Unexpected Visitor

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Hello my lovelies :) I really hope that you are all enjoying the story! I told you things were going to get good....buckle up! Enjoy<3
I sped the whole way to Annabelles house, zooming through stop signs and red lights. The quicker I got to Anna the better.

I swerved in and out of cars on the highway like a bat out of hell. I turned into her neighborhood and down a few streets until I finally turned down hers. I flew down the street and slammed on my breaks making my tires skid across the pavement in front of her house.

I looked at myself in the rear view mirror and took a deep breath. I opened the door and ran up the sidewalk and rang the doorbell. My nerves were shot while I waited for someone to answer the door. The door finally was opened and there stood Luca, Annabelles father.

"You have some nerve showing up here!" He yelled, the vein on the side of his neck was pulsing. He was angry and he had every reason to be.

"Please just let me talk to her!" I begged, feeling so foolish for begging but for her I would.


I heard tires screeching outside so I got up to see what all the commotion was. Then my doorbell rang before I even looked out the window. I started walking down the stairs to answer the door.

"You have some nerve showing up here!" My dad yelled at whoever was on the other side of the door.

"Please just let me talk to her!" I recognized his voice instantly and froze in my tracks. My heart started racing inside of my chest.

"I'm not letting you anywhere near my daughter! You need to leave! NOW!" My dad roared angrily.

"Luca I know you are angry with me, you all are. Let me fix the mistakes I've made. Please at least let me talk to her." Vincent voice was shaking.

"Like hell I will!" My dad yelled and was about to slam the door in Vincents face.

"Dad-" I called out as I walked down the rest of the stairs and stood behind the door.

"Go to your room Annabelle, I've got this under control. You don't have to worry about this." My dads voice softened when he spoke to me, like someones voice gets lighter when they speak to a child. It's like he was afraid that I would break or that I couldn't handle it.

"No dad, let me talk to him. I can do this." I told him honestly.

"Honey are you sure?" My dad asked, his voice full of concern.

"I'm a big girl. I'm not going to fall apart dad." My dad looked at me in disbelief before he started to walk away.

"I'll be in my office across the hall, let me know if you need me." He told me seriously before he left me and Vincent alone.

I walked a few more steps and opened the door fully. There he stood looking sharp in a freshly ironed suit, with his dark brown hair that was styled to perfection. His deep green eyes pierced holes into my soul. I sucked in a breath at how good he looked meanwhile I'm standing there in mismatching pajamas, my hair hadn't been washed in two maybe even three days.

"What are you doing here?" I asked after a few minutes of silence. I was first to break the awkward tension between the two of us.

"Can I come in?" He asked and I nodded and let him walk in before I shut the door behind him.

"I came to apologize Anna." He whispered like he had been punched in the stomach.

"It's a little late for that, don't you think?" I said coldly. I wanted him to know that he hurt me and that he couldn't just get away with it no matter how I felt about him.

"I know I shouldn't have acted like that or sent you away. I was scared." He defended his actions.

"You don't think I wasn't scared? That I still am scared? You made me leave!" I yelled with tears pooling my eyes.

"Annabelle I made a mistake. I seem to make very many of those lately when it comes to you, but my biggest mistake was making you go. My whole life before I took over for my dad I wanted to get married and have kids but when I took over all of that changed-" he started to explain and I cut him off.

"Yeah apparently." I replied sarcastically crossing my arms across my chest.

"Let me finish, all of that changed, until I met you. When I met you my whole world was flipped upside down. You have changed me in more ways than one. When you told me that you were pregnant I went blank. It was too much, I was barely getting used to the thought of us being together and with everything happened with you being taken and being shot. The baby just pushed it all over the edge." He started pacing back and forth, something he does when he is nervous or deep in thought.

"You didn't have to make me leave! We could have gotten through it together Vincent!" I started crying, hormones are no damn joke.

"I know that. I shut down. I'm sorry Anna. You have to believe me. Let me make it up to you, let me show you that I can do this, that we can do this, together." Vincent grabbed both of my hands in both of his big strong ones.

"How could I ever trust you again after all of that?" I yanked my hands out of his grasp.

"Anna I know I haven't given you reason to trust me because I've let you down time and time again, but I promise you that's over. I won't ever hurt you again." He begged with sad eyes and desperation.

"Why should I believe you Vincent?" I wiped a few tears as they streamed down my face. He got on his knees and grabbed my hands in his once again squeezing them gently.

"I'm on my knees begging you Anna, I don't get on my knees for anyone but for you I will. Let me make it up to you. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you over and over again. Please give me another chance, just one more chance." His eyes pulled me in and I felt myself giving into him.

"Fine, but if you screw it up that's it. I'm serious I'm done going back and forth. You're either in this 100% or not at all. Me and this baby are a package deal, you don't get just one of us you get us both." I told him seriously making sure he knew I was serious.

"I'm aware of that. I'm all in Anna I promise you. I don't want to waist another minute away from you. Come home with me, things will be different. I won't keep you from your parents or your friends. We will do this right. I promise." He stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Okay." I wrapped my arms around him and he placed his lips hungrily on mine.

"So that's it? You're going to forgive him just like that?" My dad asked in disbelief. He and my mom were both standing there. My dad was pissed and my mom was in tears.

"Yes dad, I love him and I want this to work for our baby." I took a few steps until I was in front of my parents.

"Will we get to see you?" My mom asked seriously.

"Mary, you and Luca are always welcome in my home, our home. You are family now, no matter what has happened in the past. Things will be different. I promise you." Vincent promised my mom and she wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you, please take care of our girl." My mom kissed Vincent on the cheek.

"I will, you have my word." Vincent promised her. On the other hand my dad didn't look to convinced.

"I'm not happy about any of this, but I guess I'm going to have to adjust. Vincent I know the kind of guy you are but with my daughter you're different. You better not hurt her again." My dad warned Vincent and he nodded.

"I won't." Vincent stuck his hand out for my dad to shake and reluctantly he shook it.

We said goodbye to my parents and got into the car and headed back to Vincents house in a comfortable silence. I was putting every ounce of trust that I had in him and hoping and praying that we can make this work. Vincent took my hand in his and gently squeezed it before he brought my hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on the top of my hand while shooting me a carefree smile, one I've never seen on his face before. Right then I knew that I made the right decision by forgiving him and giving him another chance.

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