The Mafia Is No Joke

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Growing up I heard stories about the Mafia and always thought that they were just made up stories of bad guys who shoot and kill ruthlessly for no reason. Guys who sit around and deal drugs and smoke cigars back to back while they torture their prisoners for information and once they get what they are looking for they kill the prisoners in a ruthless way. I never believed the stories I was told because they seemed so far fetched. Like they were over exaggerated just to scare people. Hearing those stories and then witnessing what I witnessed when I got out of the car there was nothing in the world that could have prepared me for what I was going to walk into that night.

Adriano opened the back door and we all piled out of the car one by one. We were literally in the middle of nowhere. The only thing for miles was a very old abandoned warehouse. Parts of the walls were rusted, the grass surrounding the building was at least knee high if not taller, and the lights inside were so dim. The building in front of me reminded me so much of the one on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I couldn't help but feel panicked and terrified Vincent must have known I was seconds away from shitting myself because he took my hand and rubbed soothing circles on the top of my hand. It was just enough to calm me down.

"Just breathe. You are going to be okay. We are not the victims here. We came to here to be backup for an old family friend. Just stick close to me." Vincent whispered in my ear and I just nodded. I couldn't have answered if I wanted too. My voice was pushed down by fear.

The guys led us up to the building and when we got to the door my heart started pounding even harder and I'm pretty sure the guys could hear it violently beating off the ribs in my chest.

The door was opened and we strolled in as if we owned the place. Well more like if they owned the place. I was practically shaking with fear. I tried my best to hide the fact that I was terrified but I don't think I did a very good job.

A big bouncer like guy stood in front of another door. He stood about 6'7 he was a dark man with a suit on. His face held no emotion whatsoever.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" The big guy asked us.

"We are here to see Antonio." Vincent answered and the man picked up his walkie-talkie.

"What's your name?" He asked and Vincent was the one to answer again.

"Vincent Colombo." Vincent's sulky voice was music to my ears. So masculine and gruff like he just got out of bed.

"Mr. Bonanno there is a group of gentlemen here."

"Who is it Al?" The scruffy voice over the walkie-talkie asked. Al was the bouncers name. He looked like a line backer for a professional football team. He was absolutely huge and broad and could easily punch my head off of my neck if he wanted too.

"Vincent Colombo and his crew." Al answered as looked each one of us up and down. For what reason I have no idea. Probably looking for weapons of any kind. He is he bodyguard after all.

"Send them in." Al buzzed the door open and when we went into the next room my heart started beating even faster than before.

There was men snorting cocaine and smoking cigars while playing what I'm guessing was blackjack. Women walked around in practically nothing which was actually just a bra and a thong serving drinks to the guys who were all lounging around. The guys had their lust filled eyes on the girls asses and the girls grinded on the guys as they walked past them. I had to resist the urge to gag as one chick was sucking one of the guys dicks who was sitting on the couch. Like literally on the couch. In front of everyone. No shame whatsoever.

"Well well well if it isn't Vincent Colombo you crazy son of a bitch!" A deep scruffy voice came from a distance away. Once everyone heard Vincent's name they all sat up straight and their ears perked up like they were waiting on his command. I thought it was kind of weird how these guys weren't even in Vincent's crew and yet they still feared him and respected him. I definitely underestimated how powerful Vincent was.

"Tony how are you?" Vincent asked Antonio who goes by Tony. Antonio was older probably in his early 50s. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a well kept mustache. He had worry wrinkles under his eyes probably from stress and exhaustion.

"I've been better I'm not going to lie. Things are starting to go downhill around here. Money is tight and with Lucy's medical bills I'm starting to drown in debt. But everything will workout one way or another. How's your mom and dad?" Antonio asked curiously.

"Their good, they are traveling the world like they've always wanted too."

"Well that's good I'm glad to hear that." Tony shook Vincent's hand and patted him on the back.

"Do you guys want anything to drink? We have scotch, gin, tequila, beer whatever the hell you can possibly think of. We've got it. Help yourselves." Antonio laughed as he lit a cigar. None of the guys moved a beat. They all kept their positions and remained focused. It's like they were frozen in place. Their faces were so serious. They looked emotionless, I couldn't tell whether it was scary or comical seeing them like that but I wasn't going to say anything.

"And who might this very beautiful young lady be?" Antonio asked as his eyes trailed me up and down making me very uncomfortable.

"My name is Annabelle nice to meet you sir." I stretched my hand out he shook my hand firmly before letting go.

"Such a lovely name." The old man smiled but not in a creepy way more like a caring grandpa kind of way.

"Alright we better get going. We don't have much time to get there. Let me go over the plan. Once we get there my guys will go in and you and your guys will stay around the perimeter if we need you we will page you in. Sound like a plan?" Antonio went over the plan once more before we all headed out.

There was about fifteen black tahoes parked outside. We all piled into the cars and one by one we started driving. I started to get nervous because I really had no idea what to expect. What if something happened to me? Would Vincent tell my parents? Would he feel bad that this was all his idea? I started fumbling with my fingers, something I've always done when I'm nervous about something.

We drove for God only knows how long before we came to a slow stop. I looked out the window and we were again in the middle of nowhere but instead of being outside of an abandoned warehouse there was a big mansion. A beautiful stone castle looking mansion. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Antonio and his guys marched up towards the house. I couldn't really see what was going on from where I was sitting.

The door was opened and all the men disappeared inside. Minutes drug by and for a second I thought that Antonio didn't need our help after all. Relief flooded through me briefly before gunshots were fired. Vincent's phone started ringing and my heart sunk like the titanic.

"Hello." Vincent was so calm and collected while I was on the verge of falling apart. The person on the other line was saying something I couldn't make out.

"We're coming." Vincent said as he hung up the phone.

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