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Hello lovelies! Christmas is in two weeks and I have been a woman on a mission trying to get everything done before then! I hope that you all are enjoying this story! Sad to say that there's only a few more chapters left! :/
**Annabelles POV**

"Vincent I can walk I don't need a wheelchair, I'm more than capable of walking." I snapped at him and instantly regretted it. I have been awake for two weeks now and he has been nothing but amazing the whole time. Anything I needed he jumped up to get for me, when Enzo cried he tended to him without complaining about having to wake up during the night. Like I said he was amazing but at the same time I wanted to do these things for myself and so at times I felt like I was being smothered.

"Okay I'm just trying to help Anna." He explained and I knew I was being bitchy for no reason.

"I know, you've been great but I need to do these things for myself." I pecked him on the cheek thankfully and he wrapped his arms around me tightly and placed a hunger filled kiss on my lips.

"I'll never stop taking care of you Anna." He whispered and made my knees buckle underneath me and if it weren't for his arms around me I would have collapsed on the floor.

"I love you." I smiled as my heart turned to complete mush right then and there.

I was finally released from the hospital after being there a total month and a half, they kept me there two weeks after I woke up just to make sure my incision didn't open since I was up and around and to run every test in the book just to prove I was fine. We pulled up to the house and I didn't realize how much I missed being home until I was climbing out of the car.

Vincent grabbed the bags while I got the baby out of his car seat.

"We are finally home buddy!" I cooed at him making him smile. We walked up the sidewalk and Vincent opened the front door and we walked inside. When I stepped inside I noticed there were flowers everywhere and rose pedals spread out on the floor resembling a walkway throughout the house. Natalie stood there smiling ear to ear.

"Belly Welly I'm so glad you're okay!" She wrapped me in a bone crushing hug but careful not to hurt Enzo.

"I've missed you!" I cried honestly. I had missed her. She barely visited the hospital and I was going to ask her why but she didn't give me the chance.

"I've missed you too, give me my nephew we will talk later." She told me quickly as she took Enzo from my arms and vanished from the room leaving me standing there confused.

"What in the hell is up with her?" I asked forgetting about the rose pedals and flowers and even the tea lit candles spread across the floor. Vincent didn't say anything he just grabbed my hand and led me throughout the house.

I was in awe with the candles and flowers as we made our way into the backyard and down the rose pedal walkway. We finally stopped walking when we got to the top of the hill in the backyard. The hill had a beautiful view of the sunset. There were rose pedals spread out across the ground with candles, there was soft music playing and a bottle of wine and two glasses sitting in a basket off to the side.

Vincent inhaled and exhaled loudly as he grabbed both of my hands in his and I looked at him curiously.

"Annabelle from the moment I met you, you have tested my patience, gotten on my nerves, and made me madder than I've ever been at anyone. You have also taught me so many things over the past two years. How to love someone more than myself, how to be a better man, and even how to be a great dad when I never thought I stood a chance. We have had to face more ups and downs than anyone should ever have to face in a lifetime, and even though you drive me wild and even though we face hard times there's no one else I'd rather share these things with. You complete a void in my life that I didn't even know was there and without you my life would be miserable. You are my rock, my light, and every beat of my heart." He told me confidently and I couldn't hide the tears as they fell from my eyes.

Vincent let go of my hands and got down on one knee and took a little box from inside his pants pocket.

"Annabelle Romano will you marry me?" He asked nervously and I didn't even hesitate to jump in his arms crying hysterically.

"Of course I will!" I yelled happily. Vincent wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. We both stood there in each others arms without letting each other go for a while.

He finally pulled away from me and slipped the most beautiful ring on my finger before he placed a hunger filled kiss on my lips.

Suddenly cheers and applause were echoing from behind us and I turned around and noticed all of our friends and parents were there.

"Our babies are getting married!" My mom cried as she hugged Vincent's mom Velia who was just as teary eyed as my mother while our dads just stood back with smiles on their faces. Our friends took turns congratulating and hugging us one by one.

"I'm just glad you said yes. This guy isn't easy to work with. I don't know how you plan to put up with him forever." Nat teased Vincent and he rolled his eyes at her in return.

"Wait you were in on this?" I asked seriously.

"Duh do you think he could pull this off on his own? Why do you think I wasn't with you in the hospital?" She asked it then it clicked, she wasn't around much because she was helping him plan this.

"Thank you! Everything was perfect! I love you." I cried as I launched myself at my bestfriend hugging her tightly. I couldn't be happier that Vincent included my bestfriend in such a big way in our engagement. I knew then and there that he would do anything for me and that no matter what I was the luckiest girl on the planet.

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