First Date

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Hello beautiful people!!! I really hope you are enjoying the story! I kind of hit a wall with this chapter just bare with me because I have big plans for this book! Love you guys! Y'all are awesome :)

The next day I was a complete wreck. From the minute I woke up my nerves were all over the place. I asked the girls to workout with me this morning to knock the edge off but it didn't work if anything it only intensified my nerves.

"So where is he taking you?" Rachel asked me while she started jogging on the treadmill.

"I have no idea. He just asked me on a date and I said yes!" I let out a breathy chuckle while I kickboxed.

"I mean I knew you two liked each other, anyone with eyes and common sense could see it from a mile away but I never thought he would ever do anything about it." Bethany explained and I half shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah neither did I these nerves are killing me! I have no idea what you wear! What if I say something stupid? What if this is a big nightmare? Oh shit!" I started to panic. I've never even been on an actual date before. I had no clue what I was getting myself into.

"Calm down you mental patient we will help you get ready! No need for a panic attack." Bethany teased and I stuck my tongue out at her playfully. Leave it to her to tease me when I'm on the brink of a meltdown.

"Ha-ha-ha, that's not even funny." I mocked her sarcastically and she flipped me off.

"Enough you two. Now Belle lets go get you ready!" Rachel clapped her hands together. It was early still like noon. We weren't even leaving until seven.

"It's only noon! I have at least a few more hours before I have to get ready." I shrugged and punched the punching bag a few more times. All three of the girls looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"What-?" I asked weirdly. Did I miss something? What in the world is wrong with these girls?

"No mam! You need to get your ass up and march that ass of yours to your room. We need to get busy! Up and at em!" Sarah practically pushed me out of the gym and towards my room and into my bathroom.

"Now shower! Scrub, wash, and shave everything!" Rachel demanded I quickly jumped into the shower.

"Everything? What in the hell do you think is going to happen? It's our first date for Petes sake!" I yelled over the sound of my shower running.

"You don't know how these men are. I'm not saying anything will happen I'm just saying you have to be prepared." Sarah explained and my nerves started to go hay wire. Yes I liked Vincent probably way more than I should considering the fact that he's a criminal but was I willing to go all the way with him? To actually have sex with him? I had no idea what in the hell to actually do. I've only ever kissed him. Being a virgin at twenty three and going on a date with the playboy Mafia king surely was ironic.

I washed my hair, shaved everywhere, and scrubed everywhere twice before I got out wrapping myself in a big fluffy towel as I turned off the water.

"Come on." Sarah dragged me into my room and pushed me backwards onto my bed. I had to grab my towel in order to stop the towel from falling and showing my goodies.

"Hey easy woman!" I gasped loudly and she just shrugged. Bethany was first to start plucking my eyebrows. Once she was done Sarah painted my nails and toenails a pretty pink color and while they were drying Rachel did my makeup. After about three hours they were finally done getting me ready. Bethany came in front of me with a beautiful black dress.

"Here wear this, I think it will look perfect on you!" She squealed and I was kind of speechless by the dresses beauty.

"Are you sure? I can't wear your stuff Beth." I was kind of skeptical about borrowing people's stuff. I almost always ruin other peoples things somehow.

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