!" She laughed and her laugh was a contagious one. I found myself laughing along and started to undress.

"Damn girl! You were not lying when you said you workout! I mean don't get me wrong you're hot either way but you have a killer body! Not in a lesbian way but I would kill to look like you do naked!" She gushed and I blushed slightly. Being a virgin meant no ones seen me naked other than Natalie of course and that's only because we took baths together as little girls.

"Oh whatever you're beautiful!" I honestly told her and it seemed to have made her feel better.

She turned on the water and I stood there waiting for it to get hot. Once it was warm enough I got into the shower and moved my hand careful not to get it wet. Rachel squirted her blueberry body wash on a new loofa and with my one hand I bathed every part of my body scrubbing my skin until it felt clean.

"Sit down on the floor of the shower and lean your head back." Rachel told me and I complied.

She squirted her strawberry shampoo into my hair and dug her nails gently into my head lathering the shampoo really good into my hair. I love it when people wash my hair or play with it. It could literally put me to sleep. She washed the shampoo out and then did the same with the conditioner.

Once she was finished I got out of the shower I dried off and then got dressed.

"Thank you Rach! I'm going to owe you big time after this week is over. Anything you want just name your price." I told her seriously. I couldn't express how thankful I was that she offered to help me when I needed it badly.

"I'm sure I'll think of something but for now let's cook something before I starve to death." She laughed and led me downstairs towards the kitchen. Being here two weeks I still had no idea where everything was but in my defense I just got out of that awful room upstairs a few days ago.

"Do you know how to cook?" Rachel asked me with a big hopeful smile on her face.

"Yes I love to cook!" I squealed and she instantly looked relieved yet sad at the same time.

"You don't?" I asked her and she shook her head slowly.

"No not really. I've always wanted to learn though." She sounded almost deflated like there was no hope that she would ever learn how to cook.

"Want me to teach you? It could be my payment for you helping me shower." I offered and she literally ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me squealing like a pig in the process.

"Yes! Yes! Please and thank you!" She yelled in my ear excitedly which caused me to cover my ears.

"You're welcome. Now stop yelling in my ears before I go deaf." I laughed and pushed her away playfully.

Teaching her how to cook seemed easy enough for everything she's doing for me. I mean how hard could it be? I wondered.

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