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Well guys we made it to the FINAL CHAPTER :/ this is such a bittersweet moment for me. I'm beyond thankful for all the reads, votes, comments and the amazing people who were apart of this journey with me! I hope you enjoy this last chapter :) love you guys!

(5 years later) **ANNABELLE'S POV**

"Enzo don't throw toys at Emilia!" I yelled from the kitchen. My daughter Emilia's cries we're bouncing off of every damn wall in our house. She definitely has the strongest lungs humanly possible.

"But mom she won't given me back my fire truck!" Enzo yelled back exasperatedly. It was always a battle between these two whether it was sharing toys, who hit who, or who controls the tv remote.

"Emilia don't take your brothers toys, Enzo you need to learn to share." I scolded them in my motherly voice as I walked into the living room. Emilia muffled 'sowwy bubba' and handed him back his fire truck with pouty lips.

"It's okay sissy I love you." Enzo quickly hugged her and swiftly ran off driving his truck over all the furniture making siren noises with his mouth.

Emilia skipped across the room to play with the twins Nico and Nicole and my heart melted as I watched all four of my kids coexisting peacefully since it was such a rare occurrence.

I felt arms snake around my waist and two strong hands rubbed my swollen belly.

"You're such a good mother Anna." Vincent whispered in my ear still making me weak in the knees even after all this time.

"I agreed to two kids Vincent! At this rate we are going to have our own soccer team! I'm serious as much as I love my babies and you know I do, I can't have anymore after this one or I'm going to lose my damn mind!" I seriously teased him and he let out a hearty chuckle his breath sending chills down my spine.

"Deal, I think five is enough." Vincent agreed and kissed my cheek.

The front door opened and in walked Natalie and Emilio with their two kids Zack and Cecilia and she was pregnant with their third. They got married a year after we did and have been together ever since.

"Go play with Enzo and Emilia and please for the love of God don't argue I've heard enough for one day!" Nat begged as she rubbed her swollen stomach while Emilio helped her sit down on the couch. He had came so far from the person he once was. He let go of his playboy antics and settled down with the one person who made him realize there was more to life than meaningless one night stands, she helped him find himself, the real him that was buried under thick layers.

Rachel and Adriano showed up next with their son Rafael, who quickly ran off to play with the other boys.

"How are you ladies feeling? Going to pop those babies out soon?" Rachel asked sympathetically taking a seat on the couch across the room.

"Not soon enough!" Natalie and I both answered at the same time, our voices tired.

"I don't miss that feeling but I better get used to it." Rachel fidgeted in her seat looking a little uncomfortable.

"You're pregnant?!" Natalie beamed excitedly and Rachel nodded her nervousness replaced with excitement.

"Congratulations Rach" I smiled kindly at her happy that our family was growing even more.

"Thank you." She smiled as Adriano pulled her closer to him and placed a kiss on her temple.

The front door slammed open and in stormed Bethany, Matteo hot on her heels

"Damn you woman! You ran over my foot!" Matteo limped into the living room. Bethany turned around and shot daggers at him with her eyes. If looks could kill he would be dead, no doubt. Their children Michael and Tabitha walked cautiously behind them and practically bolted to play with the rest of the kids once they were inside.

"Because you're an ass! Just because I don't have a job doesn't mean I don't work! You try staying home with those two! They are impossible, sure they look sweet and innocent but when we are alone it's like the children of the corn." Bethany ranted throwing her hands in the air.

I couldn't hold back my laughter even if I wanted to. Her angry eyes made their way to me and I had to force myself to quit laughing mainly because I was moments away from pissing my pants.

"You're lucky that you're carrying my nephew or else I'd unleash my wrath on you." She huffed and plopped down on the couch as far away from Matteo as possible.

"Auntie Belle!" Lucas yelled as he ran across the living room, Vanessa and her husband Nathan quickly followed behind.

"Hey buddy!" I scooped him up in my arms and sat him in my lap.

"I made the new baby some pictures, do you like them?" He smiled his snaggle tooth smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I love them, after dinner you can help me hang them up in his room okay?" I kissed him on the cheek and sent him off to play.

Finally Sarah and Donatello showed up with their kids Ethan and Regan, who went to join the rest of the kids.

With our house full of friends chatting and carrying on and twelve screaming, laughing, and playing children I couldn't help but feel so overwhelmed with happiness and love for each individual person who had became my family, some by blood and others by choice.

"God how did I get so lucky?" I whispered quietly admiring being surrounded by those I hold dearest to me.

"Fate, you never knew it but you were always going to be bound to the mafia king?" Vincent smiled and he was right no matter how much I denied it in the beginning, no matter how much either of us fought it, we were always going to end up together because like he said I'm perfectly happy being bound to the mafia king.


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