Its Not Over

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Happy New Year my lovely readers!! I am so glad that you all have stuck with me this far! You're all awesome! :)

I paced back and forth in my office with my body trembling in anger. I couldn't believe that Melissa would stoop so low and kidnap my son all out of jealousy. I always knew she was crazy but this was over the top.

"So what's the plan?" Matteo asked after an hour of me pacing back and forth. It had been three hours since Enzo was taken and I still couldn't think of a solution. I didn't know where she took him or have any clues. My body and brain were numb but I knew I had to snap out of it for Annabelle. She was completely heartbroken and the only way to fix it would be to get our son back.

"I'm still thinking!" I snapped as I ran my fingers through my messy hair and sighed loudly. I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket so I took it out hoping it was Melissa.

"Hello?" I answered somewhat calmly.

"Hey baby, miss me yet?" Melissa purred, relief swam over my body knowing it was her so I could get some clues on where my son is.

"Of course I do." Bile rose in my throat as I answered her, knowing it would be best to play along with this sick game she's playing.

"I knew you did, we're like magnets to each other. No matter how hard we try to fight it we always find our way back to one another." She giggled at her little joke and I rolled my eyes.

"Apparently so. Melissa why did you kidnap my son?" I asked her straight forward my patience already running low, not that I had much with her to begin with. At that moment Enzo started crying and my heart longed to have him in my arms to calm him down.

"Oh relax baby I can't wait to give him back and I will once I get what I want. ALL HE DOES IS CRY! It's so frustrating!" She snapped in annoyance.

"He misses his mother, they've never been apart Melissa." I defended my son.

"Whatever I don't care. So here's how it's going to go. I'm going to give you an address for you to meet me at. From there I will exchange your son for you." She purred and I had to stop myself from gagging. What I saw in her back then I had no idea.

"Deal." I muttered hoping it didn't have to come down to that.

"The address is 1278 North Street Ave, it's about thirty minutes from you. Hurry to me my love." She purred.

"I'm on my way." I spat and hung up the phone. I practically ran into the room with Anna and everyone else was.

"I know where Enzo is. He's with Melissa and she gave me the address where they are at."


"I know where Enzo is. He's with Melissa and she gave me the address where they are at." Vincent exhaled loudly as he ran into the room. His words hit me one by one like a ton of bricks.

"Just like that? She's going to just give him back? What's the catch?" I asked curiously and Vincent fidgeted and looked away from me.

"You don't want to know." He answered just above a whisper making my blood boil filling my body with blinded rage.

"TELL ME!" I roared with a new found voice that I didn't recognize. My patience was thin. Melissa has taken it too far this time. I refused to let this slide. She has came in the middle of me and Vincent left and right and then she kidnapped my son. I was done. So done.

"She wants to exchange him for me." He replied and my blood ran colder than before.

"Let's go." I spat venomously. Anger, rage, and adrenaline took over my body and I let it.

Vincent, myself, Adriano, Matteo, Donatello, and the rest of the guys loaded up in the Tahoe. Rubio typed the address in on the GPS and quickly sped off to the destination. My brain was spinning in circles. I wondered about my son. Was he okay? Was he hurt? Was she being at least decent to him?

"Relax love he's okay." Vincent whispered in my ear calming me down slightly. He grabbed my hand and rubbed soothing circles on the top of it.

After what felt like hours the car finally came to a stop. I opened my door and quickly jumped out in a hurry to get to our son. I looked around and noticed that we were at a little cottage on at least a thousand acres. There wasn't any neighbors or anything for at least fifteen miles. A nagging feeling spread throughout my body and I quickly had to shake it off.

Everyone else climbed out of the car and we marched up to the door like an army on a mission. Before we even got up to the door a huge creepy man opened the door. He didn't say a word he just turned around and led us throughout the cottage and into the living room. Melissa sat on the couch with her arms crossed nonchalantly as if waiting for our arrival, her eyes melted when she saw Vincent.

"Baby you came!" She jumped up and made her way closer to us.

"Where's Enzo?" I asked stopping her in her tracks. She rolled her eyes at me but nodded her head briefly.

"Bring the boy!" She yelled and suddenly I heard a door open and in came a terrified woman carrying my screaming son. The woman handed Enzo to Melissa and scurried out of the room. Melissa no doubt did something to scare that poor woman who looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"We had a deal. Enzo for Vincent." Melissa smirked at me and I tried my hardest to remain calm until we had Enzo back in our arms.

"I'm aware. Let's get this over with." I spoke confidently standing my ground trying not to show how nervous I was on the inside. Vincent took a few steps forward and so did Melissa. I followed behind Vincent until we were face to face with Melissa.

Vincent took a few more steps and then stood by Melissa turning to face me. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she practically threw Enzo into my arms. For a moment I completely forgot where we were or what was going on. I hugged Enzo like both of our lives depended on it and he instantly stopped crying.

"Get him out of here." I kindly ordered and quickly pecked Enzo's forehead and handed him to Donatello. Melissa looked at me confused for a few minutes before she said anything. I took long strides until I was right back in front of her.

"Um what are you still doing here?" She crossed her arms in annoyance, as if I would just leave Vincent here. She really was that stupid if she believed that. I looked around and was relieved that Donatello left with Enzo, I didn't want him here for what was going to happen next.

"You didn't really think it was going to be that easy, did you?" I asked venomously as I let out a wicked laugh and Melissa's eyes widened in fear.

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