Damage Control

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Hello beautiful people!!! Happy Monday! I am so thankful you guys are sticking with me as I write this story! I'm excited that you are on this journey with me! I wouldn't be where I am without your love and support! Hang in there BIG things are coming!!! <3

I spent days alone locked up in my room. I wouldn't eat anything, I wouldn't talk to anyone, not even the girls. I felt bad for pushing them away but I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

I called Natalie and filled her in on what happened and she was just as mad at Vincent as I was. I crawled out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. My reflection scared me, I had nests in my hair from not brushing it in days. I had dark circles under my eyes, and I looked pale like a zombie.

I opened my door and walked down the hallway. I could hear everyone in the living room watching tv but I was only looking for one person, someone I knew I could trust to do what I was going to ask. Emilio.

When I walked into the living room everyone turned to look at me. Looks of shock and concern filled their faces. Vincent looked almost as bad as I did. He looked like he hadn't slept or shaven in days. He looked up at me with sad eyes but I looked away from him searching for Emilio once I spotted him I waved him over to me.

"Emilio can I talk to you?" I asked my voice came out hoarse from not talking in days. He stood up and made his way over to me. Vincent looked confused and concerned that I wanted to talk to Emilio instead of him.

I pulled Emilio into the kitchen so I could talk to him without everyone hearing.

"What's wrong Annabelle? Are you alright?" Emilio asked me sounding more sincere than I had ever seen him.

"I need a favor and you're the only person I trust enough to not to turn on me and tell Vincent." He slowly nodded. He was the only person who would ever do anything without running it by Vincent first.

"What do you need?" He asked me. I took a deep breath in and let it out suddenly nervous.

"Can you go pick up Natalie for me? I need her.." I started to explain before Emilio interrupted me.

"Of course I will. Is that all?" He asked me with a small smile.

"Yes that's all. Thank you Emilio." I threw my arms around his neck. I knew I had made the right decision when choosing Emilio plus I knew he was dying to see Natalie.

"Text me her address, I'll go now. I'm sorry he hurt you Annabelle. Want me kick his ass?" He whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but giggle.

"No don't do that. He's not worth it." I pulled away from him and looked up and noticed than Vincent was standing behind us. Neither one of us heard him come in.

"Just say when and I'll be there." Emilio winked at me. I quickly sent him Natalie's address and walked out of the kitchen avoiding Vincent's questioning sad eyes.

'Emilio is on his way to pick you up. I need you.' I texted Natalie and hit send. I walked back into my room and shut the door before crawling back into my bed. My bed had became my hiding place. No one really bothered me when I was in my room. I wasn't sure if everyone knew what was going on but I was thankful they were nice enough to leave me alone.

'I'm packing now! See you soon.' Nat texted back and knowing that she was coming brought me some relief. If anyone could make me feel better it was her.

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