Baby Steps

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Vincent's POV

"What did you need so badly that you forgot your manners about knocking?" I asked Matteo as we sat at the table waiting for our weekly meeting to start. I normally am not this early but I had to talk to Matteo and get some advice about what to do with Anna. From the moment I met her she's been stuck on my brain. For the past two months she is all I can think about.

"I didn't need anything I just wanted to hangout for a bit though you looked like you had your hands full literally." He teased and I wanted to punch the smirk right off of his face.

"Matt don't test me right now. I need some advice, no judgement or jokes will be made and that's an order." I half joked and half demanded. He nodded his head in agreement either way.

"You've got it boss. What's going on? It's got to be serious to have you so distracted lately." Matteo said as his face turned from humorous to serious meaning he was all ears.

"It's about Annabelle."

"I figured so. What's the problem?"

"I can't stop thinking about her. She is the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. I've tried ignoring her and sleeping with lots of other girls but it doesn't help. I'm so damn confused about what to do." I tried to explain how I felt, I didn't care that I sounded like a wuss by expressing my feelings.

"Damn you've got it bad man." Matteo spoke apologetically but with an understanding sad smile.

"Tell me about it. I just want to be with her. I know I sound like a pansy but you're my bestfriend and I have no one else I can trust with this. What should I do?" I asked desperately by that point any advice would do.

"What do you think you should do?"

"I don't know!" I groaned as I pulled my hair in frustration. Part of me just wanted to say fuck it and be with her but the other more logical part of me wanted to protect her from the lifestyle I live.

"Dude you've never been this bent out of shape over some girl."

"She's not just some girl." I spat seriously and Matteo's eyes widened that's when he knew exactly how serious I was.

"Exactly. She's not just some girl Vin. You've never felt this way about anyone not even Melissa. You want my honest opinion?" He asked me and I shot daggers at him with my eyes.

"I wouldn't have called you down here if I didn't want your opinion moron." I mocked sarcastically.

"I say you go for it, be with her. These kind of feelings don't come often. Ease into things. Don't rush. Start taking her on dates and ease your way into a relationship."

"I don't know...." I replied skeptically. I started to think about what it would be like to take Annabelle on a date. Seeing her all dressed up and smiling because of me. I certainly could try if that meant making her happy.

"Just give it a shot. I mean what do you have to lose?"

"You have a point. Thanks man. Now let's get back to business." I used my boss voice when the rest of the guys came in. I had a lot to think about. Matteo was right what did I have to lose? Well it depends on how the date goes.

Annabelles POV

"Watch your back!" I yelled as I pointed my water gun that was completely filled up at Bethany. We were currently in the middle of a huge water fight which I did not start.

"Never! You'll never catch me fatty!" She squealed and took off running but because the floor was slippery from all the water she busted her ass and screamed bloody murder as her body collided with the ground. I quickly made my attack and pounced on top of her spraying her until my gun was empty. We both were giggling and screaming like little girls.

"Get your asses up!" Rachel demanded in her playful predator voice. Both me and Bethany looked up and Rachel and Sarah stood in front of us. They each had big huge water guns in each hand. There was buckets filled with ice water all around them.

"Oh shit!" I squealed and jumped off of Bethany and pulled her up onto her feet. We both went to reach for ice buckets when Rachel and Sarah both shot us with their water guns, which were filled up with ice cold water.

"Oh my gosh! You freaking crazy bitch!" I shrieked so loudly I swore the glass on the windows was going to shatter.

That's when shit hit the fan, well the ice water I should say. Buckets of ice water were thrown and everyone was spraying each other with the rest of the water from their guns.

"Bloody hell what did you girls do to my kitchen?" Vincent was practically shaking with anger but his face was humorous. He didn't actually seem as mad as I thought. He looked more surprised than anything else.

"Ummm well you see what happened was...." I started to explain but Vincent cut me off by picking up both of my arms inspecting them.

"Are you okay? I thought you were hurt...the way you screamed..." His panic filled voice made my heart skip a beat. He rushed in here to make sure I was okay. Which means he somewhat cares. Right?

"The goober called me fat and we started wrestling and that led to this." I explained gesturing towards the huge mess. It was like someone built a lake in our kitchen.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yes I'm fine. Thank you for asking." I smiled softly at him.

"Leave. Me and Annabelle will clean this mess." Vincent ordered and everyone scurried gratefully out of the kitchen without even blinking twice.

"Awh man!" I playfully whined and started to get out the mop and the mop bucket.

We cleaned in quiet until the kitchen was completely spotless and completely dry.

"Anna I need to talk to you about the other night-" he started to explain and I was quick to stop him. I knew what he was going to say, he didn't need to repeat it or explain it. I heard it loud and clear the first time.

"No I got it. You don't do relationships. I get it. There's no need to beat a dead horse Vincent." I sarcastically answered him as I plopped up on the counter sitting cross legged on the counter top.

"Anna listen to me. I wasn't kidding when I said I don't do relationships. I've never actually been in an actual relationship. I've only slept around and got somewhat serious with Melissa, but we weren't a couple regardless of what she thinks. But with you things are so different. I want to try." He walked a few steps closer to where I was sitting staring deep into my eyes as he took each step.

"Try to what?" I asked him slowly not sure exactly what he meant.

"Anna will you go to dinner with me tomorrow night?" He asked me in a serious tone. I could have swore his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Like as a date?" I couldn't hide the hope in my voice even if I wanted too. My heart rate skyrocketed and I had a big ear to ear smile.

"Yes Anna as a date." He smiled and gently pecked my lips.

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