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Hello my lovely readers! My oh my we have made it so far together! I just wanted to thank you all for sticking with me and being apart of this journey! No this isn't the end of the book I still have some more things up my sleeves! Well enjoy the new update! :*
**Annabelles POV**

Days come and went and I was still trapped down in that horrible cell. I stopped counting after a month went by. They came down and gave me food and a shot in my arm three times a day like clockwork and they emptied the bucket that I had to pee and poop in that stayed beside the bed. They weren't to thrilled about having to empty it and I couldn't blame them.

The door to my cell was slid open and two of Lorenzo's men brought in another girl that was chained up. I looked up at her and she looked terrified. She was about nineteen years old with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin like a Native American. They hooked her ankle chains onto the hook on the ground like mine and left us alone closing the door as they left.

"Where are we?" The girl cried her voice breaking as she spoke.

"I have no idea." The sound of my voice shocked me because I hadn't spoken in weeks.

"I'm Emily." She continues to cry trying to get out of the chains.

"I'm Annabelle. Don't try to break out of the chains believe me it won't work. They should unhook your arms shortly." I tried to calm her down but it wasn't working very well.

"How long have you been down here?" She asked me curiously as she sat down on the mattress beside me.

"I don't know. At least a month maybe even two." I shrugged and Emily started to cry again.

"What's it like down here?" She asked me when she finally stopped crying. I wanted to make her feel better but I knew lying wouldn't help.

"Honestly it's awful. They bring you your meals and your medicine three times a day, sometimes the food is actually decent and some days the food is expired. You have to shit and piss in that bucket and if you fight them or argue with them they punish you or starve you it just depends on what kind of mood they are in that day." Her mouth dropped in shock.

"Medicine?" She asked me skeptically and I nodded.

"Oh yeah they give you three shots a day, one with every meal. At first the shots make you sleep a lot but after a week or two they just make you calm, they are like a sedative. Just a heads up don't fight them on the shots the last time I fought them I got a lovely punch in the face by the huge guy outside the door. He's not a very pleasant guy." I warned her and she nodded in understandment.

"Why'd they bring you down here in the first place?" She asked me.

"I don't know if their leader has a thing for me or if he is just trying to get back at Vincent for some unknown reason." I sighed and threw myself backwards on the filthy mattress.

The door to our cell was slid open again and instead of Lorenzo's men it was the devil himself.

"Well well if it isn't my two favorite ladies in one place." Emily's eyes widened in complete fear while I just stared at Lorenzo blankly like I always did.

"Why am I here?" Emily demanded and Lorenzo's eyes filmed over with lust.

"Now now darling not to worry, you'll find out soon enough. I came down to make sure you were settling in okay. I hope Anna here is treating you right." Lorenzo smirked at the both of us sickly.

"I'm fine considering the circumstances. Anna is great." Emily was practically shaking with fear and I sympathized for her because deep down inside of me that fear was there as well.

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