My Surroundings

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As I got yanked out of the car I couldn't help but shoot daggers with my eyes at Matteo. He gave me a smirk as he practically made me fall but his grip prevented me from doing so.

"I'm coming! You don't have to manhandle me you moron!" I snapped trying to free myself from his bone crushing hold on me which obviously wasn't working at all. He didn't say anything he just pulled me towards the beautiful mansion. The house was at least four stories high if not five. The entire front was made up of different colored stones with big wooden pillars and a big dark brown door. There was a porch with patio furniture. The flowers that laid perfectly bloomed with the current spring season. There was a long sidewalk that led up to the gorgeous mansion. I tried to get a better look around but before I knew it the front door opened and I was pulled into the house. Once the door was closed Matteo let go of the tight grip he had on me outside to where he barely held my arm at all. I wanted to break away and haul ass out of here but I had no idea where we were, plus the security around here is tight. You have to have a certain code to open any of the doors around here. From what I can tell there is a different code for every room. Even if I escaped from Matteo there's no way in hell I could get out of this house that I'm certainly sure of.

The inside of the house was even more beautiful than the outside. To my right was a living room that was literally bigger than my whole house. There were three big couches, one on each wall and at least a 70" inch flat screen TV on the wall across from the couches. There was an Xbox with every game imaginable on the entertainment center. I was led through the house and I got a small tour of the giant house as we walked through. The kitchen was to die for! The countertops were a dark marble and the tiles on the floor were a light brown. All the appliances were stainless steel. I would kill to have a have kitchen like this to cook in. I actually love to cook, my mom is an excellent cook and taught me everything I know.

Matteo and Adriano led me up the stairs. Turns out the house is four stories. Up each flight of stairs there were beautiful family photos. Some of a man and a woman who I'm guessing are married based on the looks on their faces as they stare into each other's eyes. Other pictures of three boys who were young. One was Matteo, the other was Adriano and I had no idea who the other one was. The picture was an old one if I had to guess it was taken about ten years ago. There were other pictures of Matteo, Adriano, and the other guy from the other picture of them with a few other guys who I clearly didn't know. What caught my eye was that in some of them there was a little girl. She looked about two or three years younger than the guys were in the picture. She had long brown hair with electric green eyes. She was gorgeous. Enough to make any girl self conscious that's for sure.

I was lead down a long hall way at the end of the fourth floor. Matteo opened the door and ushered me into the room. There was no windows just four walls. The room was painted a dark brown color. There was a twin bed pushed against one of the walls. There was a small dresser with three drawers. There was no mirrors or pictures not even a TV in the room. Just the bed and the dresser. Matteo pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and handcuffed me to the one of the rails on the headboard.

"Is this necessary? What do you even want from me? Let me go!" I yelled as panic rose and pumped through every vein of my body.

'That's it! I'm going to die. One of these weirdos is going to come from out of nowhere and kill me.' I thought to myself which scared me even more.

"You'll find out soon enough." Matteo snapped as he tightened the cuffs to where they were digging into my skin causing me some major discomfort. With that he left the room and I heard the beeping on keypad on the other side of the door telling me that I was locked in here.

Even though I was alone in this big empty room I sat on the bed and brought my knees up to my chest and let out a chest aching sob. I cried myself to sleep and when I woke up I briefly forgot where I was. I looked around the room for a clock or any sign of what time it was but I couldn't find anything.

A few seconds later I heard the beeping of the keypad and panic rose and spread across my body. I jumped up from the bed and stared at the door. Adriano walked in with a tray of food and I felt my body relax a little at the sight of him and not Matteo. I don't think I could take anymore of his aggressiveness at the moment.

"You hungry?" He asked me softly. I wasn't in the mood to eat. I have been held hostage for God only knows how long with no clue or indication as to why I was even kidnapped in the first place.

"No thanks." I offered him a fake smile and sat back down on the bed and cross my legs Indian style. Adriano stopped in his tracks once he seen my wrist that now had a deep dark purple ring around it. He spoke a string of cuss words in Italian and he stormed out of the room leaving the door open and all.

I would have gotten up and left the room but I was still cuffed to the damn bed! I huffed and leaned back and closed my eyes. Where Adriano went there's no telling.

I heard light footsteps pad down the hallway I quickly opened my eyes and seen a girl who looked about my age. She had long brown hair and deep green eyes. Her face looked familiar and then suddenly it made sense.

"You're the little girl from the pictures on the walls!" I explained like I had just solved a crime. She smiled a huge smile and walked into the room and sat down on the bed beside me.

"That would be me. I'm Vanessa." She giggled as she stuck her hand out to shake my free hand.

"I'm Annabelle." I offered a small smile and stuck my free hand out to shake her out stretched hand. I got good vibes from Vanessa. She was about the same height as me with her naturally curly brown hair that ended just about her belly button. She was in good shape and had a tan I'd kill to have.

"I'm sorry they have you handcuffed. I don't usually get involved with my brothers business but this is wrong." She stated with an irritated tone. Who in the world is her brother?

"You're brother is Matteo?" I asked with my voice full of distaste. She made a face and then started laughing like I just told her a joke which caused me to stare at her until she finally calmed down.

"No! My brother is Vincent." She said in between giggles. Again what is it with this Vincent guy?

"I don't know who the hell Vincent is!" I snapped suddenly aware that I was kidnapped because "Vincent" had some business with me which no one has filled me in about.

"I'm Vincent. Watch your mouth." A sultry voice spoke from across the room by the door. His voice alone sent chills down my spine.

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