Weak Little Girl

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We stalked towards the house the same way Antonio and his guys did. Instead of knocking Donatello just kicked the door in. I totally misjudged his strength because with one big kick the thick wooden door came crashing down like a row of dominos. It was pitch black in the house except for a light that was far off in the distance. I so badly wanted to turn around and haul ass out of the house but I knew that I was probably safer inside than I would have been outside. I was sandwiched in between Vincent and Matteo and the guys were huddled around us.

We kept walking until we reached a long hallway. The closer we got to the end of the hallway the louder the noises were. The screaming, the gunshots, and the sound of girls crying will forever be embedded in my brain. There was an open door that led down to the basement. The basement reeked of marijuana and other drugs I didn't recognize. The metallic scent of blood was so strong and it was everywhere, splattered like spilt paint.

Once we started walking down the stairs it's like time stood still for a split second. There was about a hundred or so men down there plus me and about fifteen girls who looked about my age. Being the only female in a group full of men the guys stared at me with their predator eyes. Some licked their lips and others followed my every move. There was about twelve men dead on the floor laying in puddles of blood. I let out a loud gasp and tears pooled in my eyes. I didn't know these men but I did know that they were somebodies dad, son, brother, uncle, or friend.

There were men attacking each other and punching one another. It looked like a fight scene from a movie. Guys were covered in blood and bruises. A lot of the guys were either drinking or were already drunk and some were high on God only knows what stumbling all over the place.

A creepy looking man strolled over to us. I immediately got a bad feeling from him. He had dirty blonde hair and almost black eyes. His skin was unusually pale and he had a scar that went from the corner of his eye down to his chin on the right side of his face.

"Well well if it isn't Vincent Colombo, and look what you brought to play with." The creepy man smirked coyly and fear spiked every part of my body.

"She's learning the ropes Rico. Don't test me." Vincent threatened and Rico almost looked scared but he quickly masked it.

"Oh I bet she is. I bet you're quite exquisite in bed as well." Rico smiled sinisterly. Everything about the guy scared me to death. His demeanor, his eyes, his voice. Everything.

"You're disgusting!" I spat and was about to launch myself at him before Matteo pulled me back.

"Easy Belle, don't show him your emotions. He will play on them. This guy is a sick bastard." Matteo whispered in my ear and tried to calm me down with little to no success.

I firmly stood there ready to pounce on the guy. Waiting for him to say one more snide comment and I would make my move. One of the guys fighting behind us was shot by the person they were fighting which made us stop and turn around. That's when the shit hit the fan even more so than before. Vincent and his guys and Antonio and his guys were all fighting Ricos guys. I couldn't tell who was hitting who because it was like a damn cage brawl in front of me.

Rico walked closer to me and stopped once he was right in front of me he didn't say anything at first he just stared at me. He stroked the side of my cheek and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. When his hand made contact with my skin I had to resist the urge to gag. His skin was cold and clammy.

"You really are beautiful." He mumbled and I thought I seen his eyes soften but I wasn't really sure. I didn't say anything because I honestly had nothing to say. The way his eyes trailed over every feature of my face made my skin crawl.

"Why are you with that douchebag when you could be with someone who could offer you so much more?" He asked as he ran his index finger over every part of my face. I slapped his hand away which only intrigued him even more.

"I'm not with anyone. Quit touching me." I spat with venom but he wasn't phased by it one bit.

"You are feisty. I like that in a girl." He kept making comment after comment and before I knew it my fist collided with his nose. He stumbled backwards a step or two. His face turned every color in between white and red. He was furious. In a matter of seconds he had me pinned up against the wall. He had a death grip on my neck where he was holding me at least a foot or so off of the ground. I tried clawing and pinching his hands to loosen the grip he had on my neck but he tightened his grip. Black dots started to cloud my vision

"You are nothing but a weak little girl. You are nothing special. I could kill you in the snap of a finger and no one would miss you. Don't prance around like you are some untouchable princess when you are really just a weak weak little girl." He spat with so much distaste like I was repulsive or that he couldn't stand the sight of me. I was weak from the lack of oxygen I couldn't speak or move. The only sounds coming from me were my failed attempts to get good breaths in.

The sound of gun shots went off. I was released and my body fell to the floor. I grabbed my neck and started coughing and inhaling the biggest breaths I could take in. My lungs felt like they were on fire. I looked up and saw Vincent with his gun pointed at Rico. Vincent had shot Rico in the shoulder leaving him withering around on the floor for a few seconds before he pulled out his own gun. Without wasting a moment he pulled the trigger and shot Vincent in the chest. Vincent went flying backwards onto the ground groaning in pain and cussing strings of Italian cuss words. Blood seeped of out his chest and formed a puddle beside him.

Rico crawled over to where Vincent was laying and he put the tip of his gun on Vincent's temple. He cocked the gun and put his finger on the trigger. His hand was shaking uncontrollably. Before I could even think about what I was doing I pulled the gun out of my holster belt. I cocked it and had it pointed to the side of Ricos head.

"You won't actually pull the trigger girl. Don't play in a mans fight. Let me finish what I started. Back up now child." Rico shushed me back a few steps and pointed his gun back at Vincent. He had his finger on the trigger again and my heart went into overdrive. Adrenaline was leading me through.

Rico was fixing to pull the trigger but I beat him to it. I pulled the trigger on my gun and a bullet sped out from the chamber. I watched in slow motion as the bullet pierced Ricos temple and went out on the other side of his skull. His lifeless body fell forward and Vincent quickly rolled over to avoid his dead body falling on top of him. The room went completely quiet. Ricos guys surrendered the fight because their leader had just been killed. No one made a move. Not even me. My gun fell out of my hands and crashed on the floor. My body began to shake and tears were falling rapidly. At first no one said or did anything. No one even moved a muscle. My sobs got louder to where my body was losing oxygen. Vincent crawled over to me and wrapped his big bloody warm arms around me squeezing gently.

"Shhhh it's okay. Just breathe." He whispered in my ear and rocked me back and forth. It helped calm me down a little bit.

"I-I-kill-ed s-ssssomeoneeeee!" And the water works continued their never ending battle.

"Don't worry about it. Shhhh he was a bad guy you saved my life Anna. I will forever be in debt to you." Vincent whispered as he stroked my hair. My eyelids began to droop and my body was giving in to the darkness.

"I've got you Anna. Just relax." Vincent spoke so gently as he stood up careful not to injure himself even more and careful not to move me. He bent down and started to lift me off of the ground.

"Vincent don't try to lift her! You will injure yourself even more!" Matteo ran over to where we were at and tried to move Vincent away with no success.

"Oh relax Matteo I can lift her it's the least I can do for her." Vincent gently lifted me up and slowly started to walk towards the car. Once we were in the car he laid me down on the back rows of seats and lifted my head and placed it in his lap. He stroked the side of my face until I fell asleep. That's when I realized just how much I cared about Vincent.

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