Wedding Bells

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Happy Valentines Day lovelies! Here's a mushy treat for ya! <3

**Annabelles Pov**

The day was finally here. The day I had dreamed about since I was a little girl. The day I marry the man of my dreams and get to spend the rest of my life with him.

"I can't believe my baby is getting married!" My mom cried while she helped me into my wedding dress and zipped up the back of my dress.

Bethany finished up any last minute makeup touches while Sarah made sure that every hair was in tact.

A knock on the door sounded throughout the dressing room.

Natalie stood up and went to answer the door making sure it wasn't Vincent since it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.

"Their over there, I'm going to check on the groom." Natalie told us and quickly left to check on the guys.

I looked up and saw my dad standing a few feet away from us with unshed tears building up in his eyes.

"Can you girls give me a moment with my daughter?" My dad asked, his voice shaking automatically bringing tears to my eyes. Everyone left the room leaving me and my dad standing there alone in complete silence.

My dad took both of my hands in his and squeezed them gently. He looked at me with so much love that only a father could give.

"I remember the very first time I ever seen your face. You cried and cried from the moment you came out and you stopped immediately when they put you on your moms chest. You looked back and forth between me and your mother confused yet you looked so peaceful and at ease. Your very first breath gave my life a whole new meaning. I knew right then and there that there wasn't a thing in this world I wouldn't do for you. I always knew that this day would come and I've dreaded it everyday since then. I've watched you crawl, walk, ride a bike, drive a car, and even fall in love. Your happiness is all that matters to me. Though you may be grown and spreading your own wings you will always be my little girl. Annabelle I just want you to know that you have my blessing. I love you so much babygirl." My dad pulled me against his chest hugging me tightly. Tears made their way down both of our cheeks.

"I love you too daddy." I whispered loud enough for him to hear making him hug me a little tighter.

"Alright let's get going you have a man waiting at the end of the aisle for you." I nodded my head and wiped my tears careful not to mess up my makeup knowing Bethany would murder me on my wedding day if I ruined all her hard work. My dad and I walked out of the dressing room and into the hallway with the girls.

The wedding music started playing and the girls made their way down the aisle. My nerves were a complete wreck while I waited for my que to go.

After a few minutes my dad gently pulled my arm and started to walk pulling me out of my nervousness.

"Don't let me fall daddy." I whispered as I inhaled and exhaled loudly.

"I would never." He whispered back reassuring me. He led me around the corner and when we turned to face the whole audience my eyes went straight to Vincent. He looked up at me and his reaction was everything I ever wanted from my groom. His face softened and tears pooled in his eyes and made their way down his face.

My dad walked me down the aisle to the rhythm of the music. People made awe noises and snapped pictures as we walked by. After what felt like an eternity we finally made it all the way down the aisle. My dad gave my hand to Vincent and pecked me on the cheek before he went and sat down beside my mom and Lorenzo. I was shocked he actually came even though we had gotten a lot closer since the whole me passing out on him thing happened.

I looked at Vincent and we both practically melted into each other's eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen today we are here to celebrate the love between Vincent and Annabelle. Marriage is a lifelong promise and commitment where you unite together as one. These two are ready to make that commitment. Vincent please read your vows." The preacher started the wedding ceremony, my heart and stomach were both in knots.

"Annabelle, from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one. The one who would challenge me, the one who would motivate me to be a better man, the one to show me the true definition of love. A love so strong and so captivating that without it I'd be nothing. You give me hope, strength, and so much happiness and purpose. I promise to love you on all the good days along with the bad. I promise to hold your hand and lead you through any struggles we may face. I promise to love you more today than I did yesterday and more tomorrow than I do today." Vincent spoke with so much passion and seriousness as silent tears made their way down his face.

"Annabelle please read your vows." The preacher smiled kindly at me letting me know it was my turn to speak. My heart was in overdrive. My nerves were haywire and with a deep breath in and out I started to speak.

"Vincent from the moment I met you, my whole world flipped upside down and inside out and it's been a roller coaster ever since but the one thing that has remained constant is you. You brought a whole new meaning to my life. You've taught me and molded me into the strong woman standing before you. I promise to stand by you through the sunshine along with the rain. I promise to show you everyday that you are worthy, cherished, and loved more and more. I promise to always put you and our family first. I promise to love you everyday forever and always." I smiled through my unshed tears.

"Vincent do you take this woman to be your wife for better or for worse, til death do you part?" The preacher asked Vincent as he started to finish up the ceremony.

"I do." Vincent squeezed my hand softly before he slid the most beautiful wedding ring onto my ring finger.

"Annabelle do you take this man to be your husband for better or for worse, til death do you part?"

"I do." I smiled softly at Vincent and then slid his wedding band onto his finger.

"Ladies and Gentlemen for the first time I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Colombo you may now kiss your bride." The preacher roared excitedly.

Vincent gently took my face between his strong hands and placed his lips on mine with so much love and tenderness like I would break in his hands right before his very eyes. The whole church exploded into cheering and clapping from all of our family and friends. If you would have told me two years ago that I would marry Vincent Colombo I would have laughed in your face but now I could picture being with anyone else.

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