Weekend Getaway

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I hope you are enjoying my story! Thank you all so much for sticking with me and all the voting and comments! You are all awesome! Enjoy :)
The weekend flew by way to quickly and I was sad that Natalie had to go home but thankfully Vincent agreed to letting us have a weekend long slumber party at least once a month for as long as I'm here so I was thankful. When we dropped her off back at her house I was in tears. It's too hard to say goodbye to her so when Vincent agreed to letting us see each other more often I instantly cheered up.

I was sitting in my room reading a book I had gotten out of Vincent's library which had became my favorite room in the house I spent hours in there cuddled up on the couch just reading. Vincent and all the guys except for Donatello left to go on a week long run. They left as soon as we got home from dropping off Natalie. The first night I slept alone I didn't get any sleep. I had grown so used to sleeping with Vincent that I became zombie like when he was gone. Thankfully tomorrow is Friday so they are supposed to be coming home.

I picked up my phone and decided to text Vincent. I had only heard from him once and only for a brief second. He called me to see how things were going and then he had to hang up the phone.

'I miss you.' I typed and hit send. I wondered if he missed me or had trouble sleeping like I did.

'I miss you too Annabelle.' My phone chimed letting me know I had received a text. My heart sped up inside my chest.

'Come home already. I can't sleep. :(" I replied.

'Don't worry I'll be home late tonight. We are coming home early.' Was he reply. My mood instantly changed just knowing that he would be home later.

I spent the rest of the day reading and watching tv. I worked out for an hour and then I showered and went back to watching tv.

"Mind if I join?" Rachel asked me shyly. I knew she was lonely since Adriano had left. Vincent and I weren't even that close and yet I was slowly dying because of boredom. I could only imagine how she felt.

"Like you have to ask." I patted the seat next to me and she plopped down beside me.

"You missing Vincent?" She asked me after a few minutes.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked her curiously.

"You've been in a funk since he left so I would say yeah it's pretty obvious." She teased me and I giggled.

"Damn it, I thought I was hiding it pretty good."

"Nope I see right through it. Trust me I know how you feel." She tried to comfort me.

"You guys have been together way longer I probably look silly missing him when he's only been gone a week."

"Oh please me and Adriano couldn't go a day without each other when we first got together. When they went on their first run I got so depressed and wouldn't eat the whole time they were gone." She laughed and I was slightly shocked but yet still understanding.

"How long were they gone?" I asked her and she looked at me ashamed.

"Two days." I immediately started laughing but quickly stopped when she gave me a playful glare.

"Two days?" I teased her playfully.

"Yes two days! Don't laugh missy you've been sad all week!" She poked me in the arm teasingly.

"Hey at least I have been eating! Don't poke me woman!" I poked her back on her side and she squealed.

"Okay okay truce! I surrender." She giggled and I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Does it get any easier? With them leaving?" I asked her trying to get some reassurance that this would hopefully some day get easier being away from him.

"Sadly no. I don't mean to pop your bubble but it doesn't get any easier. If anything it gets harder, you'll miss him more the closer you guys get. I can say that the sex is amazing the longer they are away." Her cheeks turned a deep crimson red from embarrassment.

"I wouldn't know anything about that." It was my turn to blush and she stared at me in bewilderment like I had just grown another head right in front of her very eyes.

"You haven't had sex yet? You guys have been dating for like two months now!" She barked in shock.

"We technically aren't even a couple Rach." I told her seriously.

"Oh please yes you are! He isn't seeing anyone else. He isn't screwing anyone. You two have been talking for two months and he hasn't had sex? That's why he is so stressed out. It makes sense now." Rachel said as she put two and two together.

"What do you mean? I asked her curiously.

"He is a man with needs Annabelle. He can't hold back forever." Rachel said softly.

"I mean we have came close a few times we just either get interrupted or he pulls away. It's not like it's my fault shit if I had it my way we would have done it a long time ago." My mind started racing with different reasons why we haven't slept together.

"He is probably just trying to make it special for you. Since its your first time." Rachel tried to comfort me and I just nodded.

"Yeah you're probably right." I started watching tv hoping to change the subject. Thankfully she didn't say anything else about the matter.

Around midnight we both called it a night. We stayed in the living room watching movies all afternoon it was a good distraction from impatiently waiting for Vincent to come home. I walked down the hall to my room. I went to the restroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face then I crawled into bed.

Sometime in the middle of the night I heard my door open and close. I heard Vincent take off his clothes and go to the restroom and brush his teeth then he came and laid in bed. I curled up against him and laid my head on his chest. I felt my body starting to relax knowing that he was home and that he was safe.

"I missed you." I said my voice came out groggy with sleep.

"I missed you too Anna. This week has been hell but I finally got everything taken care of." He pulled me closer to him if that we even possible.

"I'm just glad you're okay."

"I'll always be okay Annabelle." He reassured me and somehow it was actually comforting. I had no doubt that he could take care of himself. I've seen him in action I know what he's capable of.

"Good I thought I was going to go insane with you gone for so long. This place is boring without you guys."

"I was surrounded by men for a week straight it's nice to see your beautiful face and kiss your soft lips." He spoke softly as he pecked light kisses on my lips.

"Well I was stuck inside this house with a bunch of sad lonely girls who all missed their boyfriends so I win." I teased and he offered me a soft smile.

"Let's go somewhere this weekend. Just the two of us." He suggested and I practically jumped up in excitement. The thought of being alone with him for the whole weekend was the cherry on top of my whole day.

"Really? But what about business? Who's going to look after things if we leave?" I wondered out loud.

"Don't worry I'll leave Matteo in charge. He's covered for me before. I want to spend time with just you. No Mafia. No phones. No men. Just me and you."

"That sounds delightful. We both could use a little vacation plus it will be nice to have some alone time." I told him honestly. We both have been so stressed out about everything it would be nice to get away and not worry about anything for a few days.

"We will leave Friday morning it's going to be a long car ride so we will have to leave early to make it there before dark." He told me and I nodded.

"But today is Friday we have to wait a whole week?" I whined like a bratty kid who's mom told them they can't have candy.

"Yes sadly we have to wait another week but it will go by quickly. Goodnight Annabelle get some sleep." Vincent told me as he pecked me on the temple before we both fell asleep happy to finally be in each other's arms.

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