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Hello beautiful peeps! So I'm really excited for these next few chapters! Also expect some surprise POV! Thank you all for sticking with me!! You are awesome! :)

Annabelles POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. Memories of what happened came flooding back to me. I opened my eyes and fear and panic skyrocketed through me. I was in a room that resembled a jail cell. I'm pretty sure we were underground there were no windows and I could smell sewage like we were by sewer lines. I looked around the room I was in and discovered that I was in there alone. I tried to get up and move but I could only move a few steps because I had chains wrapped around both of my ankles and both of my wrists.

There was a twin mattress on the floor that smelled like blood and piss. A lump formed in my throat as I took in more of the room I was trapped in. The walls were solid stained white tiles well they probably were once white. In between the cracks of the tiles was mold and some of the tiles were an off white. Old dried blood was scattered on the bed, walls, and the floor. This must have been where they kept and tortured their prisoners.

"Let me out of here!" I yelled at the top of my lungs knowing that causing attention to myself was probably a bad idea.

The concrete door to my windowless cell slid open and Lorenzo walked in with two men, one on each side of him.

"Agh darling I hope you are making yourself comfortable." Lorenzo smiled at me sickly. This guy gave me the freaky creeps.

"It's hard to be comfortable when I'm chained up like a dog." I snapped jiggling the chains on my hands and feet letting them rattle.

"I will let either your hands or your feet free. Which do you choose?" He asked me giving me the choice. I looked at him skeptical like it was some kind of test. I thought about it for a second before I decided to go with my hands knowing I could at least try to fight back if need be.

"My hands." I lifted them up and he looked directly into my eyes.

"Don't make me regret this. If I have to put them back on I will put them on so tight there will be indentions from the chains around your wrists." I gulped and nodded my head unable to say anything.

He took a key from his suit pocket and roughly unlocked the chains from around my wrists. When my wrists were free I rubbed them gently trying to ease the ache the chains had caused.

"How long have I been down here?" I asked hoping that he would actually answer me.

"Three days. Nate sure did knock you out good. Plus the drugs we've been giving you have been keeping you under." Lorenzo smirked at me wickedly like he was enjoying every minute of this.

"Drugs? You gave me drugs?" I blubbered in disbelief. He nodded slowly and gave me a stupid look as if I knew what he was talking about.

"Oh relax its not going to kill you, I mean it can if you are given too much but don't worry Annabelle we won't let that happen unless we have to." He warned in a serious tone and I backed away from him as far as my chains would let me.

"Can I have a blanket? It's cold and dirty down here." I asked hopeful.

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I've already freed your hands, that's enough for now. Get some rest dinner will be served soon." He said and left me alone again and I cringingly sat down on the disgusting mattress. Tears fell uncontrollably down my face. Three days they had kept me down here and drugged up. That explains the pounding headache and why I've been asleep for three days straight.

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