Caved In

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"How is he?" I asked Matteo over the phone. I broke down and called two weeks after leaving. Not knowing how he was doing was driving me up the wall. I know I shouldn't care how he is because he forced me to leave but I love him.

"Not good. He is grouchy all the time. It makes work literally hell on earth." Matteo sighed sadly. I know he didn't want to see his bestfriend like that.

"I'm sorry." I whispered sadly feeling to blame for this mess even though I didn't get into it by myself.

"It's not your fault Ann, he will come around. Just give him some more time." Matteo softly spoke like he believed it was going to happen.

"It's been two weeks Matteo."

"Annabelle before you I had never seen him serious about someone before. He came around for you then and he will come around for you now. I promise. He isn't an emotional person so stuff like this takes longer for him. Don't give up on him." Matteo almost begged. What if he was right? Would I ever be able to forgive Vincent for leaving me or forcing me to leave? Of course I would for our baby, but would I ever be able to trust him again?

"I miss him." I sighed loudly after a few seconds of complete silence.

"I know you do, we all miss you. The house is quiet." Matteo teased playfully.

"Don't blame me because you guys are freaking boring mister!" I playfully shouted.

"You changed all of us, how's the baby?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"So far everything is good. I'm about four months along, I get to find out the gender in two weeks."

"I bet it's a girl."

"We will find out soon enough." I reassured him.

"You're going to call and tell me right? That's my niece or nephew in there-" he was interrupted by someone coming into his room.

"Why in the fuck are you talking to her?!" Vincent yelled, when I heard his voice butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

"I'll talk to you later Annabelle." Matteo said as he hung up the phone. Vincent was still upset, well he was more than upset, he hated me so much he didn't even want his friends talking to me either.

I walked into my office and found Matteo sitting at the meeting table talking on the phone.

"I bet it's a girl." Right then I knew who he was talking to. Anger pulsed through my veins, he's supposed to be my brother!

"Why in the fuck are you talking to her? I roared furiously.

"I'll talk to you later Annabelle." Matteo hung up the phone. He looked at me with a look in his eyes I've never seen before.

"You're supposed to be my brother Matteo!"

"I am your brother which is why I can tell you that I think you're making a mistake Vin. Annabelle is having your baby." He tried talking some sense into me.

"IM WELL AWARE OF THAT!" I yelled, my voice full of anger.

"Then why would you push her away? Push your kid away?" He asked in a sad tone. No one understood where I was coming from. No matter how much I tried explaining it.

"I am not father material. I refuse to raise a baby living this lifestyle that we live. It's too dangerous." I sat down across the table from him and ran my fingers through my hair.

"That's bullshit! Our families have been raising kids in this lifestyle for years! That's just an excuse Vincent." Matteo yelled as he slammed his hands down on the table.

"I wouldn't make a good father. I don't know what to do. Can you honestly picture me changing diapers? Feeding a baby? Pushing a stroller or carrying a car seat? I run the mafia for Gods sake!" I exclaimed loudly.

"But you would learn and adapt. You don't give yourself enough credit Vin. You deserve more. Annabelle deserves more. That baby deserves more." He shook his head sadly.

"They will be better off without me."

"Says who? You? How could you possibly know that?" Matteo asked taking her side.

"You claim you're my brother but yet it sure seems like you are taking her side." I snapped getting pissed off again.

"It's not a matter of taking sides, we are Italian we are all about family. The one real time it comes to your family you run with your tail between your legs. You're Vincent Colombo you don't run from anyone. You better come around before she meets someone else." He warned me seriously. The thought of Anna with another man made my skin crawl.

"Don't fucking say that!"

"Why? Because it's true! She's a catch. She's smart, beautiful, and she has a one of a kind personality. Why do you think you fell for her in the first place? Stop being a moron and go get her!" Matteo practically begged me.

I started to think about everything he was saying and he was right. Annabelle is most definitely a catch. You don't meet someone like her and let her go and yet it seems like every chance I get she's falling threw my fingers.

Could I really learn how to be a good dad? How would I do both, running the business and being a dad? Sure our parents have been doing it forever so surely I could learn how too. Did I want kids? At one point it was all I thought about, having a son I could play catch with, or teach him how to drive a car and be a decent human being. Now that I've taken over the business my wants and needs have changed completely.

The only thing I knew for sure is that I didn't want to lose Anna. She had became such a big part of my life and I was constantly pushing her away every chance I got, and for what? What did I gain out of it? Nothing, I lose her. I lose my chance at being a good man and a good father.

"She wouldn't take me back anyway. I was an ass to her." I said just above a whisper fearing what I would do if she didn't take me back. I'm afraid I would break.

"Are you kidding? She's terrified! Don't make any excuses, you won't know unless you go talk to her."

"You're right, I've got to go." I jumped out of my chair and quickly ran down the stairs and out the front door. I hopped in my car and sped off to Anna's house hoping and praying that she forgives me and takes me back.

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